

No One's POV:


Everyone screamed after Dara for her to come back. But all they saw was her running figure. That's when everyone saw it.  The truck speeding down the road. Honking at Dara to get out of the way. 

They all stared in horror as they saw Dara standing still. Frozen in her spot. 



They screamed as they saw Dara getting hit by the truck. Everyone stood and didn't know how to react except for one person. 




Youngbae's POV:


When I saw Dara running away from everyone I tried running after her, but she just ran too fast.

I tried calling out her name to come back, but she kept on going not even looking at where she was running to. That's when I saw it. 

The truck hitting Dara. My heart broke. I looked at everyone else. They all just stood there.

WHAT THE ! Why are you guys just standing there!

I ran after Dara's lifeless body.


My screamed must have taken everyone back to reality because they suddenly gathered around me. I hear the cries of everyone calling out for Dara. But they weren't as loud as me.

"Dara. Open your eyes. Please. Dara come on." I tried shaking her to get some reaction, but her body just became limp.


I shouted so loud that I saw some of the members shiver. My scream also caught the attention of the other people around us. It got me so mad that they were taking pictures of calling. "STOP TAKING PICTURES AND CALL FOR HELP! DAMN IT!!" 

Seungri finally takes out his phone and dials 119. I can hear him talking fast and finally hangs up the phone. "Hyung they said they will be here in a short while." After he told me that he made another phone call. I knew who he was calling and it was YG telling him what happened. 

I couldn't really concentrate on what everyon was doing around me as I just stared at Dara's lifeless body. Luckily it wasn't too lifeless for I can hear faint breatheing.

"Dara I love you. I love you so please don't go. I'll never cry again. It wasn't your fault. It.." I started crying and the words couldn't come out anymore. I tried so hard to keep talking to her to keep her awake, but my mind wouldn't cooperate. 

I took off my shirt and tired to stop the bleeding when I saw all the blood that she has lost. I was covered in Dara's blood, but I didn't care. I wanted to do anything to save her. 

Ugh why can't I stop the damn bleeding!

I got so frustrated with myself that everyone around me noticed. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder trying to take me away from Dara. I look up to see it was Jiyoung who had his hand on my shoulder.

I glared at him holding my emotions in, but failed. "DON'T ING TOUCH ME! No one TOUCH ME!" 

Jiyoung quickly took his hand away. Everyone looked at me scared, but went back to worrying about Dara.

Finally after what felt like years the medics came over. They had to forcfully pull me off of Dara to get to her body. When she was away from me I couldn't help, but scream. 

I never wanted to let her go, but Seunghyun and Daesung had to hold me back.

"DARA! DARA! DAAARRRRAAAA!!!" I yelled after her when I saw her being put into the ambulance. My knees gave out and I fell down crying in front of everyone. No one, but Chaerin has ever seen me cry so hard. 

My whole life has crashed right before my eyes. 

"I should have stopped her from running away. I...I...should.." Chaerin bends down and hugs me. I can tell she was also crying. Everyone was crying.

"Bae this is not your fault. Don't even blame yourself.." I can tell that she really meant it in her voice. I could also hear the regret in her voice.

I just hugged her back to weak to stand back up. Chaering lets go of me and starts talking to me.

"Bae we have to go to the hospital. YG is already there. We are waiting for you."

I looked around at everyone looking at me with sad puffy red eyes. 

"You're right. I have to..know how she is." The words barely came out, but I conjured enough strength to stand up by myself. 

We all got into our own vans. 2ne1 went into their van except for Chaerin who went with Big Bang to keep me company. 

While we were in the van I noticed Jiyoung looking at Chaerin. I know that look. It's the same look he gives Dara, but the way he is looking at Chaerin is different. It has more love in it. My mind and body heated up at the sight of him.

How is this er thinking about another girl when his GIRLFRIEND is in the hospital. Out of all the times for him to realise his feelings for Chae is now. 

Now I'm pissed. I can tell Chaerin noticed my sudden change of mood and grabbed my hand. She my head and told me that everything will be alright. But I heard the uncertanity in her voice which did not help at all.

My mind kept spinning at everything that was happening. It only stopped when we reached the hospital. I was the first one out and rushed to where Dara was. I saw YG hyung nim and rushed to him.

