What You are by Jewel- please do listen to this song

Melodies for you

I have been watching her for the longest time

I see the way she walks

I see the way she smiles

I see the way she talks

I see the way she laughs

I remember when she had her long soft tresses cascaded down her shoulders…

With a twinge of curl in the end

Now she has short boy cut look

But it doesn’t make her any less beautiful than she already are.

She is somehow shorter than the average girls’ height,

Well, so do i, i myself cant be count normal girls' height either.

That makes us one the same I guess.

I have never talked to her

Yet I know so much.


I’m not a stalker


I m not.

It’s just that, I happen to work at the sandwich shack across her apartment.

And that was when I first saw her.


“Hello, can I have a chicken sandwich and orange juice to-go please”


That was the first thing that she said to me…English with a tint of Korean accent

It’s not much of a conversation, but… who cares

She has this soft squeaky voice when she talks

But her voice tends to change when she starts singing

Singing? How in the world would I know about that?


Seriously, I m not a stalker. Stop calling me that.


Well, I used to hear her singing in a karaoke place that one time


And NO, I do not follow her around.

Sheesh, seriously you guys.


She has this kind of voice that makes my heart stops for a while, you know?

No, it doesn’t sounds cheesy.

Or so I think…


How long has it since I known her?

Hmm… probably around 5 to 6 six years if I’m not mistaken.

She’s older by one year from me

My best friend, YoonA told me that.


I actually become an unofficial part of her important events that had happen in her life


I was there when she got her first boyfriend,

I overheard her conversation with her best friend, Tiffany.

Who is also dating my best friend’s girlfriend’s sister, Taeyeon.


I was there when she broke up with her first love.


I was there when she told Tiffany that she was promoted.


I was there when she told Jessica, who is also dating my bestfriend’s sister, Yuri, that she got her first apartment here in New York.


I smile at that thought.

I was there

Yet she didn’t know who I am.

I’m just Sooyoung the waitress to her.


 I have been in her life in one way or another, be it sad nor good times.

But one of the times that I have been, the most memorable was the times that her father came all the way from Korea just to meet her.

I bet when you hear that, the only thing that you could think was “Awww… that is soo sweet”

But, hate burst your bubble… it doesn’t start… and end that way.

I was there, I would know it.


“NO you are Not!”

She was sobbing hard and her hand was shaking. The older man, who’s sitting in front of her, clutches his hand hard as he was trying so hard not to throw the tables against the window.

“That’s how I feel dad…”

“And YOU expect me to accept that?!”

“NO, I expect you would understand. I didn’t apply for any of this. It just came”

The man stood up, glaring at her daughter and walks away, leaving the daughter behind with the crystal flows freely from her eyes.


That was when I know that she told her dad that she has feelings for her own kind.

She didn’t come for the next two weeks.

I didn’t know what happen to her though,

YoonA told me that she only lays around her apartment and goes to works. YoonA knew it from her girlfriend, Seohyun, who got it from her sister, Taeyeon who got the information from her girlfriend, Tiffany, who’s the bestfriend of her.

This is the third week that I haven’t seen her face,

It was quite sad actually


“Seriously Soo, when are you going to admit that you like her?”

I snaps from my trance and look at YoonA besides me

“I’m not gay”

YoonA snorts “Yes, you are. Deal with it”

With that, she took the tray of sandwiches to the kitchen.

I kink an eyebrow

“I m not” I mutters


“Excuse me”

I turns to my front.

And there she was

I couldn’t help but smile.

“Hello” I say

“Hi” she smiles back “can I get the usual please?”

I nodded and pack her chicken sandwich and orange juice

She handed a few green notes to me not leaving the cutesy smile on her face.

“Thank you, and please do come again”

She nodded and turns away


I sigh lightly, still looking at her.

And before she steps outside, to my surprise she turns to look at me.

My face fills with confusion, and perhaps she notices that.

She walks towards me and lift he hand, asking me to meet hers.


“My name’s Sunny Lee. I know it sounds sudden, but do you want to have a dinner some time?”

I smile. “No, not at all. I would love to have dinner with you”


That was the moment, the moment that I know that I’m not only ‘Sooyoung the waitress’ to her.

I become someone else in her life. 

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Chapter 11: Nice collection. I love YoonHyun's fluffiness as always haha. I usually just read their parts in most of the RF shots I've seen but this made me read all the chapters. It's good. A mixed of fluff, sad scenarios.
cj-the-greatest #2
Chapter 9: Yoonhyun all the way. Seriously man that was awesome as hell. You nailed seohyun's character. You literally wrote down my thoughts regarding her personality. She is so amazing and charming. I hate it when some anti-s call her robotic. Prude. Uptight and boring. Seohyun's just so unique and I love her for it. I especially got into Yoonhyun after watching the ending of a music show. Taetiseo won and yoonA came there to support. She was dressed in her love rain garb. I loved the way she was cuddling seohyun. And some antis say they r not close.....pfft well f#@k them
Chapter 11: Wow, this is really 'hard' piece *o*
Chapter 10: wtf hahaha yulsic :(
Redrum #5
Chapter 9: Wow author I think you did a great job writing in Seohyuns pov and who cares if there are some errors we still get what youre writing :3
Chapter 9: i love the update :)
Chapter 8: I say I love all the couples since I am a Royal Family Shipper XD

The stories are all jjang but I felt sorry for Hyo's since there is some scene, kil....

Anyways, I like all the stories especially TaeNy, whereas Tiffany is a bad girl(ive always like those kind of idea Tiff being bad girl lol) and YoonHyun, ma Maknaes, I love you~ just they are so perfect for each other
Chapter 8: Nice...really nice shots!*raising my cap in salute
Really like your writing style, somehow attractively serious yet blend well with any kind of genres. Why I didn't found this sooner?

Oh, and nice fluff for this chapter by the way! Just really love the way Seohyun passes her notes and messages to Yoona! Creatively cute! Aww... If only it could happen in my real life...~
Chapter 8: YoonHyun is soooooooo sweet!!!!