Chapter 8

Do Not Leave Me Alone In The Dark


I spent the following week alongside Donghae, I do not get away from it for almost anything that was not a quick shower and to eat, and was exactly in those moments that I allowed myself to fall apart sometimes I sat on the bathroom floor under the shower in tears asking God because of what is happening with us.
I even understand me, I was a human being weak and often selfish, but on the other hand Hae was so different, always sweet and innocent, always trying to please everyone around you.
But it was only then that I allowed myself to get my frustrations out, I got up, I was recovering and returning to his side to always be there next to the person who became my life even before he had any idea that .
Hae recovering from his injuries quickly, we said it was for his strength of will and the doctors said it was the amount of nurses that he had.
We did the best we could to improve the situation of Hae.
- Hyuk! - Hae took me from my reverie as I changed one of the bandages from his forehead, I had already gotten used to take care of these things now and hurting his head was already much smaller and heal.
- Um - I said finishing my job and sitting in front of him in bed, in the beginning it was hard for him having to deal with the fact that he needed help to eat up, but he had just slowly giving way.
- What did you see in me? - I saw him? What kind of question was that?
- How well Hae?
- What she saw to like me? - He said, reaching out and reaching mine.
- Well how do I start? .. - Scratched their heads trying to formulate it into words.
- How about when did you realize you liked me? - He said softy.
- Good first was sleeping when that history has embraced me chills cause more than usual - I said in jest and he laughed softly - Ahh Hae whatever, you know I've always found you pretty, always enjoyed his company , you were the only one I could open my heart. You're all sweet and kind and wonderful off that you have to stop the traffic always attracted me.
He laughed loudly with the mocking tone that I used I pulled him into a hug.
- But why ta asking this now? - Leaned my head on his shoulder staring.
- I'm afraid Hyuk. - He was serious.
- Fear that Hae? - I removed my head from his shoulder and began to caress her face with the tips of my fingers.
- Fear that I am not the same person you came to enjoy. - He was crestfallen.
- How well Hae?! To me you're still the same person and you know how much I love him. - Said with a tinge of anger in his voice.
- Hyuk just the fact that we men have shown that our future is uncertain, and now to me that way, that future can I offer you Hyuk?! - His words was painful and you could feel how much he was mulling the whole thing inside.
- To me it does not change anything Hae, you're still the man I fell in love for the future and I can not imagine anyone else I want to spend the rest of my life. - I held her face in my hands - you are the man of my life and it will not be what you will get from me, I understand this?
He nodded in the affirmative and his eyes filled with tears, and hugged him and started her hair.
- Hyuk Thank you, thank you for being in my life, I do not know if I could get through it if it was not for you to be with me. I love you.
- I love you too Hae - joined our lips sealed in a slow and sweet, since we had not had time for in a while so enjoy a little, Donghae always was surrounded by doctors and nurses that when they were not members themselves.
Ask passage with my tongue and he relented, searched every corner of his mouth enjoying that flavor that was killing me with longing. Circled her body with my arms to the bringing closer and he clasped my neck with his.
The pulled my lap and started to rub and squeeze his back as he gently pulled the hairs on my neck, I began to and squeeze the sides of your body underneath the shirt.
How had I missed that skin contact with mine, the smell of leather Donghae was enough to make me numb. I heard a moan coming from him sore and I let him ASAP afraid that he had hurt.
- Hae ta okay? What? Did I hurt you? - I looked like a gun dropping the words fast and desperate.
- Calm Hyuk, you will not hurt me, is that my ribs are still sore that's all. - He smiled and pulled me back to you holding his fingers through my pants bystanders.
- I can not wait to get out of here and go home. - He said it with his forehead pressed against mine.
- So we are two. - Agreeing answered - I can not wait to have my boyfriend in my bed again. - He smiled - off that chair is killing me.
I went to sleep in the chair from room to not divert my eyes a minute of Donghae.
- Let us do so - he said it and my back with his fingers under my shirt - so I promise you come home with a nice massage oil aphrodisiac right and everything. - He had a smirk on his lips.
- Reminds me of this charge. - Joined our lips again.
- Cof Cof ... .. - I stopped kissing me quickly back to the sound coming from the door of the room was the physician of their Hae and thanked for being the same thing I had told about me and Hae.
- Excuse me - he said stepping into the room and I jumped off the bed beside me posting the bed. - How will Donghae?
- I am much better doctor. - Hae replied smiling toward the doctor. I began to realize that with time Hae could locate people inside the room only by the sound of their voices or the steps, he came to surprise me when I could know where I was just feeling my presence.
- Well, as you know I'm here to judge whether you may be discharged today or not. - Sprouted a huge smile on my lips just like what Donghae boasted.
- I do not believe I'll be able to get out of here. - Answered Hae excited.
- Take it easy ok, I said that I came to assess whether this is possible. - Saying that the doctor began to examine minutely Hae, from the head wound up cutting the surgery by this time was already without the points. He pulled the shirt Hae examining his ribs and back.
I confess that I felt a twinge of jealousy with all those touches, but soon the hope that eventually we would leave from there took me back.
- Although I think it would be good that you continue here to have results of some tests I do not see why not release it, after all I think I have never seen a patient recover so fast. - I could not contain myself for joy, I finally was going to take my goldfish could go home and take care of it my way.
- Serio same?! - Donghae was relieved.
- Yes sir Donghae but ask that you be very careful - saying that he signed his eyes at me as if to say it more for me than for Hae. - Avoid over-exertion, stay a few days at home and I hope you in the middle of the week for the results okay?
- Sure Doctor, I promise to take care and thank you so much. - Hae could not hide his joy.
The doctor withdrew the room and I gave a big smacking kiss on the cheek from my goldfish in celebration.
- I'll call Teukie and ask her to come get us. - Said grabbing my phone already.
- Wait Hyuk, - his smile broke - do not know if it's a good idea I get back to the dorm at all in my state will complicate everyone's lives. - He said apprehensively.
- Rather Hae, are all waiting impatiently outside we made some changes to help you at home, there is your home Hae with me and others. - He nodded in the affirmative and I continued my act.
I called Teukie that almost freaked out with joy at the news, Donghae was soon replaced with my help of course and ready to go.
Teukie arrived and was picking up things as I grabbed Donghae's arm to get up to leave.
- Wait Hyuk - he gave me his arm, then moved to position himself going to hold my arm, he did not act. - Let me hold myself in you, do not need you to carry me just guide me.
New subscribers are all welcome, hope you're enjoying it and not want to kill me for hurting the fish ..: P, subscribers to the old affection remains the same! Please comment! Kisses unnie!
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sunmoon #2
Romantic story,i like this story.Update soon,please!