Chapter 10

Your ma girl♥

1st POV:

Once I got home,I went directly to my room to process everything in my mind.
*What just happened?
It can't be, right?*

I shook out the thoughts and looked at myself in the mirror.
"Do you think....he'll leave without saying goodbye?"
I tried to smile.

My smile faded,as another thought went through my head.
*Changjo's going to leave too,huh?*
I sighed trying to think of something,but nothing came to mind.

When I got up from my bed,there was a sudden knock on my door.
"Who is it?" I asked.
No answer came from the other side.
"Hell-" I said about to open the door,but it opened from the other side,smacking me right in the face.

I stumbled backwards,and landed straight on my .
"OH GOODNESS!! I'M SORRY SOOMI!!" Said the person running to me.
I looked around,but I only saw stars.
"Yaahh? Why are they're so many stars when it's morning?" I said unconsiously.
"SooMi...!" Said the person right before I passed out.

I woke up from a painful banging on my head.
I was awake,but my eyes wouldn't open.
After a while of trying to open my eyes,I gave up.

I stayed there on the bed for what seemed like an hour,until someone came in.
"She's still alseep.." said a male voice.
*That voice seems familar*
"YAH! Why you have to be an idiot and smack her with the door?" Another voice said.
*That's Changjo..* I thought remembering his sweet voice.
"Maybe it's like a fairytale..prince charming has to kiss the princess to wake up..Let me ki-"
"NO!" Said the first voice cutting him off.
*First voice was obviously Adrian's * I said in my mind getting annoyed.
*But...who's the second voice?*
I thought and thought but no one came to mind.
*'s Hugo''s not like his voice..*

Thinking made me tired.
So after thinking of all the possible people that could have been the first person,I fell asleep.

HEYYY :3 <3
SO Yeah..i decided to update!! ^^
Ima go kill hiimmmmmm!
Anyway~~ Thanks for readinng~
I love you<3

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Chapter 16: Please update soon, I just suscribed~
Chapter 14: WAIT in this chap. who said I love You to Soomi?!?
Chapter 9: update soon!! your story was daebak!!
Chapter 7: Love the Chapter!!! Soo~ cute!!!

And I want a Fair in my place/area :( oh well but love your story!! Update soon~!!! :D
I want to know who the hyung is!!! and the girl, i know who (i think). hope you update soon, but rest first. want you to feel much better next time :)
Love it and Get well dont stress your self XD
okay now i've read it all <3 the nurse likes hugo? ADVICE: HUGO RUN!!! haha that was her first "kiss"?? haha im loving the drama here xD
1st chapter: AWWW changjo so cute! but i feel sorry for Hugo. he likes her but plays hard to get? haha just kidding. im really interested in this! like no joke~
Interesting so much!! :DD.
T-T poor Hugo
but changjo is qt in this LOL