The Dark Blood 24

The Dark Blood

“Bang yongguk!” you slap him tight right when he release his hold on you.

But, he only smirks at that.

“Well.. I didn’t expect any less than that from you lady.” He bitterly chuckles, wiping the corner of his lips while you were heaving heavy breath, startled with what he did.

“I didn’t ask you to come down for this!” you shout a little, couldn’t contain the rage within you.

“I know..” it came out as a bitter whisper.

“I know you are yunho’s sovereign now.”  He turns around, away from you, and turn a little just to have sight on you, shone by the moon light in the middle of the ranch.

“But that doesn’t change the fact that you are nothing but a mundane right now. We all know it is just a matter of time for both of you to be separated by the Vians!”

You didn’t know what’s wrong with you but tears pooling at your eyelids at that. These whole human nature things are still very foreign to you.

Yongguk turn his gaze onto you.

“You knew as well how much I am holding back when I crush you tight in my embrace and to kiss you. Do you think you can go on with yunho any longer? He’s going to crush your bone the next time he wants to go intimate with you!”

“It is none of your business! Whatever happen between me and him, remain between the two of us! You are no one to interfere!” you retaliate

“Oh hell yeah I do have the right to have a say in this! You made a treaty with me in order to save him don’t you remember?”

“Yeah.. and except the fact that I actually get to resurrect yunho back to live, I regret my decision back then a thousand time now.” You said before you start walking back, heading to your house.

Yongguk doesn’t know what to do but he surely feel stab the moment whatever you said, registered in his mind.

“I told you she’s nothing more than just using you!” a voice resonance from behind him

“I am very well aware of it, so you don’t have to keep spit it on my face every time Jung daehyun!” yongguk said before he tails behind you, leaving daehyun’s shadow.

All along the way back to your house, tears keep streaming down your face. Just why all this has to happen. Just at the mere point when you get to get yunho back, why does everything have to go wrong again and again?

Just why?!

Once you reach home, you threw a rampage. Throwing your jacket and slid down at your bedroom door.

Frustrated. Yongguk’s words get it way into you.

Everything rushing through your mind. Yunho, kyuhyun, the clans, quilletes, Vians.

“Just how do I keep all of you safe?” you clench your fist and grit your teeth. This pain soaring in your heart is very foreign so it gets to you real hard.

“Yunho..” you burst into tears as soon as you see his picture with you, in the frame that you left on your night stand.


At the northern:

“yunho..” yoochun nudge him

“Oh I’m sorry I’m just..” yunho sigh without finishing his line

“I can see that you are very worried about her. You really love her do you?” the white pale looking men sitting in front of yunho, yoochun and jaejoong asking.

“Yes kangta hyung. I have nothing to hide.” Yunho answer.

Kangta sigh. He knows that this is not an easy thing that could just vanish away with a simple solution. This girl that his nephew here loves is so entangled in everything.

“Please hyung... give us some clue about anything that could help her. Please.” Yunho plead, making everyone shocked.

This is not the yunho all of them once know.

And trust in all, yunho care the least about what people were thinking about him at the moment.

“Well.. About Vians, I know you send her brother there.” Kangta said, getting yunho uneasy on his seat

“Well, it looks like she doesn’t know about it, yet.” Yunho fidget in his seat

“Well, we’ll figure something about that soon kangta hyung.” Jae interfere, sensing yunho uneasiness.

Kangta nod to that.

“I have tried few places about the mundane but we have no insight or anything about it at all. And I know you could help us with that hyung.” Yoochun speaks

“Well.. About Vians, keep going with your plan, you shall find the leak somehow, but let me remind all of you. They are not all that you have already seen. Never trust your eyes.” Kangta clearly remind them.

The entire three exchange look, trying to decipher the code that Kangta is trying to say.

“Talk about tricks like you sending kyuhyun to the Vians, that is nothing compare to what the Vians would have for all of you in the store.” He continues.

“And about the mundane. Our unknown relative over the island have the insight on it. I think you should head to there.” Kangta said

“Over the island?” Jae and yoochun confused but yunho at the other hand have an insight contact with Kangta where he actually portray what does he mean by that.

Yunho nod as he understand that this is the task that no one else but he have to do by himself.

Upon that, Jae and yoochun catch the whole situation.

“There’s an ear listening and sight probing into ours?” Jae snide comment makes them hear few flaps of wings.

“I thought its shadow, but it turns out to be the devil. Huh.” Kangta said, shocking everyone

“Something seems unsettled.” Yoochun said

“I got to go check on Jina.” Jae said before he abruptly get up, bow to kangta for a little before he teleport himself

“Yoochun.. Head down to the east with sehun and tell him to bring you to our relative in Siberia.” Kangta instruct again

“What would be there hyung?”

“That would be a place where you will get most support. I’m sure you wouldn’t want a glitch by not going to there.” Kangta said

“Ok hyung.” Yoochun look at yunho and yunho nod at him, signaling that he should go with sehun.

“I’ll head down to Rio then hyung..” yunho said, getting up from his seat.

“Before that yunho..” kangta stop him when he grabs yunho’s shoulder

“You have to train your power with me.”

