Moving On


No One's POV:


Youngbae walks out in the cold night. Walking towards nothing. He had let his feet guide him to wherever. Until he stopped walking. He looked around him and knew where he was. It was the place he first realised his feelings for Dara. When he knew that he found the girl of his dreams. The girl he will love. Youngbae starts to tear up as he looks up and imagines Dara's smiling face stareing back at him.




Youngbae's POV:


Ugh finally practice is done. 

I look at the time to notice that we have had practice from five in the morning to four in the afternoon. Practicing non stop and even arguing with some of the members about certain dance steps. 

After practice ended I bolted out of the door passing everyone. I didn't want to deal with them right now especially Seungri. He kept on talking and was so annoying. While walking away I accidently ran into someone and made them fall.

I held my hand out ti help her, but she just ignored it and got up her self.

"Ah I'm sorry." I tried to say as she pulled her self up.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine." She pats her arms trying to show the 'muscles' she had. I laughed as I saw no visible sign of ANY muscles on her. She must have been offended because she smacked my arm as hard as she could.

That only made me laugh more and I looked at who was the girl that can make me laugh like this.

Oh..she's kind of...pretty...Who is she is?

"Soo...uhm.." I scratched the back of my head as I suddenly blushed at my thought.

"Annyeong haseyo Sandara imnida." She bows her head at me and I quickly followed her lead.

"Annyeong haseyo Youngbae imnida." I bow back at her.

"Haha I'm not really good with all this formal stuff. You can just call me Dara." I see her smile at me and was struck. I stared at her in awe as all of the stress I just had immediately disappeared.

"Oh..well I go by Taeyang..if you wanna call me that instead."

She srunched her nose and thought about it and finally said "Nah I like Youngbae more."

I laugh at her and asked her. "Are you doing anything right now? Want to go for a walk? From the looks of it you seem to be a trainee."

I see her blush and thought it was really cute. 

"Uhm..yeah sure..."

"Good I know a great place that only I know of. A perfect place to relax." I smile at her as I grab her hand and draw her towards the elevator. 

She looks at me confused. "I thought you said we were going for a walk?"

"We are... after the elevator we have to 'walk' to the place I'm talking about." I gave her a small smirk as I pushed the highest level the elevator can go to.

"Wait...I thought we weren't allowed to be on floor 7?" She gets scared and suddenly panics in the elevator. 

I had to grab her and calm her down. "Yah! Stop panicking. We aren't going to stop in the seventh floor."

Finally the elevator stopped at the 7th floor. I held my hand out to her telling her to trust me.

"How can I trust you? We just met." 

I laughed at her for she was right. If I were her I wouldn't really trust myself either. I stayed outside the elvator thinking when I saw the doors closing while she was still inside. 

Without a second thought I pulled her out of the elevator to only get an earful from her. 


I didn't care that she was screaming in my ear. I dragged her to a hidden door and opened it. She looks at me with wide eyes. I can tell she was about to pee her pants. 

"Yah yah yah! Where do you think you are taking me!"

"Dara can you please be quiet for just one minute. We're almost there."

She glares at me and puffed her cheeks. She was so cute. And luckily she listened to me because the whole time she was quiet. 

Behind the door was a staircase that lead upwards. Only I found out about this door and other than YG I was the only one who knew of the existence that laid before out eyes. 

We got to the top of the stairs and I opened up the door for her. 

Beyond the door was the building's rooftop. You could see all of Seoul. What made the rooftop the best was that I had planted flowers a few years ago and suddenly the rooftop wasn't bare anymore, but a whole garden. There was even a bench in the middle to just sit down and look at the view.

I had let Dara do her thing and explore the rooftop. I sat on the bench as I relaxed and forgot everything that was stressing and annoying me.

"It's beautiful." I heard her say as she plopped on the bench breathless that such a place even existed in YG.

"Thanks. I've worked on the garden for a few years now."

She looks at me and laughs. "I didn't mean the garden I meant the view."

I got embaressed at my own mistake. Yeah I was to full of it. Sigh -__-

"But...the garden is breath-taking. Never seen so many different flowers in one place. One look at the garden and I feel so much at ease." She looks at me and smiles trying to lessen the embaressment.

"Hahaha thanks. That's why I made it. I wanted a place to escape to."

" it okay if I use this place as I well?"

I turned my face towards her and saw her smile. 

Damn she is to cute. That smile beautiful.

My heart skipped a beat as I stared at her smiling face. 

What the heck is wrong with me? Can it be that...that I've already fallen for this girl?

I just smiled back at her and told her that of course it'll be fine if she uses this place to.

"It'll be our little secret." I winked at her.

She suddenly pulls me in for a hug and there it goes again. 

Buh bump buh bump

My heart is beating crazy. 


