Lips and Hair *JungLi f(x)

Melodies for you


Since day one, all I can ever think about is her.

Well, not entirely ‘her’… but more to a specific body parts

Please don’t be such a ert

I’m not talking about her asset or… her ‘bumper’ or some sort

I’m talking about the one and only body parts that I can’t keep my eyes off

Not her cold piercing eyes,

Not her cold slender fingers,

Not her long skinny legs,


Not her never ending silky cascading lock.

I’m talking about her small… unsmiling-all-the-time lips.

Call me crazy, call me weirdo

But seriously, I just can’t stop thinking about it.

It’s weird for me to think of her like that. First of all, I don’t even know her name, and for sure she wouldn’t even care less about knowing mine. Second of all, I just met her a few times… correction… I only bump into her several times. We’re not even talking… how is that not bizarre?

Okay, seriously I got to stop saying the word ‘even’, even in my head, its sounds soo annoying. Anyway, I should divert my attention to something else… okay, how about looking at… urm

Amber Hyung/Unnie… what the heck is she doing? Why is she making faces in front of the mirror? Euu… duck face pose!! Yaiks! I think she’s trying to be cute since people keeps on telling her to starts being feminine. Ayayai… she seriously needs to stop… that is one ugly selca. I think people who said things to Amber Unnie should back off. I mean, like really? How can people be soo fussy about other people’s life. Instead of messing others, they should have just starts taking care of their own. I mean, come on people… get a life, if Amber unnie wants to be all cool and boyish, so be it. She’s comfortable with it now, so deal with it. Sheesh.. she’s pretty inside and out no matter what people say. Plus, she’s rocking the short haired look.

Anyway, shifting my gaze upon…. Urmm… Luna Unnie… I don’t really know her but I think shes’s pretty. I mean, I m not a Lesbian or something, but I do personally think that she’s pretty. Now, she’s laughing with Victoria Unnie about… urmm… not sure what but perhaps something funny. You see, people might have mistaken that Luna unnie doesn’t feel sad or anything. She laughs, she smiles and jokes around. She’s a happy pill. Is that even an acceptable expression? Anyway… what people don’t know about her is that she’s pretty insecure about herself. I heard from someone, that there are people say bad things about her, specifically about the way she looks. Of course she’s tan and not even remotely tall… pardon for the offending sentence but what I’m trying to say is… she shouldn’t have feel bad about those things. She’s pretty, funny and most of all…. She’s one of the most warmth hearted person that I have ever known.

Okay, Sulli stop. Darn, I should stop talking to myself in my head, its weird. Goodness… I need to stop hanging out with Yuri unnie. Her odd pep talk is rubbing off on me.

Shoot… why is she looking at me like that? She must have thought I’m an oddball. Arghh!! Sulli, why are you soo dumb! Look away! Look Away!! Oh my freaking Goodness… her lips… her lips.. its just soo inevitable.


[End of Sulli’s Self talk]


Why is that pale girl looking at me like that? Is there something on my face or something? Shoot! Where’s my mirror? Hah! Here it is?! Wait a second. I look fine, but why the heck is she looking at me? Its been like… 10 minutes? I m not sure. 

I should ignore her, probably she has an eye problem or something. Poor girl.

Hmm… I wonder what’s her name? Not that I’m too curious but I always see her around, yet I don’t have any idea who’s the girl. There’s nothing interesting about her. Pale skin, chubby cheeks and half lidded eyes. There are far more interesting girls I have met, not that I’m interested in girls.

I think, the only thing that makes me remember her would probably her newly-cut boyish look hair. Before, she has this soft looking wavy tress that I envy of. Mines straight and dull looking. Urgh, need to tell Sica Unnie to drop me off to saloon later. Though she loses her freakishly awesome hair, she’s rocking the boy cut look anyway. She looks like a pretty boy that you watch on those ridiculously cheesy and dramatic series on television nowadays.

She looks cute.

Not that I like her or anything, and for the record… I’m undeniably straight. Its just that, I’m interested by the short hair. Hmm… Stop with the staring Krystal. You’re scaring the girl off.


(End of krystal’s view)




Both girls keep on stealing glances to each other. The girl with the pale skin and short hair, bit her lower lip as she internally praise the letter regarding the lips, whilst the slender looking girl with long straight hair keeps on wondering as to why the other girl opt for boyish cut.

The curiosity was quite intense to say the least. Those odd behaviors do not go unnoticed by Victoria. The Chinese goddess as people would deems it (I second that) looks back and forth between Sulli and Krystal who’s sitting a few tables from each other. Nevertheless, she shrugs it off.








The bells rings and the students scatter to go back as that time was the last period. Victoria packs her books and put it inside her bag, suddenly she heard Luna shriek. She turns her head almost immediately and she was welcome by the sight of Sulli and Krystal was kissing.



Hold up! K.i.s.s.i.n.g?? as in Kissing??



Her eyes was about to fall off from the socket. The younger girls were practically making out in the classroom. Sulli was nibbling the letter’s lower lips and Krystal on the other hand; reciprocate the kiss with such intense whilst her hand plays with Sulli’s hair.





“What the hell happen? What did I miss??”










Sorry for the crappiest and most ridiculous update. This shot was kind of a spur in the moment kinda thing. *Le sighs

Totally unplanned and pure nonsense. Blame my stupid lil brain fart. *Sighs once more*

 This story was basically about someone’s lips, and honestly I’m just superrr curious about it ^^

*lololo wish I can say this to her “hey! You probably don’t know me, but I think your lips is just y” …. Without being smack on the head or called ert that is. Haha



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Chapter 11: Nice collection. I love YoonHyun's fluffiness as always haha. I usually just read their parts in most of the RF shots I've seen but this made me read all the chapters. It's good. A mixed of fluff, sad scenarios.
cj-the-greatest #2
Chapter 9: Yoonhyun all the way. Seriously man that was awesome as hell. You nailed seohyun's character. You literally wrote down my thoughts regarding her personality. She is so amazing and charming. I hate it when some anti-s call her robotic. Prude. Uptight and boring. Seohyun's just so unique and I love her for it. I especially got into Yoonhyun after watching the ending of a music show. Taetiseo won and yoonA came there to support. She was dressed in her love rain garb. I loved the way she was cuddling seohyun. And some antis say they r not close.....pfft well f#@k them
Chapter 11: Wow, this is really 'hard' piece *o*
Chapter 10: wtf hahaha yulsic :(
Redrum #5
Chapter 9: Wow author I think you did a great job writing in Seohyuns pov and who cares if there are some errors we still get what youre writing :3
Chapter 9: i love the update :)
Chapter 8: I say I love all the couples since I am a Royal Family Shipper XD

The stories are all jjang but I felt sorry for Hyo's since there is some scene, kil....

Anyways, I like all the stories especially TaeNy, whereas Tiffany is a bad girl(ive always like those kind of idea Tiff being bad girl lol) and YoonHyun, ma Maknaes, I love you~ just they are so perfect for each other
Chapter 8: Nice...really nice shots!*raising my cap in salute
Really like your writing style, somehow attractively serious yet blend well with any kind of genres. Why I didn't found this sooner?

Oh, and nice fluff for this chapter by the way! Just really love the way Seohyun passes her notes and messages to Yoona! Creatively cute! Aww... If only it could happen in my real life...~
Chapter 8: YoonHyun is soooooooo sweet!!!!