The Dark Blood 11

The Dark Blood

At town:

“babe.. want me to give you a ride to school?” junsu asked while making his way to the front door, buttoning his cuffling together.

“no oppa I don’t think so, you’re heading down to the dark forest straight afterwards right?” ha neul come out from her room, with her hand bag, two text books on the other hand, putting on her shoes.

“ok.. drive safely and call me if anything ok?” junsu said, leaning to the door frame, face plastered with a sweet smile.

“ok oppa.. I’ll let you know when I’ve arrive and when I get back from school.” Ha neul take her car key and make her way out when Junsu close the door behind her.

Junsu follows her to her car when she sit down, adjusting the seat and everything.

“always remember the seat belt babe..” junsu said as he fastened the seatbelt for her.

“as long as I have oppa.. then I don’t have to worry about anything like this..” ha neul grin, kissing junsu’s cheek when he’s about to get out from the car.

“ok.. now be a good girl, take a good care of yourself while oppa is not here..” junsu said as he mess around her hair.

“oppa…” ha neul whine, earning laughter from Junsu.

“ok babe.. text me..”

“oppa.. how long would you be down at dark forest?”

“hurm.. depends.. but oppa promise you it wouldn’t be long okay?” Junsu reassures

“ok.. I hate it when I have to stay alone at the house..”

“I wont let them keep me for long..” Junsu wink

“ok.. drive safely now.. go..” Junsu said as he close the door for her.

Ha neul drive out, leaving Junsu at the house lawn, watching Junsu shrinking in size as ha neul speed off, and he’s getting in his Maserati, heading down to the dark forest.

“ I really hope oppa don’t have to be down there for long..” Ha neul sigh

Ha neul get into her college, heading for library when he accidentally knock into someone.

“sorry.. I’m sorry..”  the guy said, helping to pick up ha neul’s book and hand it back to her.

“its okay..” ha neul take her book and smooth her clothes “are you the new face?”

“new face?”

“oh I mean.. transfer student.. we call the transfer student the new faces..” ha neul smile  “I hope you don’t get offended by that though.”

“oh no no.. don’t worry..” he said “I’m sanghee by the way.. choi sanghee..” he held his hand

“ha neul.. kim ha neul..” both of them shake hand for the introductory first time, exchanging smile.

At emerald:

“I’m expecting you to come here anyways but.. not this early though..” sehun said, chuckle somehow, while taking a seat in front of the two.

“well appa.. you know how she is..” yunho roll his eyes, while you dodge his ribs, earning a shriek from the latter.

“what happened uncle? I mean.. how come none of my power are working?” you asked, restless

“appa..” sehun said

“eh?” you puzzled

“you’re my daughter in law and there’s no hiding to it now so it’s only a given that you call me appa right? Or as you’ve always prefer, dad.” Sehun explain, smiling.

You clear your throats, sitting in a more inclusive way

“forgive me.. dad.” you said awkwardly somehow

Yunho stares at you amusedly

“I wonder how come you never call my dad, dad when you are so close to him, close enough to keep a HUGE secret together, knowing the fact that we’re actually married..” yunho lean his chin on his propped elbow on the sofa.

“I know right..” sehun agreed, both sons and father exchanging teasing grin

You just pout at the two.

“ok dad let’s stop teasing her before she kills me when we get back home later..” yunho laugh

You pout even more

“aigoo~~ aigoo~ don’t be so cute..” yunho said, pinching your nose, kissing your cheek.

Sehun chuckles to the antique of the two, his heart couldn’t be happier than to see his sons and daughter in law goofing around, after all the hardships they have been going through.

“why don’t you just explain everything to her at home but bringing her all the way out to here jung yunho?” sehun said, sipping on the wine made from blood, the heritance that  white clan have.

“I know right dad.. you should tell that to her and remind her that I should be spending all the romantic time with her on my honeymoon but here I am..” yunho sigh

“stop teasing me jung yunho..” you pout

“okay okay..” yunho raise both of his hands up, sign of giving up on the teasing.

“so.. appa.. what happened?”

“slowly mae ri, slowly.. help yourself with the wine both of you..” sehun raise up his wine  glass for a toast.

