


I yawn and sit up in my bed, scratching my stomach under my shirt, staring at my alram clock reading 11:30. I will be the first person to admit that i am a work of art, but something tells me i don't want to see my reflection right now. What was i thinking taking a job that goes so late?? I should have insisted on being a daytime employee. Seriously, going to bed so late has completely messed up my beauty sleep patern. Do they think perfection is so easy to maintain?! I'll just talk to manager Byunghee and ask if i can take the day shift. My thoughts are stopped by the sound of my phone vibrating on the desk of Jjong's guest room.

From: Taeminnie


Hey sleepy. I just woke up ^^ are you up yet??

Remember we have a date today after my classes!! 


Oh. So that's why i wanted the night shift. If i took the day shift i'd never see my baby. I chew my lip and send him a quick smily face and a kiss before resigning myself to look in the mirror. My poor face. I'm about to get to work on making it perfect (like usual) but my stomach grumbles and i guess breakfast first wouldn't hurt. Jjong is sitting at the kitchen table staring at his phone. He glances up at me and then back down.


"Hey. Have you been awake long?"

"Yeah, i got up at 6 to go reieve Jessica's door. I hope she knows she's paying extra for that. I had to pay out of my own pocket to get that door here so fast. It's straight from Germany. She should buy me a car with all i'm doing for her."

I roll my eyes at his complaining. No matter what he says, he actually has a special soft spot for her. It was like this when they were dating too. I used to hate her back then. She was the only thing standing in my way. Honsetly, i thought Jjong and i were going to spend our lives together. Funny how things change. And speaking of change....

"So, how did it go last night." He immediately stops playing with his phone and glances up at me.


"Oh, cuz Onew hyung.... well i guess not."

A-ha. Got you. He's giving me a desperate look and his phone is completely forgotten.

"What? He didn't have fun? Was he mad? I knew it was too soon."

Hold on a sec. Too soon for what? Jonghyun brings his hand up to his lips. No..

"You kissed him?!"

".... He didn't tell you?"

"Jonghyun! You animal! Well, wait... was it just, like, a cute pec, or..." I wiggle my eyebrows. He turns red and looks down.

"You monster! Don't you know Onew hyung is totally innocent?! How could you take his first kiss?!"

"It was his first? How do you know?"

I open and close my mouth. Actually, i don't. But.. Onew is so cute and innocent....

"It wasn't?"

JJong smiles slyly, his shyness momentarily forgotten, replaced wth that cocky, self satisfied smile i'm so familiar with.

"Definately didn't seem like it."

Let me think for a moment. From the very beginning, Jonghyun has been totally flustered by Onew. The one, the only, King Kim Jonghyun turns into a total teenager in love in front of the squinty eyed, innocent, bunny boy. Or maybe not so innocent concidering he let himself be made out with on a first date. Suspicion begins to rumble in my stomach. But it couldn't be. Lee Jinki, secretly a player? The Lee Jinki who squeels like a girl in the employee changing room? But what do i really know about this guy i'm trying to set my best friend up with? Hmmm. I take one last look at Jjong who is once more sitting at the table and playing with his phone, and head into the bathroom, whipping out my own phone and sending a quick text. I'll find out who you really are, Onew. What kind of nickname is that anyway? How presumptious!! Ha! Thinks he had me fooled with hs cutesy little act!! No one fools the diva!!!

 Taemin POV

I try not to laugh out loud as i see Minho's head begin to droop than snap back up for the nth time. Anyone else would think that he's been pulling all nighters every day or something. Actually, frog boy sleeps more than anyone i've ever met. If he's not at soccer practice, school, or with one of the guys, he's sleeping. We practically have to bribe him to get him to leave his house. My y Kibummie is always worrying about his social life, saying that he's going to become part of his bed soon. y, y, Key, Kibummie. I flick another piece of eraser at Minho's head as i hum to myself, thinking fondly of my incredable boyfriend. I wonder if he knows how long i've had a cruch on him. It was love at first sight when i saw him walk into the cafe i was part timing at my freshman year. I hated Jonghyun back then, wanted to burn him like a withc for enchanting my Key. Nothing hurt more than having to watch them look at eachother touch eachother. Just thinking about it is driving me-



I answer automatically to the sound of my name and blink in cunfusion at the bursts of strained laughter. Professor Park looks unamused and I look at Minho for a clue as to what is going on. He just smiles at me smugly and collects all the pieces of eraser i've been throwing at him and making them into a little mountain. Traitor, i'll remember this.

