The Dark Blood 30

The Dark Blood

Yesung drag both woobin and changmin out of the coffee house by their collar before he let them go when they are a bit farther.

“hyungggg..” woobin whine

“we are not a little puppy hyung” Changmin hissed a dislike tone. He’s still furious that yesung actually drag them out like that in front of the devil.

“then stop behaving like one!” yesung said in a condescending tone.

Both of the younger one lower their head down.

“now will both of you stop sulking like a little puppy that you are?” yesung are pissed off.

“do you think they will tell you everything just because you ask?”

“but we couldn’t think of any other way. We have literally secure the area over everywhere and we couldn’t find her.”

“why does the devil need to remind you to use your nose and follow the smell?” yesung is about to lose it

He is infuriated that the devil pack actually dares to talk down the younger one.

“of course we have use our sense but we couldn’t track her still hyung” changmin frustratingly stated.

“true hyung. Why else would we actually barge inside and talk to them if we are not desperate enough” woobin defended

yesung sigh before he take a deep breath, taking a whiff of the air.

Something is strange.

He is sure he could smell faint sign of smell around the devil pack but it is too faint as if something are mus-king it.

Yesung eyes widen at the realization.

The devil are known to be inconspicuous.

One of them must have musk her scent with the devil essence!

“Do you know where do they live?”

“few blocks away from noona’s place” changmin answer

“Do you think she’s there hyung?” woobin ask

Yesung spun on his heel heading towards the said direction with the two hot on his trail.

They make a stop in front of the said place when yesung wave his hand over the invisible barrier that the two couldn’t see.

“Oh God what kind of foul smell is that?” both of the younger one cough.

“Devil’s essence.” yesung whisper, making the latter shock.

Both of them have only heard of the tale before but of course they never experience it first hand.

The Devil’s essence are said to be use when a devil found a liking human mate. The devil mark the person with their essence, marking her as his property, which explains why the two younger one couldn’t track her.

The essence are also said to be manipulating the human’s mind and control so that they just follow through with whatever the devil say.

“Did they use one on her?!” Changmin’s blood drain cold.

“Yongguk has cross his line. A bloodbath is bound to happen.” yesung is speechless.

“Let’s go get her out now” Changmin is about to step in but hold by yesung.

He shook his head.

“It is not our place to interfere now. We won’t be able to take her out.”

“what should we do then?” woobin is beyond astounded to the news of what he has just learned.

“Both of you gotta go meet the white clan”


Meanwhile at white clan residence.

“I’m coming home now. I shall be there in a day time. Oh God I miss mae ri so much.” Yunho reflection on the floating water speaks to Jaejoong.

Jaejoong on the other hand is somewhat silence.

“are you sure you got everything you went there for?” Yoochun ask.

“I don’t know men. Sincerely we do not know what kind of they are going to pull on us so for now, I just want to be back at home with her. It’s killing me to be far apart from her. You know how hard it is to be far apart from our sovereign. You can very well ask Jaejoong about it.I’m sure he knows better.”

Jaejoong clench his fist at that. If only Yunho know.

“how is she pulling through?” he finally ask. Yoochun and Jina exchanging glance, unsure of how should they answer him.

But Jaejoong are quick with his words.

“of course she miss you a lot. She’s a bit sick actually.”

“what? What happened to her? Is she okay?” Yunho frantically asking.

“you know what it does to us vampire when we are being separated too long from our sovereign. Her body is also weaker now so its kinda taking a toll on her.” Jaejoong explain

“Alright guys, you guys keep her safe while I rush there. See ya.” is all he said before the floating water on the wall gushes and spill everywhere.

“God Damn it why would you tell him!” Yoochun hissed.

“What are we going to do now?” Jina ask worriedly

“Where is mae ri in the first place?” Yoochun ask.

Jaejoong are so quiet it scares everyone.

“They are here” Jaejoong suddenly speaks.


All of them turn to the door when somebody from their clan both woobin and changmin in the hall.

Yoochun walks to them.

“what are you guys doing here?”

“we brought a bad news.”

Jaejoong huff a breath. He already know why are they there.

“Spill” Yoochun said.

“Mae ri noona is currently with the devil pack. She’s there at their place.”

