Together At Last


Everyone I am so so so so sorry! For updating this so late. I should have updated WAAAYY sooner. But things just came up and I didn't have to chance to do so. 

This will be the final chapter and I hope you enjoy it. The moment you have waited for is finally here. And I won't say who Dara ends up with. You'll just have to read it kekeke ;D

Again I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY sorry for the late update. Love you! <33


Dara's POV:

I finally told Youngbae how I felt about him. Even though it wasn't through my own voice I finally was able to tell him how I really feel. 

I saw him just stare at me as he heard Seungri say what was in my heart for so long. A smile was shown on his face after Seungri finished. He grabbed me into a hug and took my breath out at the same time. I couldn't help, but tear up as I was in his arms.

It felt so right. I hugged him back feeling the warmth from him. My mind finally felt at ease as the tears came down my face.

I pulled him away and started to sign something to Seungri again.

I so happy. I never felt like this for such a long time, but I knew what I had to do.

I turned towards Seungri scared of how he was going to react.


Seungri's POV:

As I watched Dara and Youngbae holding each other I couldn't help, but feel lonely. I was going to leave the two by themselves, but Dara suddenly grabs me.

She started to sign something to me, but I couldn't understand because she went to fast.

"Dara slow down. I can't understand if you go to fast."

I could tell she was really excited and happy to have finally been in Youngbae's arms.

Tell forget that he saw me tonight.

But I was wrong.

"What? Why?"


I turned away from her confused and personally mad. She finally reunited with Youngbae only to ask for him to forget that this night ever happened.

Hell no am I going to tell Youngbae that. 

"Seungri what did Dara say?" 

I look up at him and saw his face. It pained me. He had such a bright face and I finally saw life back into his eyes.

"She said that it was great seeing you again."

I just lied to Youngbae and Dara hits me. She looks at me sad and told me to tell him the truth. I just signed back to her that she doesn't have to do this.

Dara you don't have to disappear anymore.

Seungri...I have to...Youngbae should just hold this as a MEMORY. 

"WHY?!?" I yelled at her which made Youngbae worried to as what Dara was really telling me.

"Seungri what's wrong? Dara?" He looks at both of us confused. And I saw the light slowly fading away.

"'s nothing noona was saying some stupid things."

I felt another hit from Dara as she became red. I could tell she was going to tell me something again. I don't know what happened to me, but I snapped.

"Why don't you tell him yourself!"

I regretted saying it as I got hit from Dara and Youngbae. I saw that Dara suddenly had tears streaming down her face. 

Great...I just made her cry. I'm really stupid.

"I'm sorry noona. I didn't mean that. I know you can't talk."

I gave her tissues and gave her a weak smile. I know better than anyone how much Dara wants to speak again. Even till now I wonder what would have happened if she never lost her voice. 

Would she still have disappeared? Would 2ne1 be the same? I had so many questions, but I knew I shouldn't dwell on it to much. 

I just have to accept the fact that her voice is forever gone.

She was in the hospital for five months doing mental, physical, and emotional rehabilitation. And once she passed all the test she was finally discharged.

I still remember the first week she got discharged that was the hardest time for her, me, and YG.





I picked up my phone all groggy since I didn't have that much sleep. I look at the time and noticed that it was eight in the morning. I was about to curse to whoever called me when I suddenly heard the other line.

"Seungri it's me YG."

"Oh Hyung! What's up?" 

I quickly got up from my bed and straighten up. Even though he couldn't see me I still felt like being proper. 

"Seungri loosen up. This isn't about business."

I stared at my phone wide eye thinking on how he knew. I just shrugged it off as I listened on to what he had to say.

"Seungri? Seungri are you there?"

"My bad hyung. I just spaced out. What did you say?"

"I said that Dara's doctor has just called me to say that she is getting discharged today."

I smiled at the news and quickly got my things ready as I listened to YG explaining everything else.

"The doctor said that it's better to take her out as soon as possible and get her used to everything as quick as she can."

"Okay I got it. I'll pick her up now."

"Ani..none of us can pick her up."

I stopped what I was doing as I heard him say that neither of us could go pick her up.


"If either of us go to the hospital to many people will recognize us and realise that Dara is actually still alive."


"There is no buts Seungri."

"Hyung there has to be a way. I've waited for so long to finally take out noona out of that depressing hospital."