“eww dad.. it’s from the 1800’s.. like so fermented.. bitter like hell..” yunho complained but click the glass for a toast anyway.

“I don’t think I should be having this anyway dad..” you said “I mean, this is white clan’s inheritance..”

“you’re part of us now dear.. so, help yourself with it.. and this much, can help you with your energy for the whole week.. you don’t even have to feed yourself.. for now, you are the one who need it the most, that’s why I’m taking it out..” sehun explains.

Only then you raise up the glass, clink it together with the other two glass and sipping on it and heck, yunho is right, its bitter like hell.

“you okay babe? Wanna eat something sweet?” yunho hand you a sweet

You take it thankfully and eat it

“its usual for someone new.. you gotta adjust to it..” yunho said

Sehun just smile at the two.

“ok mae ri.. as you know, the black rose diminished..” sehun starts

You nod.

“so, now.. we have to figure it out by time..” sehun take a deep breath “whether you are still in the dark clan, white clan.. or..”

“or what?” you asked, fears tugging at the end of your heart

Yunho hold your hand tight, wanted you to know that he is there for you

“or.. a refugee..”

“a what? Refugee?” you stand up as anger raging in

“babe.. calm down..” yunho hold your shoulder but you snap, glaring at yunho, eyes blazing red

“ok dad, at least we’re getting something here..” yunho turn your shoulder so that you were looking at sehun, while sehun nod at the situation, when he see your blazing red eye.

“sit mae ri..” you follows sehun instruction anyway

“ok, judging from your reaction, we can say that you are still a part of the dark clan. That should be enough for now..”

“I’m not getting anything at all dad.. yunho..” you turn your gaze to yunho, expecting a clear answer.

“ok you know what we’ve been doing is forbidden by the law right? Reviving is something that we can do only by the permission of the committee. By the scale of what’s happening now, I bet the committee are high alert, and since you’re married to yunho, they might use this to get you out of the whole clan and perhaps, they might chase you out from the dark forest..” sehun try to explain slowly so that you won’t be startled

“but things got away when we did it with yunho before..” you argue “so why when it comes to me..?” you asked “yunho what if they chase me out? They can’t do this to me! I’m the lady of the dark clan!” all kinds of thought blurring your mind at the moment.

Yunho pull you in a tight hug, your hair and clam you down.

“I won’t let them do that to you babe.. they won’t get to touch even a hair on you.” Yunho assures you.

Although you hate to admit the fear you are feeling, you grab his shirt and hug him tighter.

“isn’t there any other way to get out of this dad?” yunho asked, face hardened.

“for now, judging from how quiet the committee are, I think they are planning something. They now know siwon is missing, kyuhyun is the direct descendent, but since mae ri was hiding him, they know that she did that to tame him, to train kyuhyun into a good use of a death blow.” Sehun gets the puzzle pieces together

“so they want to chase mae ri out using this as excuses and get kyuhyun under their control?” yunho try

You turn abruptly “no way.. more than me, I won’t let them touch my brother! They are going to destroy him!” now, you are boiling up.

“well.. we have to see how the committee is reacting when they know that you are now yunho wife.. let’s hope they wouldn’t dare to instigate the direct descendent of white clan’s anger.”

“what about my power? Are they diminished just like the black rose?”

“from what do I know, it only happened because you are too weak.. get your body ready and starts practicing just like yunho did when he first woke up after we revived him would be good for you..” sehun suggest “but in case if the situation get worse, I’m afraid you might have to stay out of the dark forest for a while until everything is back into its place mae ri..”

You fall down on your seat back, dumbfounded. Head clouding with all sorts of thought. Yunho’s face hardened, hugging you by the side anyway.

At yunho’s villa:

“I gotta go to the tribes places yunho..” you stated

“what? Why?”

“I can train there.. I’ve been there quite for a while and the guys help me well with it.”

“you trained with a bunch of warewolf for your sparring skills?” yunho cant believe his ears.

“yeah, its been going on for a while and the guys are really good at it though. Not as what you thought though, don’t underestimate them yunho” You didn’t like the way yunho judge the tribes somehow.