“WHAT?” Yoochun and Jina couldn’t bring themselves to register the fact

“Why would she be there?” Jina worriedly ask.

“we didn’t know either, but from what we heard, she’s definitely not in her best condition. They said she’s sick.”

“Well that much, we know. But why would she go there and stays with them?” Yoochun find this so unbelievable. He knows han mae ri. She’s better than this.

“The Vian’s Song Jae rim attack her two days ago.” Jaejoong finally speak making everyone in the hall turn to him abruptly with wide eyes and unbelieving gaze.

“Wh-what?” yoochun stutters

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Jina desperately ask.

“Wait.. you know she was attack but you didn’t do anything about it?” Changmin is beyond his boiling point. He’s already hiss his wild breath audibly loud with vein started popping in his skin that woobin has to hold him back.

“None of us in this room can deny that the best protection that she could have from the Vian now is the one that the devil could offer.” Jaejoong slowly said

“and they have prove it right. Bang Yongguk killed Song Jae rim because he touched her.” Jaejoong explains further but with a disappointed tone.

“you know that he keep her since then?” Yoochun couldn’t take this.

Jina find her knee weak, she knows what kind of disaster is brewing at the moment.

Changmin laugh his most famous sarcastic laugh with a glare on Jaejoong.

“So you entrust her in the hand of her husband rival?!” Changmin launch and grip Jaejoong collar, making everything chaotic. Woobin immediately rush to pull Changmin while Yoochun already by Jaejoong side to tackle him when Jaejoong stop Yoochun.

Sincerely he couldn’t believe he did that either, but at that point, there’s no other best solution at hand. He is already staggering in between keeping his eyes on their little sitter, keeping her safe all this while, monitoring Junsu, trying to deal with Vian and so many much more that he resort to have the devil help with han mae ri.

“The most important thing is that, she is safe isn’t she?” Jaejoong ask Changmin.

“HUH” Changmin let go of his collar.

Yoochun are kind of pissed off too when his stare literally burn Jaejoong at the way how he just says thing just like that.
”Is that why you let them use a devil essence on her?” Changmin hissed

Jina gasp at the said news when her tears roll down and fall on her knee. Her heart wrench in pain at her said sister. She couldn’t even imagine what’s she going through.

While jaejoong clench his fist tighter, his demeanour totally changed. He is furious. Yoochun is barely keeping his cool but he suppresses everything in. He’s not going to entertain an outsider with an inside fight.

“He dare to use that trick on her?” Jaejoong asks

“It’s all your fault Kim jaejoong! Now even we couldn’t interfere to take her out!” Changmin shout before he kick the vase at the side crashing it when it make contacts with the wall.

“Let’s go changmin. We’re done here. We have done our part.” woobin said, pulling his furious friend out before things got worse.

Changmin glare at Jaejoong one last time before making himself out.

“you know and you let it happen?” Yoochun finally ask.

“I didn’t know he’s going to stoop that low and use his essence on her!” Jaejoong is livid. But mostly he is angry at himself because he thought he has everything under control.

“what do you expect from a devil Kim jaejoong?!” Yoochun holler, his voice boom so loud the whole residence could hear him.

“you serve her in a silver platter to Yunho’s rival!” yoochun continue

“you could have asked for my help! I could have stay by her side and keep an eye on her!”

“but you would be able to juggle in between helping yunho, keeping and eye on ha neul and keeping her safe either! Even you could get hurt!” Jaejoong shout back

“but we promised him. We promised him to keep her safe.” yoochun whisper desperately.

“and you know that bastard bang yongguk love her. YOU KNOW THAT!” yoochun try to keep it low but he just can’t.

What are they supposed to do now?

“Now what? How do we answer yunho when the guy get back?” Yoochun ask.

“That shouldn’t be our biggest concern here.” both guy turn to a crying Jina.

“Babe, I’m so sorry” Jaejoong rush to her, wiping her tears.

“No no no. We should rush to the devil’s pack now. We got to to retrieve her.” Jina desperately ask.