Yunho brows knitted, doesn’t get what kangta really means by that.

“Your sovereign, she is immortal. You couldn’t hug her without crushing her bone now since you’ve already get your power as the destroyer back.”

Yunho face changed into a pained one.

“I know this is hard. But let me tell you now Jung yunho, it is harder for her, and it would only get harder for both of you from here and on.”

“Just why everything has to be like this for both of us?” yunho walk a little before hunch at Kangta’s working desk.

“But all that count, all that matter is how much both of you still want each other, still would fight for each other and still want to survive with each other by your side. You wanting to be good to her, and she wanting to be good to you and both of you, still want to be together despite everything. Nothing would be able to break you if you have the will stand bold inside you yunho.” Kangta pat his shoulder

“What do I do hyung.. She..” yunho is at loss in words. Indeed, kangta is his uncle who yunho really share a really deep connection with.

Things that he couldn’t even tell anyone, he would only share with Kangta. That is just how close the two are.

“Trust her enough and trust yourself as much as you trust her and you would be all good to go.” Kangta hopes his supportive words could help to make yunho feels better.

“I really hope so hyung.” Yunho sigh

“you will yunho, both of you will.” Kangta smile to him

“So where do we train? Here?” yunho ask

“We’ll head down to Rio and train with them there.”

“Ok hyung, I’ll go get ready and leave you for a while to talk to hyeri noona about it.” Yunho said and he walk away from the mini office kangta have.

Kangta walk to the large screen window he have, portraying the thick snow covering everything as the snowflakes falls as it shower the land.

He replay the vision that he had just now but he knows better than to tell yunho about him now.

But he knows he would have to tell yunho soon.

The devil couldn’t be left lingering around his nephew’s sovereign for too long.

He knows that yunho have been receiving the vibe about it when he keep on lost in track when they were discussing earlier but his fast act to block the vision from yunho seems to have save the situation now at the moment.

He doesn’t want his nephew to rush back all the way back to the downtown and tear a devil apart and probably burn the whole town together. He couldn’t risk for any glitches to happen with the devil from Black Ocean. The price to pay is not in his best interest, the blood bath, which he doubts the clan to survive.

Maybe just enough until yunho able to really grasp himself and study more about the mundane which he knows is no easy task to the white clan leader.

He sighs.

“If only you didn’t love the dark clan lady who is now immortal Jung yunho..” the words finally left his mouth in his sigh.

Bang Yongguk... =X

and aww yunho........

and.. be strong mae ri! ^^


SHOUTOUT TO @UknowAde for the upvote! thank you so much for your support! <3 ya!



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2027 streak #1
Chapter 31: Wow! Glad to see an update after so long. Although, my memory of the story is a bit fuzzy now and so, I can't exactly remember how JJ messed things up. Anyway, can't wait to read more and find out what happens. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2027 streak #2
Chapter 30: Somehow I'm not feeling sorry for Yongguk here. and I wonder how Yunho is gonna react to all this when he returns. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2027 streak #3
Chapter 29: I knew it! I mean I was right about Sanghee's identity. Anyway, I would like to see the Demons and Werewolves going against each other. Hahaha just kidding. But wonder what would happen next. Will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #4
Chapter 28: Well, I'm glad Song Jae Rim and his group of nomads got what they deserved. But at the same time, I'm not sure why she's thinking she's betraying Yunho. I mean it's not like she's doing anything with Yongguk. she's just relying on someone she considers as a friend. In fact, it makes sense if she's feeling bad for Yongguk himself since she's kinda taking advantage of his feelings. Anyway, will be back later to read more.
2027 streak #5
Chapter 27: Tbh, I was pretty confused in the beginning of this chapter. You said Yongguk had carried her to his room and had already tucked her in. And then he comes out, he again carries her and tucked her in. But also, you frequently called her Kaylene in this chapter. Guess you forgot to edit it before uploading. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #6
Chapter 26: Hmmm... I assume it was just a trick from Vian's side. But still wonder what's up with Yunho. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^

PS Korean women retain their maiden name (their surname from birth) even after marriage. Just thought would let you know.
2027 streak #7
Chapter 25: Wow! Junsu went into hibernation? I didn't even realise that until it was mentioned here. And I think I'm becoming more and more sure of who Sanghee is. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #8
Chapter 24: I'm a little confused about a few things in this chapter but I'm sure they will all become clear in the further chapters. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^

PS I just thought I would point out a few corrections that can be done in the chapter. Hope you don't mind. One is, it was said Kangta is Yunho's uncle but Yunho calls him hyung (which means brother).
The other thing is, you called Mae Ri as "immortal" in this chapter. But immortal means never dying/living forever. She is a mortal now, meaning she's a normal human like you and I. Anyway, that's all and hope you didn't mind me saying these things.
2027 streak #9
Chapter 23: So Yongguk is from another clan/tribe? I mean, he's not a part of the Vian? Wonder what CL is up to now. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #10
Chapter 22: So BAP are part of the Vian? Wait! Don't tell me. I don't like spoilers. So I'll find out in the further chapters by myself :) and also, I think I'm getting more confident of my guess on who Sang Hee really is. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^