

Seungri's POV:


After I heard Youngbae say that I got stiff. I didn't know if he really saw her or he just imagined her. But I got worried and quickly took out my phone while Daesung and Seunghyun delt with Youngbae. 

I checked to see if I got a message from Dara or YG saying that I'll be seeing her today. That's when I saw it. The message from Dara.

Seungri I'm going to be watching you guys from afar. I want to see everyone's faces. I miss them so much. It's getting harder and harder.

I chocked up reading her message and almost cried. But then Jiyoung came to me and asked if I was alright.

"Seungri you okay? You look like your about to cry."

"Yeah hyung I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I tell him as I locked my phone shut so no one can figure out my secret.

I will text her back and meet with her while everyone is asleep. 

When Youngbae finally came back to his sences we went back to our van. I sat in the back trying not to look suspicious. I took out my phone and texted noona back.

Noona let's meet up somewhere after all the guys...

But before I could finish my text Youngbae looked at me and had a serious expression.

"Seungri who are you texting?"

"No one.." My voice became shakey.

"Dongsaeng I saw you texting someone, but quickly put it away after you saw me look at you. You're hiding something."

After he said that all the other guys turned to face me to hear what was happening.

"Maybe he's dating someone secretly." Daesung jokes around.

But Youngbae still had a serious expression which makes everyone uncomfortable.

" Dara still alive?"

I stared at him dumbfounded. How did he find out? Did he really see her back there? What am I suppose to say now? 

"Bae..she's dead." Jiyoung said out of nowhere. We all diverted our eyes toward him as he kept on speaking.

"I know how much you want her to be still alive and I'm sorry for taking her life, but she's dead Bae. Let her rest in peace."

With that said Youngbae fell into depression. He covered his face and cried once more. We all knew that this month was always the hardest for him. He always had to prepare himself for Dara's death anniversary. 

"Damn it. I swear I saw her. I wasn't imagining it!" He yelled to himself. We all look at one another trying to figure out what to say.

Until finally I grabbed Youngbae's shoulder.

"Hyung you think you may have seen her, but she's dead. This is a hard month for everyone."

I say to him as he cried harder. We finally reached our dorm and had to help Youngbae inside. Once we put Youngbae in his room we all went to our own rooms.

I immediately took out my phone and texted Dara.

Hello noona?

Seungri is everyone asleep?

They are all in their rooms right now. We should meet up now.


We'll go to the Han River at our usual meet up spot.

Arasso. I'll meet you there in ten minutes.

Be safe noona and don't get caught.

I put my phone down and got my stuff ready. I made sure I had my keys and phone. I took a few bills just in case.

I checked to see if anyone is in the living room and luckily everyone was still in their rooms. I quietly made my way to the door and successfully left the dorm. 

Once I reached the spot I sat down waiting for Dara to come. I shivered at the sudden breeze and cupped my hands to keep myself warm.

I finally felt someone's hand on my shoulder and I looked up. I smiled at the beautiful figure in front of me. 

"Noona!" I hugged her as tight as I could. I hate having to keep this secret from anyone, but I'm still glad that I get to see her. I kept hugging her until she had forcefully pushed me away.

"Oh my bad Noona." I slightly blushed as she just smiled at me.

Ever since she lost her voice YG, me, and her learned how to do sign language. 

How are you Seungri?

"Alright, but this month is the hardest to keep the secret. Everyone hates this month."

Sorry that you have to go through with this.

"Don't worry about it noona...I'm happy to at least know you are still alive."

It's getting harder. I'm missing everyone more and more.

"We miss you too noona. Why won't you just tell the truth?"

I can't I'll just ruin everyone's lives again like how I did before. 

"THAT ISN'T TRUE! Noona we all need you..especially 2ne1."

Ani 2ne1 is doing better without me I was just a deadweight. I saw all those comments everyone poster.

I suddenly fell quiet as I knew what she was talking about. Fans can be really scary and vicious with their comments.

They all said I was only there for looks. I had no singing skills or any real talent to invest in 2ne1. After I was gone from the group the group became more popluar and everyone rejoiced me being out of the group. They said "Finally the free loader left the group." 

"ANI! That's not true. You do have talent. You sang well! You were not a deadweight or a freeloader. You were the face of 2ne1. Their own human vitamin. Don't EVER say you are useless."

