The Dark Blood 27

The Dark Blood

Hugging your knees into a fetal position, you were lying on top of yongguk queen size bed, alone, sniffling.

After crying for so long in his hug, you finally calm down. Without saying or asking anything, Yongguk carry you up to his room, before slowly placing you on his bed, covering you with his warm blanket.

He take a look at your weak figure, kissing your forehead, before he left.

You don’t have it in you to cry anymore but your sniffles continue as you feel helpless as though you have no strength left to restraints the tears from falling.

Soon, fatigue and the deep pain swallow you into darkness.

Yongguk slowly walk into his room with a mug of hot chocolate. Placing the mug on his night stand, he walks and sit only to find an exhausted Kaylene sleeping.

He sigh.

Slowly he open up the covers and slips his hand under her knee and neck before he easily lift her up and place her so that she lies down comfortably on his pillow which he have piles together.

He grab the blanket and cover her halfway, just how he remember she like it.

He inspect her exhausted, tears tainted face.

Without him knowing, his thumb already wiping the tears away from her cheek, and they move to delicately her hair.

How could anyone even inflict pain on this girl? Are they blind?

Is Jung yunho blind?

No. He is just pure stupid! Doesn’t even know how to appreciate a girl like her.

How he wish he have someone who loves him as much as Kaylene can simply trade her life for Yunho’s.

“You don’t deserve her Jung Yunho.” he hissed, boil in anger

“I’ll make sure she become mine.” he the strands of her hair lovingly

“sleeps princess” he said before he kissed her forehead, dimming the bed lamp as he close the door slowly behind him.

“hyung.. how is noona doing?” Zelo abruptly got on his feet as Yongguk nears them in the kitchen.

“She’s sleeping”

“So, any trace?” Yongguk ask

“It’s the Vian’s.” Daehyun answer while sipping on his hot coffee

“Stupid Vian’s” youngjae hissed.

“But I have a question though, why didn’t they kill her?” Jongup voice out, making everyone abruptly turn to him, yongguk especially with a murderous gaze.

“ I mean, we all know that they are looking for her, and as for what happened just now, they could have easily kill her. So, why don’t they? Do you guys get what am I saying?” jongup reason out

“that is also true hyung. Isn’t it weird that they let her go just with a few bruises and wound?” Zelo, they youngest find it weird too.

Yongguk mind is reeling fast, trying to think of any justification that could serve as an answer but nothing seems to be it.

“Well, anyhow yongguk must thank the Vians though, seeing as what they did, making her end up sleeping on his bed now. Such a miracle isn’t it?” Daehyun said all sarcastically towards yongguk, shocking all the others.

“Jung daehyun!” Himchan being the second eldest reprimand daehyun

“Well you know what dae? Whatever you are saying is true. I wouldn’t mind them taunting her as long as she came back to me and end up sleeping on my bed. Maybe I gotta thank them” Yongguk flatly said as he sip his beer which he have left on the kitchen counter before mae ri came.

All the others look at their leader, loss at words.

“bang yongguk, did you even know what you are saying?” himchan feel disgusting just by hearing the said words

“okay guys, good night. I’d better savour the moment of having her on my bed. She might need a hug the most right now.” was all yongguk say before he left to the stairs which link to his bedroom door on the second floor.

“has he gone crazy?” daehyun couldn’t take the absurdity

“this is all your fault! You should know better than to taunt him!” youngjae scolds daehyun

“so, yongguk hyung like noona?” zelo asked

“you sure are slow” jongup told the maknae

“bu-but… noona.. is married isn’t she?” zelo stutters

“Do you think it even matters to him now? Just look at him! He looks as if he have lost his mind” daehyun stands up, seething in anger

“don’t he feels any sense of responsibility towards us? So what now? Are we gonna fight with Vians and the whole vampire clan?” daehyun asked again

“Daehyun! Control your mouth! Have some respect for your leader!” himchan says again

“but whatever he is saying is not wrong hyung.” youngjae defend daehyun

“he loves her.” himchan says making everyone shock and taken aback

“and you guys know things with bang yongguk, he get what he wants” himchan said as he sip on his beer.

His forehead furrows immediately with worry and thoughts.


It is way in the middle of the night and Yongguk are still up, lying on his side with hands brushing on mae ri’s hair.