"Perhaps if you had been paying attention, Taemin-shi, you would know what i had just asked the class."

I widen my eyes and flash him my best aegyo.

"I don't suppose there's a chance of you repeating the question?"

"Out. Now." I don't miss Minho's triumphant smirk.


"I don't understand why you're being this way."

"Don't talk to me."


"Don't call me that. All you had to do was mouth me the answer!"

"I was falling asleep! I wasn't paying attention either!"

"Interesting how he never catches you."

Minho rolls his eyes and takes a defeated bite out of his sandwich.

"Whatever. Let me treat you to some ice cream or something. I don't have soccer practice today so..."

I immediately cheer up and flash him a smile.

"Can't. Key hyung and i have a date." He rolls his eyes at me and is about to answer when my phone goes off.

To Taemii

From Key

Change of plans. Meet me at the cinemma. Danger alert.

Uh... what?

Minho POV

If you were to ask me what i do when soccer practice gets canceled, i would immediately answer with a good natured, "Why sleeping of course!" Unfortunately, since becoming friends with the frightenting controlling power that is the Taekey couple, my free will has been severely comprimised. So if you were to ask me what it is i am doing on this lovely Autumn friday afternoon, i would only be able to answer, "Why i am spying on two boys having a date at a cinema in order to decipher wether one of them is a dirty, lying, seductress vixen (key's words, not mine)". The popcorn in my hand goes flying as Taemin nudges me harshly in the ribs.

"Did you see that?! Omo he is definately used to this!"

"I bet he's going to start rubbing his hand up his thigh!! Taking advantage of the dark, i see."

They do realize that the point of spying is to go unditected right? I debate wether or not i should tell them that their whispering skills are severly lacking, but decide against it, turining with a sigh to face Onew and Jonghyun a few rows ahead of us. Jjonghyun has his arm around the back of Onew's chair and is leaning over to whipser something to the older.... Or to bite his ear, i can't tell from  up here. Actually, and i woulde never EVER voice these thoughts out loud, i think it would be hilarious if it turned out the seemingly innocent Onew was some extreemly experienced player. Than it'd be like, two players trying to play eachother!! Onew leans his head against Jjong's shoulder, and the younger gently slips a finger down the back of his shirt. Their display of affection earns outraged whisper screams from the two next to me. I sigh and focus on the screen. It's going to be a long night.

Jonghyun POV 

Onew's eyes squint up as he talks about the movie excitedly. It was a foreign film about a chinese dancer going to america. I thought it was kind of boring and weird, but Onew is totally excited and i'm watching his soup warily, ready to jump if one of his exagerated hand gestures nocks it over. As he calms down, i reach over the table and cover his hand with mine. A light blush covers his face and he smiles at me from under his lashes. He definately knows it drives me crazy. He interlaces his fingers with mine and glances down at his soup, then back up at me quickly.

"Do you have to go to work soon?"

"Actually... I don't have work tonight." He looks up at me expectantly and my brain freezes. Oh , not htis again. Come on, Jonghyun, it's not like he's suggesting anything!! Why does your brain jump to conclusions?? Your too damn !! Calm down, smile, suggest staying out longer or-

"Do you want to come over?"


"I knew it y- ungh!!!!!"

My frantic thoughts are cut off by the sound of two bodies colliding together and Onew and i look up in time to see two males shoving a third struggling male into the bathroom. Yeah, i think that's our cu for the check.

Minho POV 

Taemin and i tackle Key's body through the door. His face is completely red and his wavy blonde hair is disheveled from our sudden attack. Taemin peaks out the door as i try to come down the flaming diva.