I heard him sigh on the other line and finally gave up trying to convince me.

"Fine...but are you prepared on what you have to do to or wear to take her out?"

"I'll do anything or wear anything!"

"Arasso. Come over to the office and we'll put you into disguise."

I nodded my head and told YG that I will be there in a few minutes. 

As soon as I reached his office I saw many things laying around. I saw bras, dresses, wigs, makeup kits, fake s, and various heels.

"Uhm hyung? What's all this for?"

"This is your disguise."


"You said you'll do anything. Right?"

I saw him smirk and laughed to himself. I smacked my own head, but I knew I couldn't back out now.

"Alright turn me into a girl."

After a few hours I was finally turned into a girl. I looked in the mirror and was quiet proud of how I looked. I was pretty hot for a girl.

"You don't look to bad as a girl Seungri." 

YG says to me as he pats my shoulder and laughs lightly.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm beautiful."

I snapped my fingers and laughed with him.

"No one will be able to recognise you. Shoots I wouldn't have known it was you."

"Haha thanks hyung. I'm gonna go now. I don't want noona to wait any longer."

It took me quiet awhile to get used to the heels, but it wasn't that hard.

When I finally reached the hospital I could feel the stares of everyone. I felt uncomfortable, but I just walked faster to Dara's room.

I peaked inside her room only to notice it empty. I got worried and knocked on the bathroom door seeing if she was there. But still no answer. I waited for her in the room thinking that she might have just went out for one last checkup or something.

Finally I saw the door open only to be disappointed. It was just the doctor. He looks at me and I could tell he didn't recoginse me. I had to know where Dara was so I put on my best girl voice and asked the doctor.

"Excuse me, but where was the patient in this room. I was sent by YG to pick her up."

"Ah YG sent you. Okay.But you are to late. Dara woke up and left."

I gasped and rushed out the door. I was worried and something in me felt like I had to find her or something terrible will happen.

I was running in heels for a good few minutes when I finally took them off and remembered that I had shoes in my backpack. I put them on and started to run frantically around looking for Dara.

It was hard since I couldn't say her name out loud. I just kept running and running. I followed my gut and ended up back at YG building. I went inside as a girl, but I saw my reflection from one of the windows and I looked horrible. But it was no time to care about my looks.

I had to find Dara.

Something in me told me to go towards the practice rooms. I turned the corner only to find Dara kneeling in front of 2ne1's practice room. I saw her crying as she peered inside seeing the girls practicing I Love You choreography without her. The pain in her eyes and her soft muffled cries hurt me. I picked her up and went into an empty room. 

She looks up at me and got shocked.

"Don't worry noona. It's me Seungri. This was a disguise."

She just stared at me and cried into my shoulder. I carried her out of the building and went to the apartment we got her. 

As I layed her down on the couch I notice the cuts on her arms. I hit myself as I noticed that it was fresh cuts. I looked at her and got shocked as I saw her looking back at me. She had no life in her stare. All those treatments took the life away from her.

I told YG what happened and told him that I will have to clear all of my scheduals. I wasn't going to leave her by herself until I saw life back into her eyes again.

During the week I was with her Dara tried killing herself countless times. She would trying cutting herself, but I was always there to stop her. I couldn't close my eyes for one second because I was afraid that she would hang herself or jump down from the balcony.

After a week with the help of YG, Dara was slowly getting back to her senses. When the week ended she finally looks at me and smiles. 

She finally broke down and cried. Letting everything pour out.

While I was asleep she wrote me a note and left me.

Seungri thank you for taking care of me for this whole week. Tell YG thank you also. Sorry for creating so many problems for both of you. I have to learn to live by myself. Don't worry I won't try to kill or cut myself. I learned that I should be grateful that I'm still alive. When I'm ready I'll contact you guys.....Goodbye Seungri.

I got up from my bed and ran outside only to be greeted with a cold burst of wind with darkness. 


Present Time:


When I remembered how hard that week was I cursed myself for letting Dara go. But at the same time I was happy that she kept with her words and came back to us.

I looked at her again and saw that she was telling me something.'s okay. I know you didn't mean it....

I saw her smile at me again and felt at ease. But I signed to her telling her that I won't tell Youngbae what she wants me to tell him. 

You'll have to tell him yourself. I don't know how you'll do it...but I can't tell Bae that.

