3rd kiss

Kisses From Jiyong


It’s been 2 years since the last time Ji kissed me.


It’s not that I’ve been missing it or anything. I’m just glad things are back to normal. The comfort and constancy of our friendship is all I’ll ever need and want.





I should have known better not to run in the rain. But it felt good after my practice. Now I’m stuck at home feverish and with the bad case of headache and colds.


Ji dropped by early in the morning as usual to walk with me to school but as I was sick I told him I’m staying in. He told me he’d pick up my assignments for me and share his notes so I won’t miss a day of school.  That was nice of him actually, I was usually the one taking down notes for the both of us.


By late afternoon, I was a little better but the headache and nasal congestion makes eating hard. My parents haven’t arrived yet and I was feeling a little down that no one’s at home to take care of me.


Just then, a knock came on the door and I was surprised to see who it was.


“Hey Ji, you’re early!” I was surprised and pleased at the same time, letting him in the house.


“I cut the last subject. The teacher was absent anyway. We just sat around doing nothing so I figured I’d come here.” He explained.


“You didn’t have to. What if you get in trouble?” I asked, worried.


“Nah! No one noticed. Here are your assignments and copies of the lectures” he said, handing them to me.


“Thank you.” I said.


“It’s no big deal. Besides, who’s going to take care of you?” he asked.


I was touched by his care and concern for me. My thank you seemed inadequate, so I came to him and hugged him. It was the first time I was ever this close to Ji. Sure he’d occasionally hold my hand to assist me or he’d drape his arm over my shoulders sometimes when we’re walking but hugging was never our thing. He seemed to understand what I couldn’t say and let his hands run through my hair.


“You’re worth it.” I thought I heard him murmur.


Just then my stomach made itself known by growling viciously. I would have been terribly embarrassed if not for Ji’s look of concern when he broke our hug to look at me.


“Haven’t you eaten yet?” he asked, though it was rather obvious.


“I don’t have the appetite. I wanted soup but my parents aren’t home yet and I couldn’t cook with a headache.”


“Okay, you could sit in the kitchen counter while I do the cooking.” He said.


“Really? You know how to cook?” I asked, unaware that he could.


“I’m astounded how little faith you have in me!” he said, feigning hurt.


“You, I trust. It’s your cooking that has yet to convince me.” I replied back.  


“Just wait and be prepared to be amazed” he said.


It was after my second bowl of his bacon and potato chowder that I was thoroughly satisfied and pleased. Ji knows how to cook, alright.


I looked up to him smiling.


“I know. You don’t have to say it. I’m good aren’t I?” he said.


“The best!” I said. “Where did you learn how to cook?”


“Food network. You sit around and watch TV and you learn a few things.” He said.


He cleaned up after I finished eating and I was watching him move easily in the kitchen. Now with a full stomach, I was getting sleepy and Ji must have noticed.


“Come on, I’ll get you to bed” he said. Before I could say anything, he lifted me and carried me to my room and deposited me in bed.


I didn’t know how Ji became this strong but I shouldn’t be surprised as how I felt his body was bigger when I hugged him earlier.


He let me drink my medicine on my bedside table and tucked me in bed.


He brushed my hair from my forehead with his hands and leaned in.


I thought he was going to kiss me again, not that I was hoping for any, but I was bracing myself. 


He kissed me gently on my forehead.


“Sleep well, Dara. Hope you get well soon.” He said as he left my room.


It wasn’t the usual kiss he gave me, thank goodness, but it was not entirely unwelcome either. In fact this kiss seemed more intimate than the first two. It was a kiss that speaks of familiarity just like how my father did when he used to put me to bed. I felt safe and comforted.


I closed my eyes, the drug finally kicking in and dreamt of hugs and kisses on my forehead.


I wake up physically refreshed but mentally ambivalent.


Maybe not all kisses were bad.








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Chapter 8: The story about kiss.
Oh, I remember... Dara’s song Kiss 🍎
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Chapter 5: I love blabbering Dara... and oh, you don’t wanna know Dara 😏
Chapter 4: Ji beat them 7 years ago, kekekekeke...
Chapter 1: Aigo this kids... chinca?
Is this the sequel? Dara POV? ACK!
Fr0zenMus1c #8
Chapter 8: I ❤️ This. The story is just so pure. (Sighs) It makes me wish that I have my own Jiyong. Thanks, authornim ^_^
YouAreMySecret #9
Chapter 8: Awww! I love your story!!! It's so beautiful and pure! :D
gdlsgdara #10
Chapter 8: i love it,so sweet!!!!