On Rainy Days


"Why does nearly all the main guys in your story die?" Hyuna asked Hyunseung as she read another one of his stories. 

"They all died for a reason. They all died for the same reason." There was a pause as Hyunseung looked at the bunch of paper Hyuna was holding. "Love."


Hyunseung's mum suggested that he should show Hyuna his stories. No matter how many times Hyunseung complained and Hyuna said 'it's fine', both their parents pushed them even more. Hyuna rolled her eyes as she agreed and Hyunseung let out a sigh as he agreed. 

It was akward in the beginning for both of them. It was the first time Hyunseung had a girl in his room other than family and it was Hyuna's first time to be inside a boy's room other than family. Both focused their attention on the window. Both were silent. The silent finally broke when Hyuna asked if she could read his stories. 


Hyuna looked up to him when she heard the word love. She tried to read his emotions by looking at his face but his face didn't show any. Their eyes fixed on each other's, waiting for one or the other to say something. 

"Did you ever felt like wanting to die because of love?" Hyuna asked. She was shocked at what she asked. She didn't know why she did. 

"No. Not yet. Have you?"

Hyuna didn't respond. She looked out the window and forced her tears back. Her lips trembled and all she could think of was Seungri. She wanted a black hole to appear and swallow her up. She didn't want to feel this crap feeling anymore. That was how much she was hurting. Yes, I have. Right now. She thought. 

Hyunseung sat down next to her, not knowing what to do. "You don't need to tell me if you don't want to. But I'll listen if you want me to."

"It hurts." 

"It will go away." 

"It hurts."

"You'll be fine."

"It hurts." 

"The pain will be numb soon."

"Soon.." She repeated. 

"Soon" He confirmed. 


For the next few days, Hyuna stayed in her room. She would lay in bed and close her eyes. She would cry most of the time hoping that as her tears fall out, the pain would disappear with it. It wasn't like that though, she just got hurt even more. She wouldn't talk to anybody and would pretend to be asleep whenever her mum or dad would come in. Whenever they called for her to eat, she would reply she was full. After a few seconds, she'd whisper 'of pain' to herself. That would set her off crying. 

She didn't know why it still hurt her. It's been over a week now since it happened and she was still in pain. In a lot of pain. She would try to let it out by playing happy tunes on her guitar but all her fingers could play were miserable ones. That didn't help her feel better. She would write her feelings down and turn it into a song, but that just reminded her of the pain. The last thing she wanted to feel. Nothing worked for her. 

She wanted to go and see Hyunseung because he was able to comfort her last time but she was scared in case he couldn't. So she stayed put. 

She finally decided one night that she had to do it sometime, she decided to go visit her favourite tree knowing that it's existance would make her feel better. She had another thought about something. It's bound to happen sooner or later. Let's cut the time and do it. She decided. She didn't care anymore. She didn't care if what she was about to do was going to make her selfish. It was the quickest way for her to recover. 

So she decided to do it. 


It was Spring. The flowers bloomed but it was raining.  

Hyuna stood under the cherry blossom tree and looked up. She looked at the pink petals that was hanging from the branches. Dullness surrounding it. The rain showered the petals. Pink petals began to fall and she held out her hand to catch one. This was the only thing that made her smile whenever she was sad even if it was raining.

Even though it was raining, the weather was fairly warm. Hyuna was wearing a scarf and a thick-padded jacket. People passing by kept staring at her. She doesn't care. She didn't care. As the tree tried to keep her dry, she took her phone out and checked the messages from 2 days ago. Everything was real. It wasn't a dream. She couldn't escape from it. This was when she was sure that she would do it. She didn't care if she was selfish. She just couldn't handle it anymore. She had enough. She left, leaving the tree that sheltered her, holding the pink petal tightly.

Hyuna waited until she could see a decent vehicle. She was already drenched as the rain got heavier. She wasn't planning to leave any time soon. She squinted as she saw a truck far ahead. She waited until the truck was quite close and took a deep breath. As she was about to walk to the middle of the road, someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. Before she knew it, the person was giving her a tight hug. She was unable to move and tears slowly fell from her eyes. 

"That would have ended you from hurting, but it would have started me from hurting." He whispered as her hair gently. "Don't be selfish."

Hyuna continued crying as he kept comforting her. She struggled to move but he just hugged her even tighter. She gave up and she closed her eyes. She pressed her ears against his chest, listening to his heart beat. Somehow, this calmed her down and she didn't want him to let her go. He did as she wished and held her even tighter. He rested his cheek on her head as he started to her hair again. 

"I promise to take the pain away from you. I just need you to trust me." As she heard his words, she started to cry again. "Just be patient, we'll get over this together. I promise." She clutched the pink petal tighter until she couldn't feel it anymore.

He hummed her a soothing tune as they stood like that. They didn't care what was happening around them. They didn't care if it was raining. His only goal was to comfort her. Her only goal was to trust him. 

You can do this, Hyuna. You'll get better. Soon. You need to trust him. She thought to herself. Her crying stopped but he kept her in his arms. She didn't argue and she stayed there. When he realised that her crying stopped, he began to feel pain. The feeling that he was afraid of. He closed his eyes and he pulled her closer to him. 

She looked up to see his face. She wasn't even shock or horrified when she saw him. She was relieved and glad. She gave him a fake smile, trying to say that she was okay now but he shook his head, disagreeing. She didn't argue and placed her ears on his chest again. If you keep this up, I might just fall for you. I'm ready for it. You should be too, Jang Hyunseung. She thought and smiled to herself. 

"Thank you" She finally said. "Thank you." 

The pain that he could feel suddenly disappeared.Hyunseung smiled. "Soon."

"Soon." She agreed. 

They stood together in each other's arms as the clouds showered them with rain.


Firstly, thank you for all your lovely comments! It really made my day! You're comments really gave me strength to carry this story on and to work harder. ^_^

Secondly, I know this chapter is sad and depressing but I promise you, the next chapter is a happy one! I hope you've enjoyed this story so far :D 

I'll update as soon as I can, so stay tuned! 


Love, asdfghjklomg!

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Kkab04 #1
Chapter 6: Can't wait . Update soon
Baek04kkabsong #2
Chapter 6: can't wait for the next chapter update soon :)
Therealist98 #3
Chapter 6: Hope you Update soon
Nimamafong #4
Chapter 6: Update soon ! ;)
LumosStorm #5
Chapter 6: oh noooo!!!!! this is making me nervous! when is your next update author-nim? i hope it's soon!
I wanna know what happens. Please update soon!
Zaiinatul #7
Yeah, me too! I always scroll down to the story without bother to look at the title. It's the tab that showed it and you know what, it's just making me feel more attracted to read yours as I really want to know how you are going to connect the story with the title XD Oh, that's what you mean actually. I don't think it's too different, it's about desperate Hyuna and I could see it in Chapter 3 and little at this chap. Whatever it is, just do it well :)
AndiAyu #8
Hyunseung hurt again... I'm crying now. Yah, I just realize the title and I think it will be sad. Your story is nice. I Love It. I want to know what Hyuna will do to Hyunseung. Update soon...
Aww... Once again, Poor Hyunseung... X-( :'(
Finally he meet with Seungri, He was freze and must be so shock... o.O
But I hope this story will be happy ending,,
Update soon~ ^^
I think the kissing scence is great :) you're not fail..
Poor Hyunseung.. :( he's hurt,,
I hope Hyuna will not back to Seungri >.<
Update soon~~