“mae ri, if you called training with a pack of warewolf good, then I don’t know now what is not anymore. Like earth to mea ri, they are the pack that are going to go against us. If not now, then later! Training with them means letting them know your expectation, your speed, your move, your skills, even up to how high the par your sparring limits rest!” yunho rage in anger somehow.

For Godsake, what make you think that training with the warewolf would do you any good? Because he surely don’t like it nor do he can see the good in it.

“don’t judge yunho! I’ve know them for so long, enough for them to help me to save your dad! Who do you think help me out all this while? Who do you think help me out during Jae’s wedding? You don’t have the right to judge them in that way because you definitely didnt know them jung yunho.” 

The fact that you are defending the tribes really doesn’t rest well with yunho.

“ok, let’s say that they did help you with the sparring.. but they definitely wont be able to help you with the practice of your power.” Yunho wanted you to stay away from the tribes

“you are here to help me train with my power yunho.” You stated as the matter for a facts.

“as better as I could help you with the sparring too..” yunho finally taking a seat, looking at you who stay still on your stance when he resist you from going out.

“I seriously don’t get what the big deals about me going to the tribes for the sparring training now yunho..” your words come out flat, irritated

“and I seriously don’t get why on earth are we quarrelling over the tribes like it concerns the death and the lives.” Yunho voice out, both hands crossed on his chest.

Showing just how much this matter irritates him as much as the quarrel irritates you.

Mae ri walked towards the basement and yunho know exactly what is up at the moment.

Both hand on his hip, he sigh “this is so going to be a draught period of time for us. Damn the committee for this!” he curse

He soon follows your step, getting into an old room that has been long abandon.

He lean to the door frame, looking at you who have removed your long coat and shirt, leaving you in your black skinny jeans and tank top.

“what are you looking at? We need some light in here yunho..”

Yunho sigh, dragging his foot into the room. He removed his jacket, and wave his hand across the room and all the candle at each edge of the room light up.

“are we seriously doing this? As in right now?” yunho asked you

“you wont win me on this yunho.. trust me.” You said smugly, eventhough you know the fact that you wont be able to take him down even, not without your power.

“mae ri, you should at least rest for a bit more, get your body adjust to the whole thing back again before we get into the battle training. Your body is too weak, and I still have quite a handful issue for handling my power.. What if I accidentally hit you hard?” yunho try to negotiate.

“that’s why I said I should go to the tribes. At least, their punch would be dodge-able still.”

Your words make yunho roll his eye.

“han mae ri.. always the stubborn.. always the hard one..”

Yunho get into his sparring stance anyhow, he just don’t want you to leave to the tribes. If you were to get injured, at least he know that he would cause less harm to you rather than you going to the tribes. The committee would be digging their nails into the matter.

You charge forward, throwing your fist at yunho’s face but he slide his upper body to the side when you miss it and slip down on your .

That doesn’t hold you down somehow, you charge again, with a high kick, aiming for yunho’s head, but he lower his body down and when you elbow his rib, he just push your elbow forward back.

“you know you can just be defending yourself in a battle yunho. You are not doing any good to me when all you do is dodging my punch and kick away.” You flare, with a hitch breath, getting short breath after all the attack you attempted.

“you know better what does it mean mae ri. Even if you don’t have enough strength to take me down, but this signify that you don’t have enough speed to even punch me. Your punch and blow can be predicted, you know that.” Yunho clarify

“shut up!” you flare

You then run toward his direction, punch his face when he bend down, then you elbow his side and kick his stomach, all at once when yunho swiftly dodge all of it away, making you burn in anger.

Refuse to give up, you try to kick flip him but he just slide his body downwards and when you kick your other legs behind, he just twist your leg, making you fall down in a spiral move, face on the mat, hard.

That took your breath away completely, when you pants hard to get the air inside of your lung.

Even when you try to be as swift and as fast as you can, you still can’t even get a punch or a kick to yunho.

Frustrated, you clench a fist and pummel it down onto the cement floor hard as you heard the crack sound and you somehow accidentally shout and shrieked at the sound of your bone cracking.

