A Week Later

Sometimes It Just Happens That Way


"Jinki wait a minute. Let me explain!" Taemin urged. She was trying to talk to Jinki through the door he had just slammed in her face. "Will you please let me explain."
"Why should I listen to you? Why should I even care?!" She could tell he was furious. 
"Well it's obviously bothering you...." 
There was silence on the other side. She heard him take in a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to calm down. She could hear him walk toward the door and put his hand on the knob.
He opened the door slowly, looking down. She tried to take a step forward and saw him close the door slightly, so she stepped back again. "Look, I didn't mean to upset you. To upset any of you. I mean... you guys are the ones who pulled the prank in the first place knowing full well that I'm a...." She couldn't bring herself to say it. She had been hiding it for so long now, she didn't even admit to it sometimes. Doing it that way made it easier to push her feelings down. Her feelings for this man who she had known and lived with for the past 3 years. This man who thought it would be funny to lock her in a car with a different guy. This man who was obviously pissed that she had done what she did.
"Look, it didn't even go that far. I was just playing  with him a little. I thought it would be funny. So did you guys or else you wouldn't have done it. So what do you expect from me." She went on. "You know that I'm a girl. You know that I like you. And I know that you don't feel that way about me. So why have you been avoiding me lately?" She was so confused. She didn't want to get her hopes up to only have them come crashing down.
When Jinki had first realized that she was a girl, he would make fun of her for it when they were alone. He would always give her these knowing, mocking looks when other people were around. He knew that she liked him. And he knew that she knew he thought it was hilarious and ridiculous. That he didn't feel that way about her. At all. But he still liked to . To put his arms around her back and breathe on her neck. Pretending to the world that they had a leader/maknae relationship. That they were both guys. But in reality, he was just messing with her head. And in the car, when they would come home from whatever schedule they had had for the day, he would sit next to her in the back. He would push his thigh up against hers. Teasing her. Torturing her because he knew she couldn't do anything about it. And, honestly, she hadn't really minded. A part of her enjoyed his jerk side. 
But right now she was getting frustrated. He had been ignoring her all week, ever since that stupid car incident. Whenever he was around her he wouldn't even look at her. He hadn't been sitting next to her in the car, and when he was forced to, he would turn away and pretend to sleep or listen to his music. And like today, he hadn't talked to her unless it was necessary and had ignored her in the car. She had approached him a couple minutes ago after Key had gotten in the shower, since he was known for taking at least an hour in the bathroom. Minho was gone doing something else, and Jonghyun had passed out the minute they got home, so he wasn't waking up until morning.
"Look Taemin. You're reading too much into this. I just don't really have anything to say to you. Stop making it something more then it is."
She could tell that there was something wrong. But he put that wall up, so she wasn't going to learn what it was until he wanted her to.
"Fine. Will you just at least pretend to not be mad at me or whatever. And.... never mind."
She turned and walked off, grabbing her sunglasses and a hoodie and left the dorm, slamming the door on her way out.
Jinki just stood there in silence looking at the door Taemin had slammed. What the hell was wrong with him. He wasn't normally like this. He didn't realize he'd been standing there for so long until Key rounded the corner.
"Hey, you doing alright?" Key asked, clearly unaware of his band mates previous exchange.
"What? Oh ya, I'm fine. Just wondering what to eat."
Jinki walked into the kitchen and opened up the fridge. He wasn't really paying attention to anything and just grabbed the first thing he saw then walked back to his room, shutting the door.
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vknutson #1
Chapter 8: Sad to read about your decision but I guess I understand. I won't unsubscribe hoping one day you change your mind. I was one of the few who really liked this story
Chapter 7: great chapter hun, poor OnTae, I hate that they aren't talking, I really hope that they make up soon, coz nothing really happened between them for them to stop speaking; I love that Jinki is so protective of her and was getting pissed at Jonghyun for the way he was reacting to her being a girl; it's good that he finally knows now; really looking forward to more, update really soon hun.
Chapter 6: good to have you back hun, looking forward to more of this, I love it; can't wait; update as soon as you can. <3
Jellyfish177 #4
Chapter 6: Love this story please update soon!! Fighting
Chapter 5: OMO, I can't wait to see what happens now, I really hope that they talk, they really need to get together, keke, and poor Jjong, he's so clueless; love his reaction to finding out that Taemin likes Jinki and that Jinki kissed him/her, keke, update really really soon, pleeeeease. <3
Chapter 4: Kyaaaah~ they kissed! (bouncing off the walls in excitement) You see, this is what happens when you send two ually frustrated people with very confused feelings about the other off to go get food by themselves~ can't wait to see what happens next!
OMO YES, YAY THEY KISSED, POOR JINKI, he really just couldn't take it any more and snapped; keke, I guess after that dream it was too much for him; it was so so hot, that he just pushed her up against the wall like that, I can't wait for more and to see what happens next, I'm sure that Taemin won't complain, keke, update really really soon, I need more, pleeeease. <3
OMO MINHO YOU ARE AMAZING, COME ON JINKI ADMIT THAT YOU LIKE TAEMIN, keke, I really hope that Jinki wakes up soon and realizes that he likes her, maybe with Minho's help, can't wait for more, wish the chapters were longer, update really really soon, love it. ;-P <3
this is fantastic I love it, poor Tae, it was so sweet of Minho to look for her and take care of her like that, it's nice that she has someone that she can talk to about everything; and Key that's more like it, taking care of her instead of being nasty, she doesn't want Jjong; I can't wait to see what Minho says to Jinki, will he get it out of him why he's acting like this, I'm sure he has his theory's about what's going on with him; maybe if Jinki doesn't know why he's doing what he's doing, Minho can tell him and slap some sense into him; hello Jinki, you like her; keke; can't wait for more, really wanna see what happens next. <3 <3
keke, love this, the parody is pretty good too, I really hope that Jinki wakes up soon and realizes that he likes her, keke, so cute; and where did Tae go, I hope that she's alright, update really soon. <3 <3