Chapter 6 : From The Eyes of Seohyun

Melodies for you


My eyes blink rapidly as the light flashes non-stop in front of me. I have been sitting on this stool for almost an hour; it is safe to say that my back is starting to get hurt. I sigh a little, wondering when this conference is going to end. But I couldn’t complain, because this actually can be a great help to our popularity in the show biz, since our group just debuted a year ago. Thankfully and surprisingly, we were welcomed greatly by the netizen.

I turn my gaze upon the MC once more, who’s seemed to be preoccupied interviewing my fellow band mates, Taeyeon and Tiffany Unnie. He was asking several questions regarding our personality. All sorts of questions were thrown and my ever so honest and cheerful unnies answered them.

The Mc turns to look at me, causing me to smile a little.

“Seohyun-sshi, it is well known to us and of course the netizen too, that you were quite….a Reserve person. Am I right?”

I wanted to say no, but he cuts me off. “Ah yes, of course she is, she’s the prim and proper one among the three of you, a princess alike”

That got a laugh from the audience. What is soo funny?

My forehead scrunches, I dislike the way that he pointing out my personality as prim and proper, not to mention Princess alike. Before I could say anything, Taeyeon unnie chirp in “Well, Maknae is always goes by the book, sometime it can be quite annoying. At some point I wish that she could let loose a little”

“Seohyun-sshi hates boys and chooses dating Goguma rather than dating boys” he continued.

First and foremost, I do not hate boys, nor do I dislike their presence. Its just that I don’t have interest in them yet. And Goguma? I know that I love goguma, but seriously? Why would I date one? Doesn’t it seem to be a little bit bizarre thing to do?

She is very goal oriented, and she said she wanted to achieve her dream than getting married” The Mc unknowingly hurt my feeling “Well, Seohyun-sshi, this kind of new for us, most girls want to get married at your age”

  The MC is starting to annoy me greatly. Excuse me, not ALL people want to get married at the age of 22. Stop being stereotyping. Is it wrong for me wanting to get what I want first before settling down?

For most people, I don’t know whether this is a sweeping statement or not, they do not know or comprehend the way I think, or probably some 91 liners think. It’s not like we always ‘go by the book’, its just the way we are. I do think that, in order for you to achieve something that you want or desire, you have to follow certain rules and oblige not doing anything that might jeopardize your dreams. Yes, I do realize that, some people might opt to take risk or any chances to make your life better. Do they even know that by following rules is also a neither risky option nor chance to get what you want?

I smile forcefully at the Mc and the audience once more, not wanting to cost any commotion by giving them a stern hard look causes by their assumption of my life style or my perspective in life.

“Ah, Seohyun-sshi can be a shy and quiet person too. That is really an adorable maknae you got there, Taeyeon-sshi, Tiffany-sshi”

The crowd awe at the statement.

This is another thing that I would really love to disregard in the netizen’s mind, about the way I am. Yes, I can be shy at times, especially because I m a bit awkward in front of the camera and knowing that there are thousands of eyes watching my every moves right now. How could I not? In my entire 22 years of living, never have I had the chance to be place under a lime light and known by the whole country. You have got to give me some slack for being shy. And quiet? For me, I prefer non-verbal actions, as it conveys more expression than playing with words. I solely believe that, one would feel at ease when people show them their feeling instead of express it with words. Well, I’m entitle to my opinion only. Maybe some people would think otherwise. But that doesn’t mean you got to have the right to judge and label people instantly.

“We would like to thank the TTS for being here, it is such a pleasure having this three beautiful and talented ladies coming into this show”

The three of us bows a little, feeling grateful too.

“We hope that you achieve everything that you wanted in life and live the life to the fullest. Me and the rest of the crew and of course the netizen would anticipate TTS new album that would come out this September”.




@TheRealMrTaxi : Seohyun is really  adorb! But seriously, shes a lil Uptight.

@CandyMan21 : Why cant Seohyun be cheerful like Tae and Tiff?

@TechnicallyMe : Seohyun’s personality is such an eyesore

@MyCupboard : She needs to get laid a.s.a.p

@MeCNPurple : after wgm w Yonghwa, she still not dating anyone?? Girl, u got issues



The lighting of her iphone screen shone against her pale face. She sighs for the umpteenth times. She wanted to stop herself from reading news about herself, well, especially if its about bad things. She know that she shouldn’t take it seriously about what people think, but how can she not? Seohyun is a person who thinks too much. It’s a good thing and a bad thing as well.

