Chapter 12

Your ma girl♥


1st POV:
My eyes fluttered open...
The pain I once felt on my head,had magically disappeared.
"Mmmhmm...where am I?" I said as I looked around the room.
The room was a pure white color with white feathers everywhere and only one door leading out.
"Am..I dead?"
Suddenly the door burst open and a familiar face appeared.
My worriedness all seemed to disappear as soon as I saw him.
"SooMi...." He said as his straight face turned into a smile.
I couldn't help but smile too.
"Hi..." I replied.
He ran to me and hugged me tightly.
I just burst into tears.
"I missed much..."He said with his voice cracking.
I hugged back and didn't let go until we were completely full of tears.
He pulled back and just stared at me for what seemed like eternity.
Then...his face lit up and his lips curved into a smile once again.
That smile...I haven't seen it in forever..I want to see it more and more..
"SooMi..." He said again.
I hugged him and placed my head on his chest..
" this...a dream?"
He was quiet but kept my hair.
After a while,I slowly pulled away and looked deep into his chocolate brown eyes.
"I...missed you...where...were you?" I said with tears dangeling from my eyes.
"What are you talking about..I've always...been here.." He replied.
His voice was so soft and reassuring..And I believed those words he told me.

Then he leaned in.
Kissing me ever so softly,like in the past.
This kiss...the kiss I missed so much.
He pulled away and looked me in the eyes.
" much as I love you...You're not ready to be here yet...No yet...Even if we have to separate for a long time..Just...don't come here's not right for you..." His eyes were full of tears once again.

"Michael....what do you mean?" My voice was quivering.
"As much as I want you here with me...right now..I want you to live..wait no..I need YOU to live...Not be here...So SooMI..this might be the last time we see each other...but just remeber...I'm always here with you...Whenever something happens to you...I will be there...Because..I left my heart with you the day I died." He was crying but his tears were glowing.

He leaned in once more,and captured my lips.
I felt his tears stain my cheeks,but I didn't care..I just wanted to be with him until...this precious time given to us ended.

He backed away and kissed my cheek.
" me a favor...when you wake up...Continue your life...And don't let my past existance haunt you...Live a life..for me..for someone..who couldn't make it to the SooMi.......Wake up" 


NExt chapter will be up in a bit :3
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Chapter 16: Please update soon, I just suscribed~
Chapter 14: WAIT in this chap. who said I love You to Soomi?!?
Chapter 9: update soon!! your story was daebak!!
Chapter 7: Love the Chapter!!! Soo~ cute!!!

And I want a Fair in my place/area :( oh well but love your story!! Update soon~!!! :D
I want to know who the hyung is!!! and the girl, i know who (i think). hope you update soon, but rest first. want you to feel much better next time :)
Love it and Get well dont stress your self XD
okay now i've read it all <3 the nurse likes hugo? ADVICE: HUGO RUN!!! haha that was her first "kiss"?? haha im loving the drama here xD
1st chapter: AWWW changjo so cute! but i feel sorry for Hugo. he likes her but plays hard to get? haha just kidding. im really interested in this! like no joke~
Interesting so much!! :DD.
T-T poor Hugo
but changjo is qt in this LOL