Not an update >

He's a badass gangster and I'm a nerdy school girl.. Help?


Hey guys... Sorry I haven't updated close to a month.. I've been writing 2 other fanfics on top of this one and it's just a lot of work and stuff. 
Don't expect an update anytime soon.. Probably.. A couple weeks? You guys can wait right? I have some things written down and I think I can finish by then.
Anyway, that's all from me and sorry for not telling you guys I'm writing other fanfics in top of this one. 
Until next time~~~
Oh and happy holidays everyone!
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Chapter 11: you met GNA? :O omgeeeeeee you're so lucky!
Chapter 11: Damn mother ____ing Himchan and Jongup. Wtf. First Himchan is all sweet and then now he's a douche. And Jongup is mean .-.
nekodesu #3
Chapter 10: ... why r u leaving me LIKE THAT? T_T updateeeeeeeeeeeee
nekodesu #4
Chapter 10: ... why r u leaving me LIKE THAT? T_T updateeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 10: asdfrtyui What happens now? Oh no Poor her :(
r888hiphop #6
Chapter 8: Update noona this is good!!!!!
Maggie-typical-asian #7
Chapter 7: Please update!!! :D
update update!!!!!! <3333