“babe we have to come out with a plan” Jaejoong reason

“No! She could die!” Jina said, startling both Jaejoong and Yoochun

“with her current condition, she’s so weak, attacked by Vian, away from her sovereign. Her body has only grow weaker by time with the biological changes she’s having, ad being apart from yunho only worsen that. We didn’t know how badly she was hurt when she was attacked by the Vian’s. On top of that, Yongguk use his essence on her. The essence would clash with her genuine feel, she would be torn! She wouldn’t be able to survive. She won’t pull through!” she shuffling with her words, desperately wanted to get to the said girl.

“Trust me when I said we don’t have much time. She must be deteriorating at the moment. We need to get here.NOW!” she said in finality.


The Devil’s house:

Yongguk is getting anxious when mae ri’s condition is getting worse. In fact, she’s deteriorating quite fast.

He’s currently wiping her forehead with a wet cloth as she starts sweating profusely a while ago.

“Doesn’t the IV bag working well?” he’s asking himself as he check if anything is wrong with the line and so on but all is well. So, why isn’t she getting better?

He wanted to try to make her eat or drink something but she’s unconscious.

“babe..” he sigh as he brush her fringe to the side. He is so freaking worried he literally couldn’t stand still but he didn’t know what to be done.

His trance were disturbed when mae ri started tossing around. She’s whispering something but she’s so sick her voice could barely make it.

“babe it’s okay, I’m here” he hold her hand but she whimpers.

“yun..” she whisper while her grips tighten around his

“yun please..” she cried

“please come back”

That did it. Yongguk couldn’t take it. He let go of her hand and went out from the room. He practically clench his grip on the balcony rail that some of the wood actually pierce through his flesh. As painful as it is, doesn’t compare to what he’s feeling.

His heart beating fast as he digest what he just heard.

And oh boy didn’t his heart break at that.

He close his eyes in attempt to suppress the heart break.


Oh boy!



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2027 streak #1
Chapter 31: Wow! Glad to see an update after so long. Although, my memory of the story is a bit fuzzy now and so, I can't exactly remember how JJ messed things up. Anyway, can't wait to read more and find out what happens. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2027 streak #2
Chapter 30: Somehow I'm not feeling sorry for Yongguk here. and I wonder how Yunho is gonna react to all this when he returns. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2027 streak #3
Chapter 29: I knew it! I mean I was right about Sanghee's identity. Anyway, I would like to see the Demons and Werewolves going against each other. Hahaha just kidding. But wonder what would happen next. Will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #4
Chapter 28: Well, I'm glad Song Jae Rim and his group of nomads got what they deserved. But at the same time, I'm not sure why she's thinking she's betraying Yunho. I mean it's not like she's doing anything with Yongguk. she's just relying on someone she considers as a friend. In fact, it makes sense if she's feeling bad for Yongguk himself since she's kinda taking advantage of his feelings. Anyway, will be back later to read more.
2027 streak #5
Chapter 27: Tbh, I was pretty confused in the beginning of this chapter. You said Yongguk had carried her to his room and had already tucked her in. And then he comes out, he again carries her and tucked her in. But also, you frequently called her Kaylene in this chapter. Guess you forgot to edit it before uploading. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #6
Chapter 26: Hmmm... I assume it was just a trick from Vian's side. But still wonder what's up with Yunho. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^

PS Korean women retain their maiden name (their surname from birth) even after marriage. Just thought would let you know.
2027 streak #7
Chapter 25: Wow! Junsu went into hibernation? I didn't even realise that until it was mentioned here. And I think I'm becoming more and more sure of who Sanghee is. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #8
Chapter 24: I'm a little confused about a few things in this chapter but I'm sure they will all become clear in the further chapters. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^

PS I just thought I would point out a few corrections that can be done in the chapter. Hope you don't mind. One is, it was said Kangta is Yunho's uncle but Yunho calls him hyung (which means brother).
The other thing is, you called Mae Ri as "immortal" in this chapter. But immortal means never dying/living forever. She is a mortal now, meaning she's a normal human like you and I. Anyway, that's all and hope you didn't mind me saying these things.
2027 streak #9
Chapter 23: So Yongguk is from another clan/tribe? I mean, he's not a part of the Vian? Wonder what CL is up to now. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #10
Chapter 22: So BAP are part of the Vian? Wait! Don't tell me. I don't like spoilers. So I'll find out in the further chapters by myself :) and also, I think I'm getting more confident of my guess on who Sang Hee really is. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^