It’s like a curse wraps in a gift that is precious for ones living. It’s a good thing because it keeps her grounded. It makes her aware of her surroundings. It makes her feel the need to do good thing whilst pursuing her interest and please other people at the same time.

Trying to please others is the darn hardest thing that people in the world can muster. You might like something, but that doesn’t mean that other people would like it too. Some people have given her advice on how to deal with it, “be selfish for once, forget about other things and think about what you want”.

She tried her hardest to be selfish. She really did…and still doing it. Unfortunately, she just can’t seem to do it. She was undeniably born with the mindset like that. It frustrated her down to the core, but somehow reliving at the same time.

See, that’s what she meant by a curse but a fortunate event at the same time.

“Seo, are you okay?”

The husky voice belongs to none other than her Tiffany Unnie breaks her from her trance. She turns to her side, only to welcome by the sight of Taeyeon Unnie was helping her Tiffany putting on her trench coat. This pair can’t get any sweeter??

“Yes, I’m fine unnie” She nodded, giving a little smile.

She wouldn’t want to bother to tell her sisters about her thought. It’s not like hates her Unnies or does not trust them. It’s just that there are things are better to be left unsaid.

“Are you sure Seo, you look a little pale” Taeyeon asks

Seohyun smiles once more “I’m okay Unnies, I m a little tired. I just want to go back home”

A rest would do. Her thought has taken the toll of her. She was tired as hell. Seohyun sits comfortably and force her mind to take a break.

A hug and comfort would do too. She grins bitterly. After a long non-stop working, it would be really nice if someone would hug her right now., and probably some words of comfort to ease of her trouble mind.

Asking hugs from her unnies would be a piece of cake, but it would be nice if other than sisterly love gives her a hug.

She sighs once again.



The 22 years old girl, swipe her blue card and key in the code to her apartment. She opens the door and welcome by the sounds of silence and the dim light comes creeping in her sight.

She places her bags properly on the couch and went straight to the kitchen as she was a little parched.

She was soo lonely and sad. That was until, a slender hand encircle her waist causing the maknae squeal.

The familiar smells of apricot fill her senses. Her tense body was put at ease as she embraces the warm hug.

“Baby, when did you come back from UK?”

“Around three hours ago” the person behinds her mutters, as she buried her face in the crook of the maknae’s neck. Giving it light kisses. “I miss you”

Seohyun grins “I miss you soo much”

The letter smiles back and proceed to turns Seo around, wanting to get a look of her beloved face. She keeps her hand intertwines and pull Seo towards the living room.

The letter sits on the couch, patting her lap, wanting the younger girl to sit on it. Seo smiles and straddles the older girl, whilst locking her arms around the letter’s neck whilst the older one wraps her arms around seo’s waist.

“I feel like hell” the letters mutters under her breathe.


“Being apart from you for three consecutive days feels like someone throws me off a cliff. Hurts a lot” she whispers. Seo lean and give the letter a peck on the lips.

“When did you get soo cheesy baby?” Seo chuckles

Her lover sighs “Seriously babe, I feel like someone rips my heart off , I hate this feeling soo much”

Seohyun was touch, although her lover can be childish at times, but at time like this, her seriousness/weirdness was endearing.  She leans again once more, giving her lover a short kiss.

“Baby, …” Seo trails, wanting to asks her lover some sort of question.

“I love the fact that you don’t show who you really are in front of other people”

Seohyun was definitely dumbstruck for a second. Millions of thought comes rushing in, hitting her brain from every corner. Is her beloved person is going to provoke her thought like what everybody did a few hours ago? But her preposterous thought vanish as her eardrums hits by a familiar delicate voice.

