Chapter 2

Your ma girl♥


1st POV:

Walking down the hallway with Changjo seemed to take forever.
"Mmmhmm?" Changjo said turning his attention to me instead of the floor.
"Where's the rest of Teen Top?" I asked.
He looked up to the ceiling and thought back.
"Ah...yeah...they're week?"
"Why didn't they come with you..?"
He turned down to me and smiled.
"Aren't you interested?"
I just smiled awkwardly.

"Ah..well..I came first because..i have family here..and a place to stay.."
"Ehhh? Your mooching off you family? That isn't good Changjoo~."
He looked at me and pushed me ahead.
"Yah..your class is here..bai bai!!!!"

Just as I was about to go into the classroom,Changjo pulled me back and..


Kissed my cheek.
I sighed in annoyance and just walked into my class,rubbing my cheek.

"Oh my gawd...did you see that?" A girl said.
"No way! that bish!! How is she seducing him!"
"That hoe...Micha-" When she was about to say that,I slammed my hand on her desk.
Anger was raging through me,and all i wanted to do was punch someone.This girl was my perfect target.

As I was about to lift my fist to punch her face,arms wrapped around me and held me back.
I looked up and gasp.
"Ah....Um....I'm sorry.."
He looked at me and cleared his throat.
"Please calm down SooMi..The past is the past..and you girls...DON'T PROVOKE HER.." He said.

I felt my cheeks turn a shade of red,as I noticed he was..somewhat hugging me.
"Hey....Hugo...Thanks...for...controlling me.." I said.
He sighed and looked at me.
"I'm doing this for him..Don't cause trouble for the dead..okay..."
My lips turned into a smile.

Hugo's POV:

I'm glad my teacher sent me to bring stuff to SooMi's classroom.
If not..she would have gotten suspended..and that would hurt me..alot..
Seeing her smiling face,actually give me energy to go through the day..

Her that girl...almost saying his name...Does she still care for him?
SooMi...tell me something..Please? My thoughts are all out..and..ugh..

"SooMi..." I started out.
"Yes?" She replied quietly.
I have to say this..
"Do you still love him?"
The expression on her face froze...

She started gasping for air..As though was caught.
"Hugo.." She started sobbing..
With that,she fainted.

"SooMi....SOOMI?!?! HEY WAKE UP" I said falling on the floor and shaking her.
I knew what I had to do..
"SooMi...forgive me..." With that I placed my lips on hers and gave her CPR.

Slowly and steadily,her breathing came back to normal again.
I sighed in relief and smiled to myself.
I saved someone!!
I looked over to her and then...picked her up bridal style..taking her to the nurses office.

As I left the classroom,girls behind me were gasping and well..screaming.
"Haha...SooMi got her kiss..but she won't know xD" A girl laughed.
I blew my bangs up and just walked casually down the hall.

did you like it?
YESH? Well kamsamnida for reading ^-^
I will be back soon to update ^.^
Oh yeah..haha read my

Where are you now?

YESH? Pleasee~~ Pweetty pwease? :DD
It's a good need help in it xD
AH..anyways..sorry for taking up..time?
WELL good day!
Hope you have a good day in school/work/etc!!


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Chapter 16: Please update soon, I just suscribed~
Chapter 14: WAIT in this chap. who said I love You to Soomi?!?
Chapter 9: update soon!! your story was daebak!!
Chapter 7: Love the Chapter!!! Soo~ cute!!!

And I want a Fair in my place/area :( oh well but love your story!! Update soon~!!! :D
I want to know who the hyung is!!! and the girl, i know who (i think). hope you update soon, but rest first. want you to feel much better next time :)
Love it and Get well dont stress your self XD
okay now i've read it all <3 the nurse likes hugo? ADVICE: HUGO RUN!!! haha that was her first "kiss"?? haha im loving the drama here xD
1st chapter: AWWW changjo so cute! but i feel sorry for Hugo. he likes her but plays hard to get? haha just kidding. im really interested in this! like no joke~
Interesting so much!! :DD.
T-T poor Hugo
but changjo is qt in this LOL