Mianhae Seungri. I just can't help but feel that way.

"I know..but you wouldn't have been picked by YG if he didn't see any talent in you, but he did and that's why he picked you."

Thank you dongsaeng. I'll keep that in mind. Anyways how's Big Bang doing?

"Everyone is doing fine. Youngbae kind of broke down today though."

Youngbae...saw me...and ran after me.

"I know he told us. He was pretty shaken up by it."

I miss him the most..

I looked at Dara who started to cry. That's when I realised that she must be having a hard time also. How many times must she have felt to come back, but decided not to. I held her close and told her that everything will be fine.

"Noona you should really just tell everyone again. We didn't even have a proper funeral for you because YG and I thought you would be back. Everyone was so mad at us for not giving you a proper goodbye, but how can we when we know you are still alive."

She lets me go and wiped her tears away.

Seungri it's just not the right time. I'm still not ready to face everyone. Especially Youngbae.

"Noona please... I know you say you aren't ready, but maybe you are just scared."

I am scared. Scared to hurt Youngbae and Chaerin again. I was the reason why they cried and got hurt. I can't bare to look them in the face anymore. I've hurt both my bestfriends way to much.

"But they already forgave you. You got Chaerin and Jiyoung together they are happy with each other now. Why can't you?"

I saw her face drop when I said that. I could tell that Dara still felt stuff for Jiyoung, but it just got me heated.

"Noona forget about Jiyoung what he did to you was horrible. I still don't get why you forgave him and just let him go like that. If I were you I would hate him."

I said heated remembering the hurt she must have went through because of Jiyoung that bastard. How she must have felt seeing all those pictures of them online being all happy. I tightened my hand into a fist and cursed Jiyoung under my breathe.

Seungri don't hate him. I forgave him because I realised something thanks to him.

I looked at her confused and was about to ask what she meant when she kept on going.

Thanks to him I realised that I only fell in love with him and went out with him because he was the first person to say he liked me. I chose him because I was confused.

"Noona...what are you trying to say?"

There is a saying 'My life flashed before my eyes.' and when I saw that truck coming my way I didn't see my life flash before my eyes, but only saw one thing.

"What did you see?"

I saw the one thing I loved the most and still probably love.

I stiffened when I heard her say that. I got heated up thinking that the last thing she saw was Jiyoung's face while Jiyoung only kept thinking about Chaerin.

"Don't tell me.."

She stopped me before I could say anymore. 

Let me finish. 

"Okay fine. Go ahead." I said reluctantly.

I knew that I loved the person to late, but I was happy to at least realise where my heart truly belonged to. The person I love isn't Jiyoung and he never was. The person who took my heart a long time ago, but failed to see was Youngbae.

I stared at her as she said Youngbae's name. 

"Dara are you serious. You love Youngbae?"

She nodded her head and shyly smiled. I beamed at her from hearing great news.

"That's great! Youngbae loves you too! So what's the problem?"

I've hurt him to much. I don't deserve to be with him. I'm a horrible person.

"You are not a horrible person. You just realised a little late about your true feelings, but Youngbae will finally not be a zombie if he knows you are still alive."

"Whose still alive?" 

I looked up and got scared. There right behind Dara was Youngbae. I looked at Dara and saw her frightened face. I froze as I didn't know what to do. 

I was pretty sure he was in his room falling asleep when I left. How did I know I was still here.

Did he hear everything that we just said.


A few moments back


Youngbae's POV:

I was in my room crying as no one believed that I saw Dara. I mean I can't blame them. I can't really believe myself.

I went out of my room to get a cup of water when I heard the door close. I checked the rooms to see who left and noticed that it was Seungri.

After putting on clothes and getting my wallet and keys I followed him. I saw him at the Han River waiting for someone. He had waited for at least 10 minutes. I was about to leave him thinking maybe he just wanted some fresh air when I saw a figure of a girl walk to him.

I saw him hug her tightly and can faintly hear him say some things. I looked at the girl and tried to figure out who the girl could be. 

Is Seungri really dating someone? Why didn't he tell us?

I moved in closer making sure I didn't get seen. As I moved closer and closer I can hear Seungri's voice. But I only hear him talking. The other girl wasn't saying anything at all. All I saw her do was moving her hands. 

Who the hell is that?

