Chapter 5

Sometimes It Just Happens That Way
Before her brain could catch up with what was happening, she felt herself being pushed against the wall, Jinki's lips crashing down onto hers.
Jinki pressed his pressed his lips onto hers. When she didn't respond he opened his eyes and looked down at her.
“What are you doing?” she asked nervously
“I- um-” he stuttered.
Off in the distance they heard the sounds of people coming. He watched as Taemin picked up the fallen bags and walked off. He stared after her in disbelief.
They reached the practice room and set the bags on the floor. The members all huddle around, picking through, finding the food they wanted. Jinki watched as Taemin avoided his eyes. She sat in between Minho and Kibum. He watched as Minho eyed the both of them skeptically. He saw as Minho nudged at Taemin who promptly shoved his arm away giving him a certain look. A look that said 'not now'.
Well he thought Minho's gonna get all up in my face again later.
They finished up and left to go to another schedule. It went by smoothly. Time seemed to pass really fast, as it always did. Before he knew it, they were making their way up the elevator and walking into their dorm room. He set his things on his bed and fell onto it. Somewhere in between his thoughts he fell asleep.
Taemin slipped into Jinki's room. The lights were out and she saw him laying face down on his bed. He hadn't even bothered to take his shoes off. From what she could tell he was fast asleep. She knelt down at the side of the bed and just stared at his face. She watched as his back rose and fell with each breath he took. “Hyung” she whispered “Jinki hyung” He stirred but didn't wake up. She took in a deep breath “Oppa...” She saw him jerk awake and slowly turn to face her.
“Taemin... What are you doing in here... What time is it” he asked, his voice groggy and deep from sleep.
“Why did you kiss me?”
She leaned in and spoke louder “Why did you kiss me earlier?”
“I don't know. It just- it- I just- a feeling came over me” he stuttered.
What kind of feeling” her voice dropped until it was barely audible. She leaned in and softly brushed her lips against his. “Why did you kiss me” she pulled back slightly, staring into his eyes that were full of confusion.
“I- I” he stuttered
She put her finger to his lips to hush him.
“Here. I'll let you sleep on it.” She stood up and walked toward the door “You'd better answer me tomorrow” and then she closed the door leaving her 'hyung' in shock. “Like I'd let you get away with kissing me without payback” she said out loud without realizing.
She turned and saw Jonghyun staring at her. . “What?”
“Who kissed you.” he looked at her skeptically “Wait” crap “you were just in hyung's room. Did he-”
“Uh oh” the sound of a third voice grabbed their attention “is Jonghyun hyung finally figuring it out” they both turned to see Kibum leaning against the wall with a cocky grin on his face.
“Not another word Kibum or I will shut you up.”
“What like the way you did to Jjong hyung in the car” annoyance seething in his voice. “Or you could just give us all another demonstration”
“Shut up” this time it was Jonghyun who spoke. “But figure out what? Did hyung kiss you?”
“Why would you care” Taemin said in annoyance. I don't have time for this . “I'm going to sleep”
She started walking away and felt Jonghyun grab her arm “No. I think you have time to explain at least one thing that you aren't telling me.” he dropped her arm “Or maybe explain to me what happened in the car. Because I sure as hell don't understand.”
“I was just playing around because it was funny. The look on your face was priceless by the way. And I might add it got them to let us out, remember?”
“Taemin. You don't go around doing what you did to me to just anyone. And besides, it was more than just a kiss. If you remember correctly”
Look can't we talk about this tomorrow?”
Kibum chimed in with a smirk on his face “No, now's good”
I am seriously going to kill you she thought.
“So you want to tell him or should I? Taemin's a gir-” before he could finish she cut him off “I like Jinki hyung and he kissed me today. There. Satisfied?”
Jonghyun's mouth dropped to the floor and Kibum was obviously trying to hold back laughter. Which he was failing at poorly. It was so quiet you could probably hear a pin drop. “You're- he's- gay...?” Jonghyun barely got the words out. At this Kibum couldn't contain his laughter any more and fell to the ground.
“Jjong no no Taemin is a-” in one swift move Taemin was over Kibum covering his mouth with her hand. He stopped laughing “Seriously Taemin why do you care so much if he knows or doesn't know. Honestly it's surprising he doesn't know already”
“Just not now. Things are going places with Jinki and I don't want him getting in the way or being annoying.” She paused “And hey, now this gives you a chance” She smirked down at him giving him a wink “If he thinks I'm gay then you might have a shot”
“Get off” Kibum shoved her off of him
Jonghyun obviously was still too much in shock and hadn't even heard a word of what they had said. He just slowly walked off mumbling how he needed to sleep and closed the door to the room he shared with Taemin.
“I guess I'm bunking with Minho tonight. But dammit Kibum, don't you know when to shut up. If I wanted him to know he would know by now.”
Jinki awoke to the sounds of what seemed to be an argument. He could hear the muffled sounds through the door. He didn't want to get out of bed because that would mean one thing, having to face Taemin after he kissed her. Oh, and after she kissed him. Did that really happen? Am I just going insane or something. He swung his legs off of the bed and rubbed his eyes. As he made his way to the door he could make out who was talking. Minho seemed to be giving an earful to Kibum, which given both their personalities is pretty hard to do. He cracked open the door to see if he could hear them. Wow I'm spying on their conversation.
“Don't do reckless things-”
“Me? I'm the reckless one? Taemin needs to just give up and tell Jonghyun hyung already”
“Key hyung you know Taemin doesn't want him to know.”
Jinki decided now would be a good time to emerge. “G'morning”
They both shut up immediately.
“We have the day off right?” Jinki asked
“Ya” Minho replied
Kibum walked off “I'm going out. I don't know when I'll be back. I have my phone on me” he grabbed his jacket and left the dorm.
“I'm actually going out too. Jonghyun hyung and I are going to do exercises. He told me to meet him at the gym.” he paused and looked toward Jinki “Taemin's still sleeping” was all he said before walking out.



