Chapter 8

Your ma girl♥


1st POV:
I stood there stunned by Changjo's words.
Yes I knew he liked me...But to what extent?
My gaze went from his face to the floor.
I was going to answer,but my voice became shakey.
*Why?...why can't I answer?* My voice got held back.
I looked back up to Changjo to try to indicate somethings wrong with me,but
at that moment...a crowd swept right through the space between us,pulling me along.
I tried to yell.I tried to do something,but my voice wouldn't come out.
Just as I thought that I might end up in an unknown place,a hand reached out and grabbed me,taking me out of the crowd.
Once I was out of the crowd,I placed my hand over my mouth,in fear that I might throw up.
"Huff...huh....T-t-thank you!" I said getting back my breath.
"Your welcome." Said a VERY familiar voice.
My eyes quickly shot up to see no other than Adrian.
"A-Adrian..." I studdered.
He gave me a smirk.
" what are you going to give me for a thank you gift?"
I growled under my breath.
*This idiot! Who does he think he is!!*
I gave him a cold glare,but he shrugged it off.
"I don't have time for your answer..I'll take this as my gift." He replied grabbing my
Quick as possible,he placed his lips on mine.
My eyes widened from shock.
I tried to pull away,but a feeling came deep inside of me.
An old feeling I tried to forget.
Just when I couldn't take it anymore,Adrian pulled away and gave me a grinned.
"Still the same as need to work on your kissing skills,babe." With that he winked at me and ran off.
I became inflared!
I wanted to get the nearest lamp post and just smack him with it.
My blood rushed to my face, and me being short tempered wanted to hurt something..
I looked around,but found no one near me.
I started walking on the path infront of me,breathing in and out,to at least control myself.
"Where's Changjo?" I whispered to myself.
I looked left and right,but still found no one in sight.
Sighing I looked up to the night sky.
Once again I continued to walk,but it wasn't long until someone..
Place their hand on my shoulder.
"AAAHHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled scared.
"SHHHH!! Be quiet! It's me,Hugo."
I turned around quickly,and stretched my arms to hug him.
"Hugoo~ I scared.." I said with tears forming in my eyes.
As tough as I may be..or however I am...I'm still a girl,and it's scary for me.
He hugged me back and began to my hair.
"Shhh..don't worry...I'm here..." 
My tears fell out,and I couldn't control myself any longer.
I cried and cried..
Simply because that's all I wanted to let out.
Hugo's POV:
I held her in my arms and watched her cry.
I saw the whole things. From my cousin confessing his love to her,to that bastard grabbing her and kissing her.
*SooMi...are you better now? How are you feeling?*
I had a million questions swarming in my head,but I knew better not to ask her at that moment.
I just kept quiets and held her longer.
I then gently pushed her away,lifted her face so she could face me.
"SooMi....Let's go sit on that bench.." I said pointing to the other side of the path.
She nodded her head yes.
I placed my hands on her hand,and lead her to the bench.
Once we sat down,it was silent for what seemed like eternity.
After a while,I turned my head to look at her.
I nearly burst into laughter at what I saw.
SooMi,fell asleep with wide opened.
My lip curled up into a sweet smile.
"Haha...idiot...your not suppose to let your guard down with a guy..No matter how much you trust them."
I chuckled and looked up to the stars.
"You're so cute when your sleeping.." I whispered to myself.
I turned my head back to her and leaned in to wiped away her last tear from under her eyes.
After that,I spent another few minutes just staring at her.
*I'm completely starstruck by your beauty,you know that?"
"SooMi..........I really am deeply in love with you..ever since..the first day school.."
Unconciously,I leaned into her face..That's when...our two lips met.
WOAH...I am serrriooussllly sorry for not upating xD
LOL but SCHOOL?!?! Drama!?!?!(the class xD) CHOIR?!?! (>.<) it's pretty hard on me D:
hehe...but i at least update rite?
haha and now..i have a poster!!!!!!!!!!!! but im not gonna post it up
bcz it looks ugly! xD
Any ONE of you amazing subscribers want to make me a poster? ;D
I'll love you foreveeerr~
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Chapter 16: Please update soon, I just suscribed~
Chapter 14: WAIT in this chap. who said I love You to Soomi?!?
Chapter 9: update soon!! your story was daebak!!
Chapter 7: Love the Chapter!!! Soo~ cute!!!

And I want a Fair in my place/area :( oh well but love your story!! Update soon~!!! :D
I want to know who the hyung is!!! and the girl, i know who (i think). hope you update soon, but rest first. want you to feel much better next time :)
Love it and Get well dont stress your self XD
okay now i've read it all <3 the nurse likes hugo? ADVICE: HUGO RUN!!! haha that was her first "kiss"?? haha im loving the drama here xD
1st chapter: AWWW changjo so cute! but i feel sorry for Hugo. he likes her but plays hard to get? haha just kidding. im really interested in this! like no joke~
Interesting so much!! :DD.
T-T poor Hugo
but changjo is qt in this LOL