“Han mae ri!” yunho run and get to your side

“why would you do that you stupid?” his eyes enlarge at you showing how angry he is at your mad antique.

He take your hand slowly.

“ahh..” you shrieked to the pain when he try to lift up your forearm.

“I think you broke a bone or two here. Just why did you do that? You know you don’t have any of your power left! You know you are not immortal anymore mae ri!” he literally shout it at your face while taking off his shirt, leaving him in his black wife beater.

He bandage your forearm with his shirt and wave his hand towards his black jacket when it come flying to  his hand and he tied both the hand’s part together at the back side of your neck, slowly placing your broken forearm into the inner side of the jacket, make it rest well, preventing any movement, acting as a splint.

“you make my heart stop beating for a minute back there mae ri..” he finally look into your eyes.

Your red, stinging eye. It reads pain. Not the pain you’re having for your broken arm, but the pain in your heart. Yunho know the looks too well, enough for he thought he heard his heart breaks a little to the sight. He just take you close to him, hugging you from the back, his forearm rest on your chest, his chin at the crook of your neck, face beside yours.

“you’re going to be fine babe. I promise you, you will be.. you will gain all your power back, you will be strong again. For now, just please.. you can depend on me. Don’t be hurting too much inside. You have me now, you have me.”

Your stinging eye finally let a drop slip down, your left hand raising up to yunho forearm, a tight grip, and nods a little.

this is heart breaking,aren't they? T__T  3


btw, i'm really happy to see new subscribers,readers and comments! holla guys! ^^


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2027 streak #1
Chapter 31: Wow! Glad to see an update after so long. Although, my memory of the story is a bit fuzzy now and so, I can't exactly remember how JJ messed things up. Anyway, can't wait to read more and find out what happens. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2027 streak #2
Chapter 30: Somehow I'm not feeling sorry for Yongguk here. and I wonder how Yunho is gonna react to all this when he returns. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2027 streak #3
Chapter 29: I knew it! I mean I was right about Sanghee's identity. Anyway, I would like to see the Demons and Werewolves going against each other. Hahaha just kidding. But wonder what would happen next. Will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #4
Chapter 28: Well, I'm glad Song Jae Rim and his group of nomads got what they deserved. But at the same time, I'm not sure why she's thinking she's betraying Yunho. I mean it's not like she's doing anything with Yongguk. she's just relying on someone she considers as a friend. In fact, it makes sense if she's feeling bad for Yongguk himself since she's kinda taking advantage of his feelings. Anyway, will be back later to read more.
2027 streak #5
Chapter 27: Tbh, I was pretty confused in the beginning of this chapter. You said Yongguk had carried her to his room and had already tucked her in. And then he comes out, he again carries her and tucked her in. But also, you frequently called her Kaylene in this chapter. Guess you forgot to edit it before uploading. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #6
Chapter 26: Hmmm... I assume it was just a trick from Vian's side. But still wonder what's up with Yunho. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^

PS Korean women retain their maiden name (their surname from birth) even after marriage. Just thought would let you know.
2027 streak #7
Chapter 25: Wow! Junsu went into hibernation? I didn't even realise that until it was mentioned here. And I think I'm becoming more and more sure of who Sanghee is. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #8
Chapter 24: I'm a little confused about a few things in this chapter but I'm sure they will all become clear in the further chapters. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^

PS I just thought I would point out a few corrections that can be done in the chapter. Hope you don't mind. One is, it was said Kangta is Yunho's uncle but Yunho calls him hyung (which means brother).
The other thing is, you called Mae Ri as "immortal" in this chapter. But immortal means never dying/living forever. She is a mortal now, meaning she's a normal human like you and I. Anyway, that's all and hope you didn't mind me saying these things.
2027 streak #9
Chapter 23: So Yongguk is from another clan/tribe? I mean, he's not a part of the Vian? Wonder what CL is up to now. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #10
Chapter 22: So BAP are part of the Vian? Wait! Don't tell me. I don't like spoilers. So I'll find out in the further chapters by myself :) and also, I think I'm getting more confident of my guess on who Sang Hee really is. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^