The Dark Blood 4

The Dark Blood

“Jung Yunho!”

“don’t you ever touch a single strand of her hair or I will ing kill you!” yunho yank the direct descendent of dark clan high up a feet on air

“how dare you came into dark clan castle, and attack me the direct descendent of dark clan! Who do you think you are?” siwon puncture yunho’s heart with his bloodshot red nails from his indicis that cut through skin.

Yunho’s scream of agonizing pain roar throughout the entire dark forest, making all other shadows hides in their own territory for fear of what’s happening.   

“you. Can. Never. Hurt. Her. Not anymore!” yunho shout breath by breath when he twist siwon’s hand that eventually cracks his forearm bone, thus earning him a painful scream from siwon.

Both of them were panting hard at each end sides of the castle. Both injured. The environment around them is unhelpfully eeries.

Siwon’s laugh brought yunho roaming eyes that is looking for something that he really yearned for in that castle back to his opponent again.

“looking for her? I am glad to tell her that you would never see her again. She is now my sovereign!” siwon laugh, wiping the blood trickling from his head.

“NO! that couldn’t be happening!” yunho felt his chest tighten. The pain when siwon actually puncture his heart can’t even compared to this pain he is feeling right now

“why? She is indeed my sovereign.” Siwon get up and headed towards the stairs when a beautiful lady gracefully coming to his side, eyes all coal black, no feelings, no emotions, nothing. Just pure black

Siwon then kiss her deeply with eyes looking at yunho, mocking him.

Without him knowing, yunho cries.

The pain he’s feeling now is unbearable for he never feel something hurting him more than this.

“NO! she love me! HAN MAE RI YOU LOVE ME!!! How can u do this to me?” Yunho get up on his leg, trying to reach the arm of the girls that he loved so much before siwon actually yank her away.

She look to him with her cold heart.

“you’re too easy Jung Yunho, do you really think I really love you?” said her

“I am interested at first because you seems all powerful, cold hearted, vicious, so much to be adore, but you are nothing much that a bet worth playing..” she added

Every single word that she said penetrates his heart like an arrow that puncture his heart. The agonizing pain that he felt, prick each and every one of his senses that he have when he started to change.

His eyes blazing in red, his claw crave for this woman’s cold-hearted but somehow, for some reason, sanity still kicks in him.

Or maybe that is his heart?

He cant bring himself to hurt this one woman standing in front of him.

For he loves her so much.

He loves her.

He loves her.

He loves her.

Jung yunho throw his fist full of bloodshot red beam to siwon making him thrown out of the glass wall of the dark castle to the outside where siwon’s body lie on the ground unconsciously due to the impact.

Yunho feels the need to kill.

He feels the need to destroy everything that’s in front of his eyes to vent out his anger.

He throws up the whole castle upside down but never touching for even an inch of the woman that hurts him so much.

That woman stands in the center of his storm rage where everything were thrown upside down but never budge not even a bit.

He wanted to kill this woman but he can’t.

He is more angry with himself that he somehow just cant bring himself to do so.

Indeed, he despises his own self.

“you’re dead to me.” His voice croaked but he said every and each words with a deep tone, and he meant what he said.

“my heart that loves you, is dead to me too.” with that he swirl into his shadow form and disappeared with a loud agonizing painful scream along his way out to wherever his shadow form is going.

He don’t have a destinations. He just want a way out of this misery.


Yunho’s eyes flicked open , with rough panting breath.

He suffocates within his past again.

Everytime this nightmare visit him, the pain engulf his heart again and again despite of how long has it been now.

He felt his chest constrict again so he get up, went to his room balcony which is open, allowing the cold breeze to attend to him breeze upon his sweaty self causing by the nightmare which kills him again and again everytime they visit him.

He stands outside, looking at the dark forest when his view penetrates it throughout over to the other side of the dark forest. The dark castle.

“I would never forget” He clenched his heart and said. Eyes blazing with red, erasing all his agony.


Little did he know that someone else had the same dream too, and that someone is crying.

hey hey hello readers! ^^

I'm sorry that i'm on hiatus for such a LONG time.

anyway.. i'm back and i'll bring you more updates soon! :)

see yah in ur comment and subscripctions!


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2027 streak #1
Chapter 31: Wow! Glad to see an update after so long. Although, my memory of the story is a bit fuzzy now and so, I can't exactly remember how JJ messed things up. Anyway, can't wait to read more and find out what happens. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2027 streak #2
Chapter 30: Somehow I'm not feeling sorry for Yongguk here. and I wonder how Yunho is gonna react to all this when he returns. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2027 streak #3
Chapter 29: I knew it! I mean I was right about Sanghee's identity. Anyway, I would like to see the Demons and Werewolves going against each other. Hahaha just kidding. But wonder what would happen next. Will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #4
Chapter 28: Well, I'm glad Song Jae Rim and his group of nomads got what they deserved. But at the same time, I'm not sure why she's thinking she's betraying Yunho. I mean it's not like she's doing anything with Yongguk. she's just relying on someone she considers as a friend. In fact, it makes sense if she's feeling bad for Yongguk himself since she's kinda taking advantage of his feelings. Anyway, will be back later to read more.
2027 streak #5
Chapter 27: Tbh, I was pretty confused in the beginning of this chapter. You said Yongguk had carried her to his room and had already tucked her in. And then he comes out, he again carries her and tucked her in. But also, you frequently called her Kaylene in this chapter. Guess you forgot to edit it before uploading. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #6
Chapter 26: Hmmm... I assume it was just a trick from Vian's side. But still wonder what's up with Yunho. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^

PS Korean women retain their maiden name (their surname from birth) even after marriage. Just thought would let you know.
2027 streak #7
Chapter 25: Wow! Junsu went into hibernation? I didn't even realise that until it was mentioned here. And I think I'm becoming more and more sure of who Sanghee is. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #8
Chapter 24: I'm a little confused about a few things in this chapter but I'm sure they will all become clear in the further chapters. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^

PS I just thought I would point out a few corrections that can be done in the chapter. Hope you don't mind. One is, it was said Kangta is Yunho's uncle but Yunho calls him hyung (which means brother).
The other thing is, you called Mae Ri as "immortal" in this chapter. But immortal means never dying/living forever. She is a mortal now, meaning she's a normal human like you and I. Anyway, that's all and hope you didn't mind me saying these things.
2027 streak #9
Chapter 23: So Yongguk is from another clan/tribe? I mean, he's not a part of the Vian? Wonder what CL is up to now. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #10
Chapter 22: So BAP are part of the Vian? Wait! Don't tell me. I don't like spoilers. So I'll find out in the further chapters by myself :) and also, I think I'm getting more confident of my guess on who Sang Hee really is. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^