Chapter 7

Your ma girl♥


"You never ditched before?" With that said,he picked me up and left the nurse's room 
and out of the school.
Changjo's POV:
I ran and ran,with SooMi in my arms,until...soon enough,far in the distance the air was 
filled with sounds of kids screaming and laughter.
I cover her eyes with my free hand and said,
"'s a secret....I'll slowly reveal the secret place once we get there...For now...just 
listen with your ears!" 
She replied with only giggles.
After walking a few more steps,I stopped infront of the entrance.
Carefully,and steadily...I put her on the ground,but with my hand still covering her eyes.
I took a breath,and slowly took my hand off her eyes.
She opened her eyes and gave off a huge gasp. Then she turned to me and hugged me.
"CHANGJO!!! I love the fair!!!!.." 
"Haha..lucky guess?"
She smiled at me and let out a small laugh.
I couldn't help but smile back.
"Hey...let's get on all the big rides first!!!" She said excitedly running towards the 
probably biggest ride there..
My eyes opened wide.
"T-that ride..isn't a bit...too..scary for you?" I asked nervously.
She laughed.
"Changjo...are you scared of that ride?"
My face turned red.
"O-of course not!!..LET'S GO!!"I said as I grabbed her hand and ran to the line.
Once we were on it,my fear came back.
"Uh..SooMi..wanna grab my know..get scared." She replied with 
laughter and held my hand.
I was glad SooMi was there with me,or else..I would have probably not made it through the ride..
After that we rode many more rides.
It wasn't until we saw the time,that we realized it was already 8pm.
"Woah Changjo...! How long have we been here?" She asked me while she put cotton candy in .
I took a bite from her cotton candy.
"Mhmmm..we left school at noon." 
Her eyes widened at my reply.
"DANNGG WE BEEN HERE ALL DAY HUH?!" I laughed at her reaction.
"Yeahh...hey...our last ride...let's ride that..." I said pointing off into the distant.
Her eyes followed my finger.
"The ferris wheel?"
I smiled and nodded yes.
We slowly started to make our way towards the big wheel.
SooMi's POV:
When we got there,unexpectly...the line was empty.
"Come on you two,this is the last trip today..." Said the guy in charge of the ride.
Changjo grabbed my hand and headed into the capsule.
We sat down and waiting for the wheel to begin to move.
Just as I was about to sit in my own seat,the ride began.
My foot lost balance and..............
I fell right on top of Changjo.
Unexpectly,Changjo pushed me off him gently and asked if I was okay.
I awkwardly nodded yes.
*Woah..that was...close* I thought with my heart racing fast.
We just sat there and awkwardly stared off into the distance.
Staring into the unknown...
Then...we reached the top,so closely to the stars.
I turned my eyes back to Changjo,only to have him dreamily staring at me.
"Changjo?" His lips curled into a smile.
" know..your very pretty.."
I blushed at him comment.
"Ah Changjo..your quite...handsome yourself."
He let out a chuckled,turning his gaze back to the window of the capsule.
"Today's a pretty night...I feel as though the stars are so close..Close enough to reach."
I looked up to the sky once again.
*That's exactly what I thought*
"I like science alot..." I said unconciously.
"Huh?" Changjo asked.
I smiled sheepishly.
"Ah...I like amazes me...just how spacious the world..the universe is..
It makes me...anticipate it all..."
"That's really cool.." He replied.
After that,the rest of the ride was filled with silence.
Once we got off,Changjo pulled me near to a bench.
"SooMi..there's another place..I wanna take you...would you mind coming with me?"
I looked at him confused,but slowly nodded my head yes.
"It's another here wear this." He said handing me a blind-fold.
I put it on,and once I had it on,Changjo grabbed my hand,and pulled me foward.
We walked and walked and as we walked,the sound of music grew fainter and fainter..
Suddenly,Changjo pulled me to him.
"Okay...hold up.." He took off my blindfold,but still kept my eyes covered.
Still...he keep grabbing my hand and lead me further into the unknown.
"Keep your eyes closed until I say okay!!" He said while leaving me behind.
"Uhh..I'll try to.." I replied shutting my eyes tighter.
After a moment of silence..a wind blew in and my nose was filled with a flowery scent.
*I know this smell* As I was going to get into further investigation in my head,I was interrupted by Changjo.
"Okay now" Changjo said a little farther away.
I opened my eyes quickly,wanting to know the surprise infront of me.
My mouth dropped.
There infront of me was Changjo with the most beautiful lilac flowers ever.
I gasped.
" did you know...that they were my favorite flowers?"
He smiled shyly.
"Actually..I didn''s just...don't you know what lilac means in the language of 
I thought for a moment,but with no idea what it meant, nodded my head no.
His face turned a bright pink.
"First love..." 
My heart skipped a beat.
"First love?" I asked.
"SooMi...I....I think...I'm truly madly in love with you..and it's my first time..ever feeling 

Woah..Changjo openly confessed to her xD
LOL...i'm sorry i haven't updated..and this might not be the BEST chapter..
But im working hard!!! >////<
haha...I hope you enjoyed it(:
I put this as the's almost time for the fair in my town xD
I lovveee the faiirr!
Except last year i threw up alot xD haha ewww why did i tell you that?
Thank you my readderr~~
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Chapter 16: Please update soon, I just suscribed~
Chapter 14: WAIT in this chap. who said I love You to Soomi?!?
Chapter 9: update soon!! your story was daebak!!
Chapter 7: Love the Chapter!!! Soo~ cute!!!

And I want a Fair in my place/area :( oh well but love your story!! Update soon~!!! :D
I want to know who the hyung is!!! and the girl, i know who (i think). hope you update soon, but rest first. want you to feel much better next time :)
Love it and Get well dont stress your self XD
okay now i've read it all <3 the nurse likes hugo? ADVICE: HUGO RUN!!! haha that was her first "kiss"?? haha im loving the drama here xD
1st chapter: AWWW changjo so cute! but i feel sorry for Hugo. he likes her but plays hard to get? haha just kidding. im really interested in this! like no joke~
Interesting so much!! :DD.
T-T poor Hugo
but changjo is qt in this LOL