“It sounds selfish… I know…but you’re my other half. I’m messy, childish and seriously handful sometimes… well, maybe most of the times. Your way of arranging things, ways of talking reminds me of a Princess. Specifically, the Princess of my dream. I like that you know. I like the fact that you dislike…I mean, your disinterest in boys. I’m an insecure person. You’re very pretty you know that. Each and every day, my mind clouded with thought that maybe you would get fed up with me in one of this days, and you decided to end everything and falls for guys who are far… far….far… better than me. My heart would die. But, every time, I look at your face. Everything just comes passing by. I trust you with all my heart and I know you would take care of it”


“and I love everything that you did for me. You never said a word most of the times but, I just want you to know, that I’m grateful of everything that you do. Even if its just folding my socks and put it in a drawer or something. I really appreciate that. I feel love. And I love you soo much for that. After meeting you, I learned that, love isn’t a thing that you can express with beautiful words that you put together in a sentences whereas you serenade your love ones with their meanings, every little things you do, makes me wanting to not stop loving you. You always said that I’m good with words, and you really like it. But guess what, your actions speaks louder than my cheesy lines”

I admire your enthusiasm when it comes to getting what you want. It makes me wanting to work harder in my studies and my career. I wanted to be the best or perhaps equal with you. One of this days, or months, or years, or decade… well maybe not decade…” the letter smile, giving Seohyun a peck on the lips “I want to march down the aisle, and proudly announcing the world that I finally…. Finishes of my dream list with the best of the best things that I could have ever dream for.

Seohyun lock her gaze in those mesmerizing orbs “and that is?”

“Marrying the girl that my heart longed for”

Seohyun couldn’t help herself, as she shed tears. Her heart was burning with flame. Her brain went blank all of a sudden, as she tightens her arms around her lover’s neck. She buried her face in the crook of the letter’s neck whilst her lover giving small kisses on Seo’s neck, in attempt to calm her other half down.

Seohyun pulls a little before giving the letter a passionate kiss, conveying her non-stop pounding heart and full of love in a simple kiss.

It doesn’t matter if people call her reserve person

It doesn’t matter if people call her boys abhorring

Goguma enthusiast,

Goal oriented,

Noblewoman comparable,

Prudish and accurate,

And all goes by every tenet…


All that matter is,  knowing someone that she dearly love, knows who she really are. Knows why she did, what she wants at the first place. Understand her like she understands herself. She was contented; her heart was put at ease, knowing in her freakishly fallback life, some is standing by her side, putting pieces of her flaws and pros all together and complete her immensely.

“I love you soo much, Im YoonA”

“I love you soo much Seo Juhyun”

















This is my fail attempt of writing the Maknae's POV. This isn't proofread, soo.. theres going to be full of grammatical errors and nonsense things. Soo, urm, thanks for the upvote to dede123 and thecutedevil. You guys are super awesome!!!


And sorry for another yoonhyun oneshot, haha i can't help it. next chapter would be Yulsic! ^^

and for my subscribers for my other fanfics, i know im such a jacka$$ for not updating. I got serious brain fart. Anyway, hopefully you guys would forgive me, and no worries, i wont; abandoned any of it. haha

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Chapter 11: Nice collection. I love YoonHyun's fluffiness as always haha. I usually just read their parts in most of the RF shots I've seen but this made me read all the chapters. It's good. A mixed of fluff, sad scenarios.
cj-the-greatest #2
Chapter 9: Yoonhyun all the way. Seriously man that was awesome as hell. You nailed seohyun's character. You literally wrote down my thoughts regarding her personality. She is so amazing and charming. I hate it when some anti-s call her robotic. Prude. Uptight and boring. Seohyun's just so unique and I love her for it. I especially got into Yoonhyun after watching the ending of a music show. Taetiseo won and yoonA came there to support. She was dressed in her love rain garb. I loved the way she was cuddling seohyun. And some antis say they r not close.....pfft well f#@k them
Chapter 11: Wow, this is really 'hard' piece *o*
Chapter 10: wtf hahaha yulsic :(
Redrum #5
Chapter 9: Wow author I think you did a great job writing in Seohyuns pov and who cares if there are some errors we still get what youre writing :3
Chapter 9: i love the update :)
Chapter 8: I say I love all the couples since I am a Royal Family Shipper XD

The stories are all jjang but I felt sorry for Hyo's since there is some scene, kil....

Anyways, I like all the stories especially TaeNy, whereas Tiffany is a bad girl(ive always like those kind of idea Tiff being bad girl lol) and YoonHyun, ma Maknaes, I love you~ just they are so perfect for each other
Chapter 8: Nice...really nice shots!*raising my cap in salute
Really like your writing style, somehow attractively serious yet blend well with any kind of genres. Why I didn't found this sooner?

Oh, and nice fluff for this chapter by the way! Just really love the way Seohyun passes her notes and messages to Yoona! Creatively cute! Aww... If only it could happen in my real life...~
Chapter 8: YoonHyun is soooooooo sweet!!!!