

It's 3:45pm and Hyuna's bus was due 5 minutes ago. Hyuna was still grasping with reality after what happend yesterday. She was in more shock today than yesterday after she found out what happend. For her, everything didn't seem to matter anymore. She didn't want to face the world, she'd rather be in bed and cry all day. She was desperate to go home and she was getting more unpatient every minute. 

As the bus appeared in the view, Hyuna's heart strated to beat really fast. The last thing she wanted to feel was this feeling. She prefered feeling hurt over this crap feeling. She wanted to throw this kind of feeling away and burn it. She wanted to watch it burn. 

The bus stopped in front of her and she knew she had to face them no matter what her situation was. It was the earliest bus she could ride to go home. The bus was quite full and she didn't want to stand. She knew her legs felt weak and it couldn't support her until she got off. As she was searching for a seat, she spotted them. She tried to avoid eye contact but it was too late. It didn't matter anyway, they would have seen her since there weren't many people getting on. 

The only seat that was left was behind them. Some of them were seating across her seat. She took a sit, her heart still beating fast, without looking at them. She couldn't give a damn anymore and nothing could top the crap that happened last night. She could hear the voice that belong to the annoying boy behind her whispering to the guy across her seat. 

If the bus wasn't full and if there wasn't too many witnesses, the guy could have ended up in hospital in 5 minutes. She tried to ignore their whisperings and laughs but she couldn't take it anymore. She gave the guy across her seat a glare and that definitely shut him up. 

"If you want to talk about me, talk about me when I'm not here okay? You should at least took your brain home with you." She snapped at the guy behind her. "If you have something to say to me, say it." 

The boys were speechless and nearly half the people on the bus were staring at her. She didn't even shout or talk that loud yet she caught their attention and that frustrtaed her even more. She kept wondering why life was so unfair to her. Why life wan't happy about her happiness. Why she should go through something as crap as this. She really didn't understand. 

The boys stayed quiet after hearing her speak. She felt proud that she threatened them. Good, you've learnt your lesson. She thought to herself. A smirk appearing on her face. 

She was relieved when it was her stop next. She smiled a little. As she was about to get up, the boy seating across her seat, stood up faster than she could say 'crap'. She felt annoyed when she thought that she had to see his face even when she got off. 

She gave the boys, behind her, one quick glare before she got off the bus. As she turned around, the boy who was part of their 'crew' was so close to her that she could smell his scent. His scent was heavenly and it didn't sicken her like how she felt when she could smell some other guys' scent. She could feel her cheeks burning as she looked at him. The boy gave her a grin which touched his ears. She got annoyed instantly and was about to shout when he apologise. She looked dumbfounded with open. 

"Sorry about before." He apologise. His voice was attractively low and deep. She could feel her cheeks burning again. He shyly looked away as he said, "My friends were only teasing me." 

Teasing? She thought as a smile crept into her face. "Why were they teasing you... about me?"

It took quite a while for him to reply. "Because... because I have a crush on you." Hyuna was taken aback to the boy's confession. This time, her ears were burning. Ear fire, she thought.

She could only stare at him with big, wide eyes. There was a long pause and the only thing they could hear was the cars zooming past them. She didn't even know the boy's name and she couldn't believe that he confessed to her. Especially after what happend on the bus. She never imagined a guy confessing to her in the middle of the street with cars zooming past them. She let out a giggle when she thought about it. 

The boy heard her and looked at her. "Am I funny?" 

"Yeah, you are.." Was all she could say. "Sorry, but it's not really a good timing right now. I'm sorry." She remembered Seungri and let out a sigh.

The guy took a deep breath, "My name is Hyunseung. Jang Hyunseung." He turned his back on her and left. 

"Kim Hyuna!" She shouted after him. 

"I know!" He shouted back coolly. 

Hyuna was surprise when he shouted back those two words. He knows. She said to herself. He knows


She didn't have say anything before Yoona and Hara found out about Seungri's and Naeun's little 'game'. As usual, they were the ones who spread it to everyone they knew. In no time, Naeun's ex found out. 

There was arguments on facebook about it. Hyuna found it hilariously as she kept on reading the wallposts. "How pathetic." 

She still wasn't over Seungri. She still felt hurt and angry. She still wanted to cry. She still hated the world. She still hated life.

She felt in need of something, someone. It was new to her. She felt the desire to have someone comfort. To have someone be with her at this minute. To have someone listen to her. To have someone lend their shoulder for her to cry on. She never thought that she would feel these way. She held back her tears as she took her phone out. 

She went through her messages and all of it from Seungri. She was on the verge of crying. Stay strong. She thought to herself. She wasn't able to press the delete button on all the messages she recieved from him. It only hurt her even more. She dialed his number and hunged up before it started ringing. She dialed his number again then hunged up before it started ringing. She dialed his number again and waited and waited until she could hear his voice. She didn't hang up and all she could hear was him asking if anyone was there. She finally hanged up before she started to cry. 

It was the first time that she cried herself to sleep. She promised herself that it would also be the last time. 


Hyunseung woke up with a headache. He went to bed late at night hitting himself with a pillow while calling himself an idiot. After the confession, all he could do was call himself an idiot and take his anger out on his pillow. He layed on his bed for a long time while looking at the pale, white ceiling, who was staring back at him. He gave out a big sigh and he threw his pillow as hard as he could across the room. He closed his eyes and imagined Hyuna's reaction when he shouted 'I know' back then. "Such an idiot!" He muttered to himself angrily. 