I've fallen for this girl.



Present Time:



Youngbae's POV:


"Saranghae Dara."

From then till now I've always loved you. I won't be able to love someone else since you took my heart with you. 

I layed down on the bench as I tears streamed down my cheek until I fell asleep.


No One's POV:


Back at the hospital everyone was still surprised about what Youngbae had said before he left. 

"Dara knew...she knew, but denied it. She saw through you. But she still went to you knowing that she'll get hurt.."

It replayed in everyone's minds. Thinking of all the hurt Dara must have went through knowing that the man she loved was in love with someone else. No one wanted to say anything, but they all looked at Jiyoung. 

Jiyoung was still on the floor kneeling as he felt grief striken at what he as done to Dara. Thinking that this would have never happened if he was just true to his feelings. Dara would never have died, but it was to late for him to take it back. He fell into depression as realised that he was done the worst thing a person could have ever done.

 I killed her... Jiyoung whispered to himself.

After hearing all of Youngbae's words Chaerin was still in the state of shock. She suddenly felt guilty. She thought that Dara had betrayed her this whole time, but it was the other way around. Dara was being used and constantly getting hurt by the man she loves. 

Chaerin loves Jiyoung and now found out that he feels the same way. She starts to cry as she remembered how she treated Dara the moment before she died. 

I should..I shouldn't have said that I hated her... Chaerin smacks her own head. She said nothing, but mean things to Dara. Dara tried to apologize, but Chaerin was to caught up in her own feelings that she didn't even realise that the person who should have been apologizing was herself.

Everyone else just looked at Chaerin and JIyoung crying their hearts out. 

Now they just realised the hurt they've caused Dara...why couldn't they have noticed earlier.. Bom thought to herself. Even though she said that Dara wouldn't blame anyone for her death doesn't mean that she wouldn't. She blamed it on Jiyoung. 

"Jiyoung you bastard if only you realised sooner. YOU BASTARD TOOK MY SISTER!" Seunghyun got surprised by what Bom had said.

"Even though Dara may not hold anyone responsible for her death doesn't mean I'm the same. Jiyoung...I never want to see your face again." Bom had left holding back in tears. I have to be strong. I have to be strong for Dara.

Seunghyun followed Bom to make sure she was going to be okay. Following after them was Minzy and Daesung. 

Daesung was holding Minzy up because Minzy's legs were too weak to walk.

YG picks Jiyoung and Chaerin up. "You guys should go home. Get some rest." 

Jiyoung nodded his head as he walked away. But before Jiyoung or Chaerin could fully leave YG told them something.

"Before Dara passed away..she told me to tell you guys..."

They both looked at YG fearing for what was about to be said.

"It's not either of your faults. love each other." When YG finshed what he had to say he turned away to talk to Seungri leaving the two.

Jiyoung looks at Chaerin and finally holds into a hug. "Hunchae I..I love you."

"I love you too." Chaerin finally says it to his face and feels guilty. She may have finally gotten the love of her life, but what about Youngbae. And more importantly Dara.

"Ji...we can't go out not at this time."

Jiyoung understood and told her that he will wait how ever long it took for her to be okay. He put his arm over her shoulder as they headed towards the dorms.


Seungri's POV:


Everyone had already left and it was only me and YG. I was going to leave when Daesung and Minzy left, but YG told me to stay behind. He said that he had something very important to tell me.

I waited for him to come back when I finally saw him down the hall walking out of someone's room.

Huh? Who else was in the hospital? Who's room was that?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I suddenly saw YG right in front of me.

"Seungri I have something to show you. Come with me."

I followed YG down the same hallway he came from. We then were suddenly in front of someone's hospital room. I noticed that it was the same room he just came out of. I wondered what he has to show me.

Then it hit me. 

Oh no..please don't let it be Dara's dead body.

I didn't move from my spot when I saw YG open the door.

"Hyung...I can't...I can't see her body.."

YG looks at me sadly and sighs. "We aren't going to look at Dara's dead body. Just come on."

I slowly took a step forward inch by inch until I was fully in the room. Once I was in the room I choked on the tears that were fighting to escape. 

There she was in front of my eyes. Smiling, waving hello, and more importantly alive. I rushed over to her embracing her in a hug. 

"NOONA!" Dara was in front of me. Not dead, but from the looks of her body was seriously injured. She was in a full body cast exept for her right arm and head. Her head only had bandages on it. 

I was so happy to see her that I didn't even notice that she was writing down something on a piece of paper.

Dongsaeng don't tell anyone else about me being alive. I'm going to disappear and will come back once in ahwile to see how everything is. 

"Noona...why are you.." Before I got to ask her YG had cut me off.

"Seungri...Dara...lost her voice.."