If he were to be honest, he has been praying for day like dis to come since way back then.

Yes, Bang yongguk, the evil devils from black ocean actually pray for this miracle to happen and he would be willing to trade ANYTHING for this.

To have han mae ri by his side, like this.

This is just perfect. If he has the ability to freeze time, he would have done it, so that this minutes and hour remains forever.

“If God really exist, only He would have known how much I love you” he whispers as he come closer and kiss mae ri on her lips.

He sighs in contentment when mae ri snuggles to him, hugging him in her sleep. Yongguk sneaks his arm under her neck before he pulls mae ri so that she practically sleeping half on top of him.


“I wish we would remain like this forever” Yongguk said as he kiss her temple, closing his eyes, letting himself fall asleep after a hundred years.

Morning came when Yongguk stir in his sleep at the knocks on his door.

His eyes abruptly open and he turns to find mae ri still in her deep sleep by his side. He sigh in relief and smile a little.

Another knock came and he glare at the door, penetrating his vibe over to the one standing in front of his door.

Himchan and daehyun who knocks on Yongguk’s door were almost thrown backwards at Yongguk’s vibe.

Well knowing what their leader means by that, both of them look at each other and sigh.

“you could have just tell us that you don’t to be disturb with her in your bed instead of almost toppling us over the stairs! We are your brothers and members for devil sake!” daehyun erupts

Himchan couldn’t deny that he is too, annoyed by Yongguk.

“Let’s just go” Himchan ushered Daehyun before all of them walk out of the house to Kaylene’s coffee house.

All the way, daehyun complaining non stop while himchan falls into deep thinking.


Kaylene wake up after a while to find herself in an unknown room.

She feels like disaster. She feels like a trash. Remembering all that happened last night, her encounters with Vian’s, the insight song jae rim left for her to the part when Yongguk hugs her tight in her embrace.


A droplet of tears roll down her cheek while she unconsciously grip the blanket a little bit too the at the pain she feels stabbing her heart.

One, she cries because of the image of yunho kissing another woman on the bed and how desperately she calls for him but he wasn’t there for her.

Two, she cries because of Yongguk’s warmth hug. His hug is so warmth she felt like she can just be her true self to him instead of putting on a strong facade and act like she can handle everything because sincerely at the moment, she don’t have it in her to even handle herself.

She is just too exhausted.

Yongguk came into the room with a plate of fresh fruits and vegetables salad with juices to a sight that he knew he would face today.

He knows her too well that he know she won’t even have the will or energy to even move today. That all she would want to do today is to stay on the bed, un-move or disturb.

He place the tray of the food at his working desk before he went to prepare a hot bath for her. Adjusting the temperature of the bath well, he pour in rose essence and black ocean’s best shower gel.

Satisfied, he went to the crying Kaylene before he slowly make her turn to him.

Their eyes met, making Yongguk froze a while. He wipes her tears and smile to her.

“Its ok babe.. I will handle the ugly side of you that you hate the most today” he said as he brush her fringe up

Slowly, he scoop her up and bring her to the bathroom and slowly placing her in the bath tub.

Kaylene who is too exhausted doesn’t even move a limb. In fact, her mind are all blank and she refuse to register anything in her mind.

Yongguk slowly dip his hand into the bath tub fully covered with bubbles before he slowly lift up her shirt, helping her to take a bath.

Other might say that this is thrilling for him, to help her to take a bath but the truth is, he is curing yunho in a thousand and one way right now because if anyone knows Kaylene, they can clearly say that she is totally defeated and beat bad enough for her to even let bang yongguk helps her to take a bath now.

Yongguk, even though the most evil of all devils in black ocean, hold up a high respect for mae ri.

Therefore, he helps her take a bath with no other intention to violate her. In fact, he make a mental note to be as gentle as he can. He even help her to rub her back and he notice bruises and scratch on her, most probably the Vian’s doing. His eye squinted and he swear he will make sure the said Vian pay back.


“hey babe.. we are done” he said as he hold her from her back with an already spread bath robe behind her so that as he stands, she is covered with bathrobe.

He sigh at the lifeless Kaylene.

He helps her to fasten the tie from her back and only come in front of her once its done.

He hug her waist and lift her up before making her seat on top on the table top of the sink in his bathroom.

Yongguk took a small towel and help Kaylene to dry her hair before he even blow dry her hair for her.