He checked his phone and it was 11pm. He was surprised that his mum hasn't yelled a him for waking up late. He slept late this days, busy writing songs and writing stories that he wished happened. 

He got up and made his way down the stair to find 3 pair of house slippers near the door. He went to the kitchen to find his mum busy cooking food. The smell danced it's way up his nose and before he knew it, his mouth opened slowly. His mum still didn't realise he was there as she was busy talking to herself and tasting the food she had cook every minute. 

"Who's coming over?" Hyunseung asked, startling his mum. 

"One of my friends at work. I invited her and her family over."

"Are you that busy to not even look at me when you're talking to me?" 

"Yes." She said, still concentrating on the food in the pot. "They have a daughter. She's the same age as you. It's time for you to make another friend." 

"I don't want to. I'll only look like an idiot in front of her." He complained remembering the confession he made to Hyuna. 

"Whether you like it or not, you still need to talk to her."

Hyunseung was going to argue back but his mum's stare shut him up. All he could do now was get changed and call himself pathetic and an idiot again. 


"Darling, wake up" Hyuna's mother shook her shoulder gently. 

"Why?" Hyuna replied half asleep.

"We're going out. As a family. You need to get ready." Her mum said before she left. "You better be up and ready before I come back up" She warned Hyuna. 

Hyuna opened her eyes and everyting seemed to be dull. Another day for her to face the world. Why couldn't she just die? At least the pain would be over. 

Hyuna sat up and looked around her room. Her bedside table was full of scrunched up tissues from last night. Confuse, she picked up her phone from the floor, as she stood up. It was out turned off and she didn't plan to turn it back on anytime soon. Without saying a single word to her mum, she got a peice of toast and took a big bite out of it before throwing it in the bin.

"Why are you wasting food?" Her mum asked.

"Why is food wastting my saliva?" She coldly shot back.

"Well, someone isn't in a good mood. Is it the time of the month, darling?" Her mum teased.

"Call me darling again and I'll make sure to get an F in all my subjects." 

Her parents kept bugging her about how she should get A's and A+'s in all her subjects. Just because Chaerin was getting them. She didn't understand why she got C's. She understands the subjects perfectly. She was just lazy to study. She'd rather listen and make music than study. Music was the only subject she got an A+ on. She felt very proud about it except her parents. 'Where is music going to take you in life?' They would ask her. 'Music isn't as important as maths and english." Her dad would say. Hyuna didn't care what her parents said. She would just nod most of the time, half listening and half day dreaming.

"Go take a shower and get yourself ready. We're leaving in an hour." 

Hyuna walked with heavy footsteps up the stair making loud noises. She didn't know why she had to go with them. It doesn't really matter if she was there or not, she would just blend herself out and listen to music. Her parents clearly knew that she would. 


"Ready!" Hyunseung shouted from upstairs. It took him about 30 minutes to get ready and he looked pleased with himself. 

"That shirt again? That jacker again? Well, at least you it looks good on you." His mum complained but complemented him as she saw him. 

Hyunseung gave her a thumbs up when the doorbell rang. 

"Looks like they're here." Hyunseung stated.

"Well done. I'm glad I raised a talented boy like you." His mother teased. They smiled at each other before she opened the door. 


"You can press the doorbell, dar--- hyuna" Hyuna' mum said to her. 

"What's the difference?"

"I'll press it. The last thing I want is you two having an argument in front of someone else's house." Her dad said as he press the doorbell and waited. 


As Hyunseung's mum opened the door. The first thing Hyunseung saw was her. The girl who glared at his friends. The girl who he confessed to. The girl who he made himself look like a fool. The girl whose name was Kim Hyuna. 


The door opened and Hyuna looked up. She let out a sigh as she looked away. She let out another sigh as she looked back to see his face. The boy whose friends she glared at. The boy who confessed to her. The boy who shouted 'I know'. The boy whose name was Jang Hyunseung. 

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Kkab04 #1
Chapter 6: Can't wait . Update soon
Baek04kkabsong #2
Chapter 6: can't wait for the next chapter update soon :)
Therealist98 #3
Chapter 6: Hope you Update soon
Nimamafong #4
Chapter 6: Update soon ! ;)
LumosStorm #5
Chapter 6: oh noooo!!!!! this is making me nervous! when is your next update author-nim? i hope it's soon!
I wanna know what happens. Please update soon!
Zaiinatul #7
Yeah, me too! I always scroll down to the story without bother to look at the title. It's the tab that showed it and you know what, it's just making me feel more attracted to read yours as I really want to know how you are going to connect the story with the title XD Oh, that's what you mean actually. I don't think it's too different, it's about desperate Hyuna and I could see it in Chapter 3 and little at this chap. Whatever it is, just do it well :)
AndiAyu #8
Hyunseung hurt again... I'm crying now. Yah, I just realize the title and I think it will be sad. Your story is nice. I Love It. I want to know what Hyuna will do to Hyunseung. Update soon...
Aww... Once again, Poor Hyunseung... X-( :'(
Finally he meet with Seungri, He was freze and must be so shock... o.O
But I hope this story will be happy ending,,
Update soon~ ^^
I think the kissing scence is great :) you're not fail..
Poor Hyunseung.. :( he's hurt,,
I hope Hyuna will not back to Seungri >.<
Update soon~~