Chapter 2

I'm In Love With Mr. Arrogant (Currently Hiatus)
Your POV



"It's been a couple of weeks since that incident _____! No matter how  much you've cried you can never bring them back! You should be thankful that you are still alive!" aunt scolded me


"But you didn't even let me them before the burial!" I talked back


"You know your condition _____! And what if those guys come back again and see that you are still alive?! Cheer up please! You need to be better, I have my own life too. You know I can't look after you like forever. I have my family waiting for me in Korea."


By those words i feel ashamed. I completely forgot that aunt fly the way here just to look after me since she was my only relative left.


"I'm sorry auntie. I'm very sorry. I don't want to be a burden to you anymore so i promised to be better. I'm really sorry. I should have known." 


"Ssssshhhhhss! It's okay. Just take you food now. There's only a week left and you'll be discharged and you should prepare yourself for the interview."


"Yes auntie, I will. Thank you so much for taking care of me"


Then I started to eat but suddenly aunt asked me something.




"Yes auntie?"


"Can you still speak Korean?"


"Yes I can. When we're at home, mom and dad would talk to me in Korean so yes i can speak the language."


"Good! Right after your interview next week you'll come with me in Korea. You can't stay here anymore especially that those guys are not yet caught. Okay?"


What?! did i heard it correctly?! I'm really going back to Korea?! What about my contest?! Aish! But come to think of it aunt is right, I'm not safe here. 


"O-okay" that's all i can manage to say.


"Please continue eating. I'll just be outside if you'll be needing me" she said as she walked outside.


"Yes. Thank you again!" 


A week has passed and I have been discharged. I'm still not okay for what happened but i have to be strong. There's still a bit pain in my ribs but it's tolerable than the first week. I was interviewed by the authorities and i have successfully answered their questions without crying. I asked aunt to visit the grave of mom and dad and thankfully she agreed.




Luhan's POV


I was surfing the net when i found an article about the massacre in Canada. There's this group of men that would come to different houses and steal everything that they can and they would kill every person that is in the house.There's this girl that have survived the crime but her parents died and she is still suffering from the shot that she receive plus she is still 15. Poor girl. Aish! Bad guys these days!


"Yah Kris! aren't you from Canada?"


"Deh, I am. wae?"


"Isn't that place a peaceful one?"


"Yes it is. What's with all the question?"


"Nothing. I just read some article about the massacre their and there's this girl that is pitiful."


"Bwoh?! Which part of Canada?! What happened to the girl?!"


"It states here that the crime happened somewhere in Vancouver and oh the poor girl, her mom and dad was shot in the head and died while she was shot on her left ribs. She is still 15 and now she's an orphan."


"Aissh! Bad guy these days! I just hope nothing happened to ______. She's same aged as that girl you know."


As Kris mention a girl's name, my heart suddenly ache. Why am I like this? Aish!


"Yah hyungs! Can you please shut up?! I'm trying to sleep here you know! Thank you!" the forever arrogant D.O yelled at us.


By that Kris and I decided to read some more article related to the crime. I don't know what's happening to me but i suddenly felt so worried about the girl that Kris had mentioned. I hope too that she is safe.






Yes.yes.yes. Kris knows you. How come? You'll  know soon.hehehe. oh and Luhan is worried for you but D.O on the other hand is forever arrogant. oh well, I'll update soon. Please still bear with me. 



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Chapter 17: update soon please~~ur story is good!!
Exonsyafiqa #2
Chapter 15: Update soon!!! I love the story *_*
Chapter 15: update soon :0
NanaUrBaby #4
Update soon eonnie-ah~ :)