Chapter 7

Do Not Leave Me Alone In The Dark


- Where are you Hyuk?! Why can not I see?! - My whole body stiffened, tears began to flow from the eyes of Hae. - WHY CAN NOT SEE Hyuk?! ANSWER ME ! - His crying became desperate.
The ground beneath my feet disappeared Teukie looked around and bent over placing her hands on his face and cried in despair, despair fell totally in that room until Kyu Sungmin were hugging and crying.
Hae stretched his arms desperately seeking my hands, hugged him and he buried his face in my chest.
Hyuk-H .. what happened to me? Tell me this is a joke, for God's sake Hyuk I do not wanna be like this. - He had his head sunk in my chest and cried desperately.
- Calm Hae, we'll call a doctor and he'll come see you, you will see, everything will be fine. - I his back trying to calm him, but god only knows how I felt inside was as if a black hole in my stomach and pulling my strength I found myself increasingly struggling to remain standing there.
I could not faint, Hae needed me, his body was weak and he barely had the strength to hold his arms around me.
Soon the doctor came along with Heenchul, I did not even realize when he went to pick it up, the doctor approached the state staring at Donghae who was desperate.
I pulled back a little so he approached Hae, he did not leave home that I walked away, but remained clutching my arm.
- Mr Lee, I want you to tell me exactly what this feeling. - Said the doctor aware Donghae watching closely.
- I can not see, can you help me, can you? - Hae pleaded.
- Calm Mr Lee, we first do some tests to know why this ok? But I want you to tell me if there is anything else bothering you? - Hae paused slightly as if trying to calm his head then watch the rest.
- My head hurts a lot and it's like I had no strength to lift her arms, but what exactly happened to me? - Hae wondered put his eyes were not focused anywhere, it was as if they were not alive. That glow that both fascinated me was no longer present there, only the glow of the tears had not ceased yet.
- Hae you fell - I tried to be as careful as possible with my words - we were on stage and you tried to get a gift from a fan, if overbalanced and fell.
He seemed to try to remember, but eventually put his hands over his face returning to their despair.
- Mr Lee'll take you to some tests okay? - Hae nodded. - But your friend will have to drop a bit.
He was reluctant to let me go, I hugged him again and whispered in his ear.
"I'm not leaving here at all, go and I'll be waiting here, it'll be fine and do not forget that I love you" again his back and he gave me allowing the doctor to take him.
As soon as the doctor came out with the climate of the room he turned to despair, this time the members came towards me to hug me.
I felt when various arms encircled me and my sobs vaziam echoes that were troublesome in that room, it was like the world stopped.
Several times I begged God it was me instead of Donghae, I would welcome being in place to spare him that.
- Calm Hyuk, - said Heenchul my hair, we do not know if this is permanent or not. And you have to be strong Donghae needs you more than ever.
- Need all of us. - Teukie said running her hands on her face trying to keep from crying. - We need to be by his side. - Confirmed with the head, really now was not the time to worry about me, my focus at the time was Hae and know exactly what was happening.
We left the room the doctor and demand news of Donghae, everyone headed to the waiting room and in order to go unnoticed separated myself from the group getting back and then entering the hall of examination rooms. I saw through the glass windows of one of a doctor examining Donghae, he passed the light from a small flashlight in Donghae's face to see if his eyes reacted to light however nothing happened.
Hae stood with his eyes open, but lost without reacting or fix something, my eyes filled with tears as my only imagine Hae was felt. Soon he was taken more inside runners and I could not keep up.
I returned to the waiting room with the other members and waited for more news, what was being tortured.
A nurse enters the room and asks for someone closer to accompany Donghae, got up on a jump and everyone looked at me giving consents dumb, I followed the nurse to the room of Donghae.
He sat on the bed as the doctor finished changing some bandages on it, when I saw the doctor withdrew his waist band dawn and could see a large purple bruise and a cut in several places, probably where the surgery was done.
Hae sometimes closed his eyes tightening due to the pain, I came running to his side.
- Who's there? - His voice whisper skirt.
- Am I Hae, I'm right beside you. - He stretched his hand groping the air my search, I held his hand to put between my two.
- You are? - The doctor looked at me raising an eyebrow.
- I'm Hyukjae, Donghae am boyfriend - said the doctor looked at us a little scared but continued with the revelation.
- Well I'll be honest and straightforward with them, Mr. Lee .. - was interrupted.
- Donghae, Donghae call me.
- Donghae, you had a head injury that caused an injury to the part of your brain that controls your vision. - Hae shudder felt in my hands and circled her shoulders with the comforting arm, then his eyes marejavam.
- B.. But the cure is not to? - Hae stuttered a bit because of the crying.
- Donghae Unfortunately this is not something we can say, as we can not say that it is permanent. The brain is a very sensitive area and any injury can cause different types of sequelae.
We did more tests and we await the outcome, for now you'll be under observation.
Saying that the doctor comes out and motions for me to follow, Hae released slowly and whisper an "I'll be back" in his ear.
- I ask that you be very wary of any reaction from her "boyfriend" - he made a little effort to say the word. - Any different reaction want to call me.
- Doctor do you have an estimate of how long Hae had been here?
- Do not know yet, if there alright until the end of the week he will be high. But he will need all the support and help they need, people react in different ways for something.
- I understand, I will not get away from him. I promise. - The doctor walked away and I walked into the room.
Donghae sat huddled on the bed hugging her knees, her face was red due to the silent cry and sore. I hugged her body and leaning her head on my chest and let him cry there watering my shirt to cool off.
- Hyuk what I do? - He said, still with his head sunk in my chest. - How do I work this way? And what will become of me? - He turned to despair.
- Hae does not know yet if this is permanent, and do not worry about those things, forget it. Let's focus on now okay.
- Hyuk I do not want to be a worthless person, I will not be a problem for anyone. - He wiped the tears with the back of his hand. - I will not be a problem for you.
I held her face in my hands and gave him a kiss, just a peck on the lengthy attempt to pass some security to it.
- Hae you ever be useless, and never, ever imagine that you want can be a problem for me. Rather, you're the best thing that ever happened to me and I'll always be here by your side ta. - He circled my body with arms and rested her head on my chest.
- I love Hyuk. - He already had his eyes closed.
- I love you too Hae, more than you can imagine. - Kissed the top of his head and felt his breathing calm going against my chest wet with her tears and he fell asleep.
Please do not kill the author! I beg you!
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sunmoon #2
Romantic story,i like this story.Update soon,please!