"Where is she? Is she okay?" YG just looked at me not saying anything which made my mind go more mad. "Why aren't you answering? Is she okay?!? ANSWER ME!" I grabbed YG shaking him to tell me something.

Everyone gasped as they saw me kneeling in front of YG holding on to him while crying. "Why won't you tell me anything..." My voice cracked and it felt like someone was squeezing my heart. I couldn't breathe as I looked back at YG trying to get answers.

"Bae...you should clean up first.." He finally spoke, but that wasn't what I wanted to hear. 

"I'm fine like this. I won't go anywhere until you tell me what is going on." YG just looked away and told Daesung and Seunghyun to take me away to clean me up.

"NOO! Why...why...can't I know..." I screamed at YG as I got dragged away. 

When we were in the bathroom I finally saw how I looked. I was a total mess. I had no shirt on and had blood all over my body. Not only that but my face and pants were also covered in blood. You could barely see my eyes because I was crying to much and my hair was sweaty. 

I was numb and couldn't move so Daesung and Seunghyun had to clean me up like I was some big baby. After they cleaned me up they gave me clean clothes to change into. I thanked them for cleaning me up and giving me clothes.

"Hyung everything will be fine." Daesung pats me on the shoulder and smiles at me. I tried to smile back, but only started to cry more. 

"Youngbae come on." Seunghyun grabs me into a hug and escorted me back to where everyone was. 

"Oppa.." I saw Minzy coming towards me and gave me a hug. 

One by one everyone was giving me a hug. I got scared and nervous as to why everyone was giving me a hug. The last person who to gave me a hug was Bom. She was the closest out of everyone to Dara. They were Park Sisters for a reason.

She gave me the longest hug and cried into my shoulder. "Dara..is....dara..." She fell to her knees before completeing her sentence.

I stared at her in horror thinking about all the worst things she could finish with. I walked away from her leaving her to cry by herself.

I bumped into the doctor and he looked at me and finally said what everyone couldn't.

"I'm sorry to say, but...she just lost to much blood. She didn't make it..."

"What?" My mind couldn't process what the doctor had said. "Please..say it one more time....I didn't hear you.." I stared at the doctor blankly.

The doctor cleared his throat again as if something was preventing him to say it again.

"Dara is..."


"dead." I collapsed to the floor. My body shattered into pieces. I stared at nothing trying to comprehend what the doctor said.

"It... it.. you're lying...YOU'RE LYING!" I didn't accept what the doctor had said and started to attack him. The guys held me back while the girls just cried. 

"Youngbae calm down. The doctor tried everything he could!" YG shouted at me. The words brought me back to the cruel reality. 

Dara is dead.

"No..no..she can't die...she can't DIE!" I fell into depression while everyone around me just cried. 

"I wasn't even able to tell her how I really felt to her face." I whispered to myself as I mourned to myself.  I covered my face in my hands trying to block out everything. 

"Bae I'm so sorry. This..this was my fault." I looked at Chaerin who crouched next to me and put her arms around me.

I didn't know why, but I pushed her away from me. I didn't mean to, but I was still hurt. She looked at me and started to cry more. I knew better than anyone that Dara wouldn't have blamed anyone for her death, but I wasn't Dara. 

But I also didn't blame Chaerin for Dara's death. "Chae it isn't your fault. It's..it's...it's my fault for not stopping her." 

My fault that she ran away. My fault that she got ran over by a truck. My fault that she...died. It was all MY FAULT! 

I punched the floor countless times until Chaerin had to stop me because my hands had started to bleed. 

"Bae stop it. This was not your fault...it was.."

"Stop it both of you!" Chaerin and I looked up to see Bom over us. 

"Dara would NEVER blame anyone for her death. So don't you say it's your fault." Bom had hit both Chaerin and I on the back of our heads. She was crying and could barely stand, but she was strong.

Bom wasn't just strong for herself, but for everyone around her. She kept it together even thought everyone else had broken down. I looked around and saw that Minzy was sobbing into Daesung's arms. Seungri and YG were talking to each other while they held the tears in, but you can tell from their faces that they were in much pain as everyone else. Seunghyun went to Bom's side and just hugged her consoling her the best he can do. 