I walked away from her and Youngbae.

They need this time together. He has to hear it from her herself. 


Youngbae's POV:

I silently watched Seungri and Dara talking to each other. I hated not knowing what they were talking about. They were doing sign language, but I could tell that Dara was getting frustrated and Seungri just left. 

Dara finally looks at me and sighs. 

"Dara is everything fine?" 

I could feel myself tense up. I felt like she was going to tell me something bad.

She takes out a notebook and a pen. I saw her writing down something and then crossing it out. She looked confused and hurt.

I got worried and started slowly backing away from her.

She stops writing and looks back up at me. She hands me the notebook, but I don't take it. 

I turn around and covered my face with my hands. 

I knew without even looking at the notebook. 

Dara is saying goodbye to me again.

She grabs me and forced me to look at the notebook. My vision was blurry and I could barely read what she wrote, but I got what she wrote in the end.

Bae...I love you..that is true..but you have to keep this as a memory...I...I..can't stay with you...everything is are better off thinking that this was all a dream...


Goodbye my love..

I threw the notebook on the ground and looked at her.


She puts her hand on my face as we stared at each other. We both started to cry and I saw the words.

Goodbye love.

She kisses me on the lips and starts to walk away. I couldn't believe what just happened. I just stood there frozen until I realised that I couldn't just let her go. I couldn't let her walk away from me twice. 

I ran after her and grabbed her from behind. I held her close and made her turn to me.

"I'm not going to say goodbye. When you say goodbye that means I'll never see you again." 

I started to choke on my words, but I knew I had to tell her.

"I'm going to let you go, but I'm not saying goodbye. I'll wait however long it takes for you to come back. No matter how long you take I'll be there waiting. I'll be at the roof waiting for your return. I'll....I'll..." 

I couldn't finish what I was going to say so instead I just grabbed her face and kissed her one last time before I let her go.

I held her face close and told her one last time before she left me once more.

"I love you. I'll always love you."

She just nods her head and I let her go. I watched her back as she walked away from me.

"I'LL BE WAITING!" I screamed at her for one last time. 

Once again Dara has left me. But I kept my head up.

"I know you'll be back. I know." I said to myself.


One Year Later


No One's POV:

Youngbae walks toward the elevator doing his usual routine. Everyday since the day Dara left him that night at Han River he has waited at the roof for her return. No one knew where he would always go, but just left him to himself.

He finally reached the 7th floor and walked towards the secret door. As he finally reached the roof he noticed someone else was there.

He smiled and teared up as the person turned around.


She was there standing facing him and smiling back at him. He still thought that her smile was the most beautiful thing in the world.

He started to walk towards her when he heard something.


Dara had gotten her voice back. Youngbae was in shock, but was happy for her. He smiled as wide as he could at the sound of her voice. The voice he wanted to hear for so long.

"It's great to see you again." He said to her as he finally reached her only a few inches apart from each other.

They exhanged gazes and kissed each other. It was the kiss they have waited and longed for.

"I love you."

"I love you too."



So it finally ended. D'''= This was the final chapter. Hoped you guys liked it.


Should I make a sequal or no? Mhmmmm up to you guys. Do you want a sequal or just leave it like this.

Thanks so much for reading it to the end! I love you guys! <33333 

Please support my other fanfiction Just As Friends

Really thank you all for the support you gave me. ^_^

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You guys finally don't have to wait anymore. Made the sequel. Forever Hello


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 5: It's so beautiful authornim ❤️❤️❤️
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 5: wah beautiful story... heartfelt.. thanks authornim
darayang4ever #3
Best story ever!!! Can't stop reading it ;3

I love it!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ValerieInTheNight #4
Chapter 5: awwww :D its sooo good
YBWalkerz #5
Chapter 5: This needs a sequel!!! Too awesome to be left by its own like this
I love this<3
darayang4ever #7
Yay a sequel!!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!! (no homo) ;)
wgmjoson #9
Wow! That was intense. I teared when YB saw Dara again at the park, especially when YB had to see Dara leave him again. Congrats to you! You did such an amazing job in writing YB's and Dara's character. There's so much love from YB from beginning until the end. Dara, although late to realize, also has deep love for YB that it pushed her to gain her voice back. Very apt ending, Darayang were meant to be =)
yes please make a sequel please