OMG I am so so so so sorry for the late update D:
life and other stuff kinda got in the way ;;
please please look forward to the next chapter >.<


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vknutson #1
Chapter 8: Sad to read about your decision but I guess I understand. I won't unsubscribe hoping one day you change your mind. I was one of the few who really liked this story
Chapter 7: great chapter hun, poor OnTae, I hate that they aren't talking, I really hope that they make up soon, coz nothing really happened between them for them to stop speaking; I love that Jinki is so protective of her and was getting pissed at Jonghyun for the way he was reacting to her being a girl; it's good that he finally knows now; really looking forward to more, update really soon hun.
Chapter 6: good to have you back hun, looking forward to more of this, I love it; can't wait; update as soon as you can. <3
Jellyfish177 #4
Chapter 6: Love this story please update soon!! Fighting
Chapter 5: OMO, I can't wait to see what happens now, I really hope that they talk, they really need to get together, keke, and poor Jjong, he's so clueless; love his reaction to finding out that Taemin likes Jinki and that Jinki kissed him/her, keke, update really really soon, pleeeeease. <3
Chapter 4: Kyaaaah~ they kissed! (bouncing off the walls in excitement) You see, this is what happens when you send two ually frustrated people with very confused feelings about the other off to go get food by themselves~ can't wait to see what happens next!
OMO YES, YAY THEY KISSED, POOR JINKI, he really just couldn't take it any more and snapped; keke, I guess after that dream it was too much for him; it was so so hot, that he just pushed her up against the wall like that, I can't wait for more and to see what happens next, I'm sure that Taemin won't complain, keke, update really really soon, I need more, pleeeease. <3
OMO MINHO YOU ARE AMAZING, COME ON JINKI ADMIT THAT YOU LIKE TAEMIN, keke, I really hope that Jinki wakes up soon and realizes that he likes her, maybe with Minho's help, can't wait for more, wish the chapters were longer, update really really soon, love it. ;-P <3
this is fantastic I love it, poor Tae, it was so sweet of Minho to look for her and take care of her like that, it's nice that she has someone that she can talk to about everything; and Key that's more like it, taking care of her instead of being nasty, she doesn't want Jjong; I can't wait to see what Minho says to Jinki, will he get it out of him why he's acting like this, I'm sure he has his theory's about what's going on with him; maybe if Jinki doesn't know why he's doing what he's doing, Minho can tell him and slap some sense into him; hello Jinki, you like her; keke; can't wait for more, really wanna see what happens next. <3 <3
keke, love this, the parody is pretty good too, I really hope that Jinki wakes up soon and realizes that he likes her, keke, so cute; and where did Tae go, I hope that she's alright, update really soon. <3 <3