I looked over at Jiyoung and saw the devastation in his eyes. The happy moment he had planned got ruined for the worst. But I was pissed the moment I saw him look at Chaerin. He went over to her and held her close.

This ing bastard!

I couldn't hold my anger anymore and grabbed Jiyoung by his shirt and punched him as hard as I could.

"Youngbae what are you doing?!" Chaerin yelled at me. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but didn't dare to stop me.

"YOU ER! After everything that is happening you dare to make a MOVE ON CHAERIN!" Chaerin sharply drew her breath after hearing what I just said.

But everyone else knew what I was talking about. Everyone saw how Jiyoung was acting towards Chaerin. Everyone knew that the moment Jiyoung found out about Chaerin's feelings was the moment he realised that he had love her the whole time.

"YOU NEVER LOVED DARA! You only used her to get over your feelings for CHAERIN!" Daesung finally holds me back and tells me to calm down.

"Bae what are you talking about? This isn't the place to.."

"SHUT UP CHAERIN!" I regreted it right after it came out of my mouth. I cursed myself under my breath for yelling at her like that.


"Tell her Jiyoung. Tell her how you USED Dara noona to get Chaerin jealous. How you always loved Chaerin, but was scared to go on with your feelings. So you played with Dara. Only for this to happen." Everyone stood there quietly as I put Jiyong on blast. 

"YOU BASTARD! You knew I loved her, but you still went on with it because you knew her feelings for you. You knew she would go to you if you asked her. She was so innocent. She didn't deserve to be treated like that...." 

I was finally out of Daesung's grip when I rushed toward Jiyoung at full speed. Everyone thought I was going to beat up Jiyoung, but I just grabbed him.

"Why did you make her believe all that crap? She really... loved you... but why... WHY JIYOUNG!" I went down on my knees and covered my face once more. 

I could hear Jiyoung crying realising what he has done. He knew what he did was wrong. It was wrong to Chaerin and most importantly Dara.

He kneeled with me and finally said. "Bae I'm sorry..."

"You shouldn't be saying that to me. It's Dara who you should have told that to, but now it's to late." I got up and walked away. 

I walked away from everyone trying to forget everything that has happened. But before I walked away I turned my head towards Jiyoung one more time.

"Dara knew...she knew, but denied it. She saw through you. But she still went to you knowing that she'll get hurt.."

After saying that I heard everyone gasped at the information I just told them. 

I was outside of the hospital as I looked up at the sky.

Dara I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you.

I will always hold you in my heart. I'll never stop loving you.


No One's POV:


"You sure you want to do this?" The man looks at the girl filled with sadness.

After hearing the question the girl just shakes her head yes.

The girl coudln't speak anymore. Due to the accident and shock it caused to her to lose her voice. She decided to leave and start a new life where no one knew her and would only come back to this place once in awhile.

"You sure you want to die?"

Once again the girl shook her head.

"I still think this is a bad idea, but I understand." 

The girl just weakly smiles at him and nods her head one last time.









 AIGOO~ I'm sorry everyone. The story is almost done. I tried to make it as sad as possible. And I will thank all the subscribers in my next chapter FOR SURE! Don't forget to subscribe and comment on this story please. Don't be afraid to give me feedback.


Don't also forget to check out my other story. Just As Friends. =D <33 LOVE YOU GUYS!

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You guys finally don't have to wait anymore. Made the sequel. Forever Hello


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 5: It's so beautiful authornim ❤️❤️❤️
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 5: wah beautiful story... heartfelt.. thanks authornim
darayang4ever #3
Best story ever!!! Can't stop reading it ;3

I love it!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ValerieInTheNight #4
Chapter 5: awwww :D its sooo good
YBWalkerz #5
Chapter 5: This needs a sequel!!! Too awesome to be left by its own like this
I love this<3
darayang4ever #7
Yay a sequel!!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!! (no homo) ;)
wgmjoson #9
Wow! That was intense. I teared when YB saw Dara again at the park, especially when YB had to see Dara leave him again. Congrats to you! You did such an amazing job in writing YB's and Dara's character. There's so much love from YB from beginning until the end. Dara, although late to realize, also has deep love for YB that it pushed her to gain her voice back. Very apt ending, Darayang were meant to be =)
yes please make a sequel please