Chapter 16

Your ma girl♥


1st POV:
As soon,as he nodded his head,everything around me turned dark pitched black.
Even in a dream,everything was blurry. 

~The past~
No One's POV:

The boy ran and ran,away from the crowd.
Away from everything.

"Tell me...that wasn't her right.
Please...tell me it wasn't her! 
I can't be!
I love her! She's my everything.

Hot tears ran down his cheeks,as he tried to erase everything.

Without realizing it,he made my way into an unknown world.
Pitch blackness surrounded him.
Everything...was dark...and cold.

Finally he found a light,leading the way.
Before he realized what was happening,a sharp pain hit him from the side.


The car tried to stop at all possible cost..
But it was already too late.

The boy flew 4ft forwards.
He kept slipping in and out of consciousness.
As he struggled to keep awake,he heard a call in the distance.

It was clearly a male's voice.
He got closer and held him close.

"NO HYUNG! You can't!" He cried.
The boy's eyes fluttered open to see no other than his dongsaeng.

"Hugo..." He choked.
He gave him a sad smile.
"Michael hyung!" He cried harder holding him.

"Y-You can't die!! WHAT ABOUT SOOMI!"
Michael's heart ached at the sound of her name.

"Hugo...please..." He pleaded.
Suddenly anger,filled Hugo up.

"IT WAS HER HUH?!" He burst.
Michael coughed and blood spilled out,causing Hugo to maintain his concern on his hyung.
"Hyung.." He whimpered.

"I don't even know,if it's her..." Michael softly said.

~Earlier that day~

Michael's POV:

Oh my beautiful target!
You zoom zoom my heart like a rocket!! <3

I clicked sent and in a matter of seconds,I received a reply.

I like it like it like it like it(:

I chuckled at her reply.

Watchaaa doing gorgeous?

Homework :(
and you?

To SooMi:
Need help?! :D

I got up and quickly changed,whether she wanted me to or not, I still was going.

From SooMi:

To SooMI:
Why not? :c

I look weird >___<


I grabbed my hoodie,placed it over my head,and left out of my house to my backyard.

"First things first......" I looked at my list.
1)Food shopping
2)Dry Cleaner's pick up
3)Pick up box from Mariah

"Food shopping?" I questioned myself.
I looked at the back of the list.
Carrots,apples,bananas,kimchi,rice,cake mix.

Hopping ontop of my bicycle,I raced out of my house.

Almost crashing a few times,I made my way to the store and bought the things needed.
After that I went to the cleaner's and picked up the tuxedo I had cleaned.

As I made my way to Mariah's house,I passed by the local park.
By this time, the sun was beginning to set.
I sat down on the bench and gazed at the beautiful scenary around me.

Suddenly though,something caught my attention.
Far in the distance...
I saw her...

"Soo-" I was going to yell out her name.
But the person next to her.
Caught my attention.

A guy.
And not just any guy.


That guy I hate.
The only person I ever hated.

My step-brother.

He grabbed her hand,and pulled her into a hug.

I felt my heart drop.
She just stayed in place.
Not moving an inch.

*Soomi..why won't you struggle out of his grasp? Why won't you move?*
Tears filled my eyes.

She's not cheating on me...right?

I couldn't bare it anymore.
I  turned around,and dropped my bike in it's place.
I ran...ran as fast as my legs could take me.

I felt lost,as my surroundings became pure darkness.
And then..I felt a sharp pain to my side.


I'm horrible aren't I?!
It's just................i've been in "love"
and I still am...JESUS!
i can't that idiot out of my head AISH /:
I will try to update more often now..SO PLEASE SUPPORT!

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Chapter 16: Please update soon, I just suscribed~
Chapter 14: WAIT in this chap. who said I love You to Soomi?!?
Chapter 9: update soon!! your story was daebak!!
Chapter 7: Love the Chapter!!! Soo~ cute!!!

And I want a Fair in my place/area :( oh well but love your story!! Update soon~!!! :D
I want to know who the hyung is!!! and the girl, i know who (i think). hope you update soon, but rest first. want you to feel much better next time :)
Love it and Get well dont stress your self XD
okay now i've read it all <3 the nurse likes hugo? ADVICE: HUGO RUN!!! haha that was her first "kiss"?? haha im loving the drama here xD
1st chapter: AWWW changjo so cute! but i feel sorry for Hugo. he likes her but plays hard to get? haha just kidding. im really interested in this! like no joke~
Interesting so much!! :DD.
T-T poor Hugo
but changjo is qt in this LOL