"Come on, Key. Maybe he just wants to hang out, or watch a movie. Geez, it's not a big deal to just go to his apartment! I think you're overreacting. Onew's a total sweetheart, you said it yourself."

"Before i knew he was a philanderer!!"

Phila-what? Where does he even-

"Guys, guys! Their leaving! To the spy mobile!!" Taemin is out of the bathroom and scurrying to the car before we can process the fact that yes, he did just say spy-mobile.

Onew POV

OMO!! I can't believe i asked him to my apartment! I glance at him nervously as he looks at the road.What the hell was i thinking? What if he expects something? I don't want him to think i'm being forward or anything. What if he wants to make out again? This time, there'll be no excuse to stop. We'll be alone, just us two, im my apartment, with my bed.... Suddenly, this is a terrible idea. I'm trying to think of a way to get out of this when my phone vibrates. 


"Jinki i-i.... I don't know what to do."

"Joon? What happened?"

"Just come o-over. Please..... I don't know what to do."

He hangs up before i can say anything. My worries forgotten i look over at Jonghyun, who is glancing at me worriedly, alerted by my voice.

"What's wrong?"

"Sorry Jjong, but it was my friend. He's in trouble, i don't know what's wrong but..." He just nods understandingly and takes one hand off the wheel to hold my face.

"Just tell me where to drop you off."

We pull up to Joon's apartment building and he leans over to press a quick kiss to my lips. I pull away reluctantly and watch as he drives away, not knowing wether i should be relieved or dissapointed, and feeling a mix of both. Any thoughts of Jonghyun are completely forgotten as i feel two arms wrap around me and a tearful face nudge into my neck.

"J-jinki, i-im in love!"


"Key, come on. Obviously nothing is going to happen today. They must have changed their minds. Let's just go home."

I stay quiet and watch as Onew hyung watches Jonghyun drive away. Honestly, a lot of my suspicion has disapeared. Jinki really is shy and sweet. But the occasional flirtiness he lets out and the way that Jonghyun just cramps around him is enough to keep me suspicious. Taemin takes my hand.

"Hyung let's just.... Omygod."

Minho and i turn to see what made Taemin look so shocked. Onew hyung and another boy are embracing eachother right in front of the building. Minho looks absolutely speechless and Taemin has both hands over his mouth. I can feel my face heating up with rage. I watch as the two males walk into the building with their arms around eachother. This isn't over, Lee Jinki.

A/N: Is it boring??? My longest chapter yet and i wanted to introduce EVERYBODY!!! please comment and subscribe!!!!! Sorry if this isn't as romantic as you wanted it to be............  




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Chapter 16: Waiting for the JongYu!!!xD Update soon!!^^
BaeYeonRin #2
Chapter 16: Hahahaha, this is so funny:)) kkk I hope they will make it... soon:)
Chapter 16: omg this update someone punch me or something so I can collect my thoughts oh my god I am rambling but I just love you. you're cute. and tbh Key needs like a good kick in the or something for messing up my JONGYU LET ME JUST SAY THIS. but I love key so all is forgive you are beautiful and wonderful let me cuddle you and this story you wonderful human being bless you let me kiss your forhead and then give you a hug I love you good bye now~
Chapter 16: asdfjgkhlj;fjslal <3
Chapter 15: This chapter is so cute.... x)
Chapter 15: XD marcus really is amazing!! and i love this update!!! i don't really like mir....but this was just tooo cute!
Chapter 15: like can I just cry sweet tears of joy forever pls and thnx. I saw you updated and I was literally screaming and crying and just sobbing on the floor I love this story so much can I just sit in a corner alone and think about how wonderful it is ugghhhh.
This update made my kokoro go toki doki desu if YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN LIKE I LOVE JOON AND I LOVE ONEw so thank you for that.
Chapter 15: OMG. and i just finished it all and im so so so so sos os os so happy.

can i just love you because this is so great.

I can't
Joon omg, that part had me laughing so hard.


You need to update lots more yo
Chapter 15: awww my joonieee. after onew he is the one i love. this chapter was freaking cute with joonies pov. and i liked the way he thought jongyu as a couple of traitor.
loved it<3