“hey babe..” his thumb brush her cheek, gaining her attention

“you okay?” he asked

Her eyes glaze with water again

“Damn it” he curse before inhaling few breath, trying to calm himself down.

He so want to tear that song jae rim limb off one by one.

Even when he’s glad that this might give him an advantage over yunho, he couldn’t handle a broken down mae ri like this.

She is not herself!

He compose himself before he took the first aid kit and treat her cut lips, and cheek. He would stop every time she wince to the pain and blow on it with hope to lessen it.

Done, he carry her in to the bed before tucking her under the blanket.

“you gotta eat a bit babe” he said before taking the tray of foods he have brought earlier.

Kaylene was just staring into an empty space instead.

“Babe” he hold her face and make her look at him

He sigh as he look at her empty eyes.

“here.. drink some juice at least” he helps her

After sipping for about three sips, she shook her head signify that she had enough.

Yongguk put aside the drinks and help her to lie down in bed.

She turn to her side, facing Yongguk who is now sitting on a chair beside the bed.

She held out her hand only for yongguk to gladly accept it as he hold it tight.

“If he leave me, can you please take me in?” she plead as she started crying

“Babe..” is the only thing manage to escape Yongguk’s lip as he already dip down on the bed beside her, hugging her tight, kissing her temple.

“You don’t deserve this kind of pain babe. You don’t even have to plead. I’m all yours babe. I will give you all of me.” he said to the crying girl who shook badly at his side, crying a mess.

“han mae ri” he calls as he make her look at him

“I love you” he says before he captures her lips, kissing her feverishly with all the love he has keep hidden for her all these year.

there you go, Bang Yongguk, the most evil of all devil from the back ocean. (the sweetest one perhaps ;p)

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2027 streak #1
Chapter 31: Wow! Glad to see an update after so long. Although, my memory of the story is a bit fuzzy now and so, I can't exactly remember how JJ messed things up. Anyway, can't wait to read more and find out what happens. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2027 streak #2
Chapter 30: Somehow I'm not feeling sorry for Yongguk here. and I wonder how Yunho is gonna react to all this when he returns. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2027 streak #3
Chapter 29: I knew it! I mean I was right about Sanghee's identity. Anyway, I would like to see the Demons and Werewolves going against each other. Hahaha just kidding. But wonder what would happen next. Will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #4
Chapter 28: Well, I'm glad Song Jae Rim and his group of nomads got what they deserved. But at the same time, I'm not sure why she's thinking she's betraying Yunho. I mean it's not like she's doing anything with Yongguk. she's just relying on someone she considers as a friend. In fact, it makes sense if she's feeling bad for Yongguk himself since she's kinda taking advantage of his feelings. Anyway, will be back later to read more.
2027 streak #5
Chapter 27: Tbh, I was pretty confused in the beginning of this chapter. You said Yongguk had carried her to his room and had already tucked her in. And then he comes out, he again carries her and tucked her in. But also, you frequently called her Kaylene in this chapter. Guess you forgot to edit it before uploading. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #6
Chapter 26: Hmmm... I assume it was just a trick from Vian's side. But still wonder what's up with Yunho. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^

PS Korean women retain their maiden name (their surname from birth) even after marriage. Just thought would let you know.
2027 streak #7
Chapter 25: Wow! Junsu went into hibernation? I didn't even realise that until it was mentioned here. And I think I'm becoming more and more sure of who Sanghee is. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #8
Chapter 24: I'm a little confused about a few things in this chapter but I'm sure they will all become clear in the further chapters. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^

PS I just thought I would point out a few corrections that can be done in the chapter. Hope you don't mind. One is, it was said Kangta is Yunho's uncle but Yunho calls him hyung (which means brother).
The other thing is, you called Mae Ri as "immortal" in this chapter. But immortal means never dying/living forever. She is a mortal now, meaning she's a normal human like you and I. Anyway, that's all and hope you didn't mind me saying these things.
2027 streak #9
Chapter 23: So Yongguk is from another clan/tribe? I mean, he's not a part of the Vian? Wonder what CL is up to now. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #10
Chapter 22: So BAP are part of the Vian? Wait! Don't tell me. I don't like spoilers. So I'll find out in the further chapters by myself :) and also, I think I'm getting more confident of my guess on who Sang Hee really is. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^