When I was finally close enough I heard my name being mentioned. And that's when I heard something that caught my attention.

Seungri just said. " are still alive."

I couldn't keep quiet anymore and I walked towards the two people and made my presence known.

"Whose still alive?"

I saw him look at me with a terrified look. He looks back down at the girl and looks at me. I could tell he froze up. I didn't know why he was so tense. So I walked closer towards him.

He grabbed the girl closer to him and whispered something in her ear that I could barely make out. 

All I heard was "" I'm guessing he was trying to tell her that she won't be caught, but I acted quicker.

"Seungri..why don't you introduce. Is this your secret girlfriend?" I said amused at his panic state.

He glared at me and through girtted say. "Hyung. I'm sorry, but I have to go now. I'll meet you at the dorm."

I not about to let him just leave like that. "Oh no you don't." 

I stood before him preventing him from leaving with the girl. Who tried really hard to keep herself hidden. I really couldn't see her because she hid behind Seungri and plus it was kind of dark.

I had thought of a plan and finally let Seungri pass me. He looked at me confused, but took the opportunity to leave.

What he didn't know was this was all my plan. As soon as he turned his back on me I pulled the girl to face me.

I got happy that my plan worked and looked at the girl only to be shocked.


Right in front of me was a person who looked exactly liked Dara. Same hair, nose, mouth, cheeks, eyes, built, and even smell.

"Its really you. Dara it's really you. Right?" 

I pulled her into a hug and tears started to fall from my eyes. I didn't care if this was all a dream. I didn't care that the girl I'm holding actually might not be Dara. I just didn't care because I've wanted for a long time to hold her again.

Seungri pulls me away from her and I got mad. I looked at him angry that he ruined my moment. 

"Seungri what the are you doing?"


"She's Dara right." I say trying to get answers. He just looks at me sad and couldn't say anything. That's when I knew. I knew that it was really Dara. 

Dara is alive...

The thought came into my head and I pulled her in for a hug again.

"Dara I'm so happy. You're still alive. I'm....I'm...." I started to choke on my words as tears escaped from my eyes.

I finally said what I wanted to say for a long time.

"I love you." The words finally came out. I looked at her to see her reaction, but she just looked sad.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Her face twisted in pain as I asked her that question.

Seungri pats my shoulder and finally told me why she wasn't talking.

"Youngbae...Dara is mute."

Mute? She can't speak anymore...Dara....

I turned to face her filled with sorrow as I realised that I can never hear Dara's beautiful voice again.

I saw her doing something with her hands again and realised she was doing sign language. She had faced Seungri and signed something towards him. It seemed like Seungri understood her and faced me.

"She wanted me to tell you something."

I looked at Dara waiting for Seungri to say what she wanted to say. Imagining her voice instead of his.

"I love you too."


Here you go everyone. I made a chapter 4. The next one will be the final. Thank you all for the support. And I'm so sorry that I took so long to update this. I had to think of a way to lead to the final chapter. 

Please leave in the comments on who you would like Dara to end up with. Even though she said her feelings to Youngbae doesn't mean she'll end up with him. Should it be a Daragon ending? Darayang? Or she ends up with no one? 

Don't forget to subscribe and comment on your suggestions. 

Also check out my other story Just As Friends. It's a Darayang fanfiction. 

Thank you to everyone who have read this and subscribed it. You are wonderful. LOVE YOU! <333

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You guys finally don't have to wait anymore. Made the sequel. Forever Hello


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 5: It's so beautiful authornim ❤️❤️❤️
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 5: wah beautiful story... heartfelt.. thanks authornim
darayang4ever #3
Best story ever!!! Can't stop reading it ;3

I love it!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ValerieInTheNight #4
Chapter 5: awwww :D its sooo good
YBWalkerz #5
Chapter 5: This needs a sequel!!! Too awesome to be left by its own like this
I love this<3
darayang4ever #7
Yay a sequel!!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!! (no homo) ;)
wgmjoson #9
Wow! That was intense. I teared when YB saw Dara again at the park, especially when YB had to see Dara leave him again. Congrats to you! You did such an amazing job in writing YB's and Dara's character. There's so much love from YB from beginning until the end. Dara, although late to realize, also has deep love for YB that it pushed her to gain her voice back. Very apt ending, Darayang were meant to be =)
yes please make a sequel please