Chapter 4

Sometimes It Just Happens That Way
She straddled him, grinding her hips against his. He let out a moan, his breathing getting heavier. She was teasing him. He tried to sit up but she had his arms pinned to the bed. Every time he tried to grind with her she would stop and once he had stopped trying she would start again. She leaned over, biting down on his ear and then trailing down his neck. She opened up the top buttons of his shirt, exposing his skin. He heard a moan escape his lips again. He heard himself saying a name. Over and over again.
Suddenly she stopped and looked to the corner of the room. He looked over to see what had caught her attention. It was that guy. Standing in the corner, arms crossed. He felt her shift to get up and heard himself plea with her to not go. He moved closer to them, now standing at the foot of the bed. He felt her get up. He saw her walk in circles around the man, sometimes touching him, only to draw her hand back. The man turned around, his back now facing him. He saw her wrap her arms around his neck with a seductive look in her eyes.
She wouldn't stop. She couldn't hear him. He no longer existed. And as he watched the man lean over, taking her in his mouth, he felt himself cry out.
"STOP!" Jinki screamed, jolting up out of bed. He felt a bead of sweat roll down the side of his face. Only then did he hear the alarm going off. Turning to the side he pushed the button to stop the awful sound from going any longer. "What the hell..."
"It's just the alarm, no need to scream bloody murder at it at 5 in the morning."
Jinki looked up to see Kibum standing in the doorway of his room. "Ya. Sorry."
Rolling over he tossed the sheets off of him and swung his legs off the bed. He was wide awake from that "dream". Seriously... What the hell was that... 
Jinki walked out into the kitchen to see Taemin and Jonghyun sitting next to each other eating their breakfast. They both looked incredibly tired, which he would be too if not for that dream. Just seeing them sitting there next to each other suddenly pissed him off. He glared at Jonghyun, making the younger one suddenly shift in his seat. 
"You have a bad dream or something?" Jonghyun said, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.
"Something like that." Jinki responded, annoyance lacing his voice, stopping the conversation. 
An awkward silence suddenly filled the kitchen as the leader went to the coffee pot to poor himself some. He leaned up against the counter looking down at his feet. He was completely lost in thought. He sipped his coffee, burning his mouth a little, but he was too distracted to notice. Why.... He couldn't understand what was going on. I've never thought of her like that. I've never dreamt of something like that before, not with her at least. So why now? .... Minho must have put weird thoughts into my head a couple days ago.... But.... No.... She.....
"Hey hyung. We have to leave soon."
Jinki looked up, seeing Minho staring down at him with a questioning look on his face.
Jinki put the cup down, the remaining coffee still inside, and ran to his room to put real clothes on. He quickly brushed his teeth and got his bag and hurried to the door where the members were waiting for him.
Still lost in thought he didn't notice the awkward silence as they rode down the elevator. Neither did he notice the weird silence in the car as Minho and Kibum exchanged worried looks. Jinki, sitting in the back corner, only stared out the window while listening to his ipod. 
Once they got to practice, it was all business. The went through the steps they had practiced hundreds of times before. Each time pushing themselves more and more, knowing that in the long run it would pay off. You could feel the excitement in the air as it neared the time for their beak. They didn't get many breaks during the day so they were always greatly appreciated.
The music turned off, the members all collapsing to the floor, their breathing heavy from working so hard. They stoop up, going to their bags to get out their waters, which were all emptied within seconds. Going over to the big water jug at the corner of the room, Taemin filled it all the way up, downed it, then filled it up again, moving over the the bench to get off her feet. 
She sat down with Kibum to her left. 
"Should we get some food?"
"Yes!" The maknae exclaimed.
"Rock paper scissors to see who has to get it this time."
After many rounds and a lot of fussing it was decided that Taemin and Jinki were chosen to be the two who had to get them all food.
The two glanced at each other, their awkwardness and uncomfortableness showing on their faces.
"I could go instead" offered Jonghyun
"No!" the sudden outburst from the leader startling everyone.
"Do you think we got enough?"
Jinki nodded his head "Oh ya"
As the two walked down the street, each carrying three bags, they fell into the silence that had been with them the entire time.
They had almost reached the doors to the building when they both suddenly heard the screams of fangirls. They both looked at each other with grins on their faces and almost ran the rest of the way to their destination. Laughing as they entered the building they hurriedly went to the back hall to take the shortcut to their practice room. They started joking around about how, even though the majority of fans are alright, some of them can be a bit intense sometimes. Taemin giggled as Jinki reenacted the look on the four girls faces as they recognized them.
Somewhere in the process of being outside to walking through the hall they had linked hands. Taemin stopped laughing and looked at Jinki's fingers, they way they laced around hers. She could feel her face turning red.
"We should hurry back"
Before her brain could catch up with what was happening, she felt herself being pushed against the wall, Jinki's lips crashing down onto hers. 



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vknutson #1
Chapter 8: Sad to read about your decision but I guess I understand. I won't unsubscribe hoping one day you change your mind. I was one of the few who really liked this story
Chapter 7: great chapter hun, poor OnTae, I hate that they aren't talking, I really hope that they make up soon, coz nothing really happened between them for them to stop speaking; I love that Jinki is so protective of her and was getting pissed at Jonghyun for the way he was reacting to her being a girl; it's good that he finally knows now; really looking forward to more, update really soon hun.
Chapter 6: good to have you back hun, looking forward to more of this, I love it; can't wait; update as soon as you can. <3
Jellyfish177 #4
Chapter 6: Love this story please update soon!! Fighting
Chapter 5: OMO, I can't wait to see what happens now, I really hope that they talk, they really need to get together, keke, and poor Jjong, he's so clueless; love his reaction to finding out that Taemin likes Jinki and that Jinki kissed him/her, keke, update really really soon, pleeeeease. <3
Chapter 4: Kyaaaah~ they kissed! (bouncing off the walls in excitement) You see, this is what happens when you send two ually frustrated people with very confused feelings about the other off to go get food by themselves~ can't wait to see what happens next!
OMO YES, YAY THEY KISSED, POOR JINKI, he really just couldn't take it any more and snapped; keke, I guess after that dream it was too much for him; it was so so hot, that he just pushed her up against the wall like that, I can't wait for more and to see what happens next, I'm sure that Taemin won't complain, keke, update really really soon, I need more, pleeeease. <3
OMO MINHO YOU ARE AMAZING, COME ON JINKI ADMIT THAT YOU LIKE TAEMIN, keke, I really hope that Jinki wakes up soon and realizes that he likes her, maybe with Minho's help, can't wait for more, wish the chapters were longer, update really really soon, love it. ;-P <3
this is fantastic I love it, poor Tae, it was so sweet of Minho to look for her and take care of her like that, it's nice that she has someone that she can talk to about everything; and Key that's more like it, taking care of her instead of being nasty, she doesn't want Jjong; I can't wait to see what Minho says to Jinki, will he get it out of him why he's acting like this, I'm sure he has his theory's about what's going on with him; maybe if Jinki doesn't know why he's doing what he's doing, Minho can tell him and slap some sense into him; hello Jinki, you like her; keke; can't wait for more, really wanna see what happens next. <3 <3
keke, love this, the parody is pretty good too, I really hope that Jinki wakes up soon and realizes that he likes her, keke, so cute; and where did Tae go, I hope that she's alright, update really soon. <3 <3