I gasped as I looked at her. But then thought that at least she is still alive.

"I'm sorry, but at least your alive.." I smiled at her as I took her hand. I stared at her smiling face.

She looks so weak. It looks painful, but she still smiles. 

Then my mind went to Youngbae. Dara must have notice the change in my face when she quickly wrote down something on her notepad.

Seungri..I'm serious. DON'T TELL ANYONE! Not even Youngbae. Arasso?

Guess I really can't tell. This will be the biggest secret Dara has ever told me. She is my favorite noona and will follow her demands.



No One's POV:


It has been almost three years since Dara's death. 2ne1 finally made a comeback after a year and a half after Dara's death. For Big Bang they never stopped performing. Even though they wanted a break like what 2ne1 got YG couldn't give it to them. But he did lessen their schedules especially Youngbae's.

Bom and Seunghyun got married a few months ago. And of course Bom's maid of honor was Dara. Even if Dara was 'dead' Bom made her the maid of honor. She had a picture of Dara and her next to her while she got married. No one dared to say anything bad about it, but encouraged her to go one with it. The wedding was only for the YG family and of course their own family. Instead of throwing her bouquet she placed it in front of Dara's picture. Everyone started to cry again. They never once forgot Dara after all these years.

Minzy and Daesung finally started going out and would eat ramen at Dara's favorite ramen shop. 

Jiyoung and Chaerin started going out after a year of Dara's death to fulfill her wish. When everyone heard that they were going out they were mad at first, but got over it. Once they heard that it what was Dara's wish they accepted it. However Bom still held a little resentment towards Jiyoung. 

YG and Seungri would meet with Dara once every three months to fill her on what has been going on. If they were lucky Dara would visit more than once. It would always make YG and Seungri's day when they got to see Dara. But they felt bad that they were the only ones to see her. Seungri really felt horrible seeing Youngbae in a zombie state. He almost told him countless times, but backed out in the last second remembering his promise to his noona.

Everyone was slowly moving on with their lives. But they still kept Dara in their hearts. As time passed they knew that Dara would be devastated if she saw them like that. They used the push to live up to her expectations and became bigger in the music industry.


Youngbae's POV:


We just finished guest starring in the Go Show a second time. After the recording I dashed to the van. I didn't feel like smiling and greeting my fans. I hated this month. It's the month that Dara died.

Sigh when are all the other members going to come.

I looked out the window trying to forget the questions they asked.

"So next week will be Dara's thrid year death aniversary." I winced at the sudden mention of Dara's death. I hated whenever they asked about her death. Why couldn't they just leave it alone. 


I snapped back to reality when I saw a girl with long brown wavy hair across the street. She was looking at the commotion in front of the SBS building. I followed her gaze and she was looking at Big Bang. Us? I don't think she knew that I was in the van.

I looked more at the girl and froze. She looked...

Before I could finish my thought I got out of the van and started walking my way towards her. She must have noticed me when she ran away. I ran after her afraid to lose her.

She looks like...

When I was about to cross a car went in my way and blocked me. I couldn't cross the street anymore because it became to busy with cars zooming down the road.

The other members saw me run and followed after me. They all looked at me as if I had gone crazy. I didn't bear to look at them as I kept my eyes at the spot the girl was at before.

I felt Daesung shaking me. He was probably worried about me when he suddenly screamed in my face.


I turned my head towards everyone and was finally able to say what I couldn't finish in my thoughts





Thank you to these lovely awesome beautiful subscribers: <333














Should the next one be my final? Or should I make a chapter 4 and then a final? You guys choose ^-^ Thank you so much for commenting and leaving what you think about the story. Don't stop subscribing and commenting =D

Also check out my other story Just As Friends if you want to read more about Darayang/Sundara ;D and that one isn't a short story. Kekekee

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You guys finally don't have to wait anymore. Made the sequel. Forever Hello


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 5: It's so beautiful authornim ❤️❤️❤️
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 5: wah beautiful story... heartfelt.. thanks authornim
darayang4ever #3
Best story ever!!! Can't stop reading it ;3

I love it!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ValerieInTheNight #4
Chapter 5: awwww :D its sooo good
YBWalkerz #5
Chapter 5: This needs a sequel!!! Too awesome to be left by its own like this
I love this<3
darayang4ever #7
Yay a sequel!!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!! (no homo) ;)
wgmjoson #9
Wow! That was intense. I teared when YB saw Dara again at the park, especially when YB had to see Dara leave him again. Congrats to you! You did such an amazing job in writing YB's and Dara's character. There's so much love from YB from beginning until the end. Dara, although late to realize, also has deep love for YB that it pushed her to gain her voice back. Very apt ending, Darayang were meant to be =)
yes please make a sequel please