2nd thing: the way your lips move.

That Thing You Do!


Not much thing to say, college is killing my and I'm having problems with internet :( Plus, next Tuesday is my birthday but I have to study >.< It won't be a happy day, I tell you :P
Anyways, I'm happy that you people like this WooHo! :D Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
I'll see you soon! :)
It was delightfully insufferable… that thing

… The way Junho’s lips moves.

In a slow bewitching motion they secretly name words. Words of a song Junho himself composed for Wooyoung, for his first solo album. Words of a song which says too much of what Junho wants…

… But too little of what Junho feels.

Words of a song which was so intricate to sing, so impossible to ignore and so… seductive to take this like another ordinary recording session.

And hell, Wooyoung knows this won’t end like an ordinary recording session...

It burns, every inch of his anxious body burns so insanely good at the only sight of Junho leaning against the chair and murmuring his own lyrics with those tiny eyes closed…

… And again, that thing.

 The way that mouth moves forming words which seems to be calling his name behind warm, tempting phrases without a single trace of innocence in their playful composition…

The pleasant mix of soft, plump lips whispering seductive lyrics which don’t leave anything to the imagination was wonderfully toxic… Junho was toxic.  

Wooyoung loves it.

Like the most deadly chemical reaction the sweetly poisonous sensation those lips leaved in his mouth was slow but surely dissolving him little by little. From inside out, the ghost of that one kiss was piercing the deepest of his accelerated heart, melting his vitals tissues, and gnawing his skin with the only proposition of be free...

… To be free so their wanting mouths could meet again.

It was the most delicious sensation…

Dangerous, of course; but attraction wasn’t precisely the feeling you should fight back… Hell knows Wooyoung had tried.

Hard and with determination, he had fought against his demons when wonderful dreams become awful nightmares as the sun strike one more day. But his darkest side was stronger, and with shadows of a bright lustful red it has painted his heart with desire; blurring his dizzy mind with thoughts he shouldn’t had…

… But everyone has a bad side, Wooyoung wasn’t the exception.

Wooyoung couldn’t be the exception, he was human after all… he was mortal. And after such a tiresome, in vane fight against his own wild, animalistic nature he was dying

… Because of that thing

…The way Junho’s lips moves.

The memory of that one kiss was so fresh in his own mouth, like if those plump lips were already placing themselves against his one more time. The sweetness, the softness, the kindness, the nervousness… everything.

Wooyoung still could feel every little thing in his skin, after long weeks, that darling sensation was still with him, still making mind-blowing havoc in him.

It was delightful

Almost paradise.

Almost because all what its between his treasure and him is the rigid, thick and clear crystal of the small recording room which it could be melt by his intense desirable stare in those lips on the other side; Wooyoung is sure it could…

-Wooyoung… ¿why don’t we take a little break?- his hyung’s voice sounded funny through the headphones, but as tired as his hyung’s black eyes. –I’ll go for something to drink, came out and breathe a little.- after his simple nod his hyung jokes, just a seconds before walking out the room.

Leaving the headphones around the microphone before his feet slowly find their way out the tiny place he chuckles ironically for himself. Breathing in the same environment as Junho…

¿Was there something more impossible…?

-You are doing it good, Wooyoungie. The rap came out amazing, that’s my favorite part so far.- Junho’s nice voice blows some bells in his dreamy mind, making his steady heartbeat go wild in an instant…

…But his black eyes dark as the night sky were focusing in that thing.

…The way Junho’s lips moves.

And the tasty memory of those words Junho wrote which such a fervent sentiment suddenly impregnate his charmed brain…

-Your fragrant smile and that scent

Make me drowsy and helpless

Your sweet voice and those gestures

Make me soft and tender the most in this world

My all sensations are moving at your fingertips

I‘m getting closer to you without even realizing it

From now on I want to make love that cannot be expressed in words

I want to know you better until the candles go out…-

-Wooyoung… ¿why are you so close…?- that mouth whispers, those lips named but not with an horrified tone.

Au contraire…

That voice hides something, Wooyoung knows. Something which makes him realize his body has move against his will…

Or maybe gravity insists on pulling them together, ¿who knows?…

He could feel Junho’s addictive warmness even when their bodies weren’t pressing against each other, he could feel it fully just by the way Junho’s tiny black eyes shine so brightly looking directly at his dull, intense ones…

…¿Was there something more impossible than breathing in the same environment as Junho?

Indeed there were…

…Being dangerously close to Junho and not do anything about it was THE most impossible thing.

¿Why keep fighting against the unavoidable then…?

 His hands finds its comfortable place around Junho’s perfect waist one more time, feeling a slight shiver running in the younger boy’s body when their anxious mouths sweetly greet each other in that way it steals wonderful unpleasant sighs when the nice sensations was over, sadly, ones again…

-¿Why…? Wooyoung hears Junho’s curiosity at the moment he moves away from the dazzled boy…

… And a playful smirk can’t help but curve in his pouty lips at the sight of Junho’s cheeks painted in a soft carmine color.

Curios as Junho’s question, and beautiful odd as Junho’s twinkle of longing in his eyes…

 Not single word slips out from him when their hyung came back to the recording studio with fresh drinks form the three of them. With the cold beverage Wooyoung walked back to the room and put back the headphones, never breaking the eye contact with those shining orbs…

… And never erasing the teasing smirk from his face.

-Here we go again, Wooyoung. ¿Are you ready?- his hyung wonder, so opportune for the circumstances.

He just nods, watching how his hyung nod back at him and then look down to his cellphone, tapping some message from someone Wooyoung doesn’t really care…

His eyes turn away, joining themselves with Junho’s little ones through the neat crystal of the recording room; as his lips forms five simple words which cross that thick window like if it was a fragile soap bubble...

Five voiceless words Junho knows so well, five voiceless words which haunt him in his dream so wonderfully disturbing…

-It’s that thing you do…-

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sehijaudaun #1
Chapter 8: Oh gosh I really like this.. It is sweet, sensual and everything in between.
Good job!
Aquarius_Vong #2
May I Translate this fic into Vietnamese ? :D
I promise i'll take full credit and permission :D
Please :((
well wooho actually have many fan but they only don't know that wooho have fanfic..so please write more fanfic
elfachan31 #4
Chapter 4: yeay! make more ff about wooho please.........
Chapter 8: I readed again :))
And my heart still beat strongly like the 1st time :)
Why don't you make more fic about wooho T_T?
Hamsterland_95 #6
Chapter 8: Sistaaa i'm sorry i dont know you made wonderful wooho monet love it like always <3
Chapter 8: Another awesome fic of you about wooho >"<. I readed Wonderful Wonder World~* and you bring me here too :)). I don't know what to say about this fic, it's just too obsessional to me. The pain, heart-break, confusion...and the love of Junho and Wooyoung make my heart pound strongly >"<. You write really good ♥. Hope you make more some wooho, my fav otp, cuz it's so good in your fic. love u :)
lurvejunho #8
Chapter 8: Damn the ending was so intense but i glad u give us happy ending.ca
nt wait for the *blush*
HoHoDah #9
Chapter 8: Okay, lo volví a leer ahorita porque anoche era muy tarde y después de estudiar TODO el santo día, necesitaba un poco de esto *A* Te lo dije ayer por twitter, que era tu decisión cómo terminar la historia, porque confío en tus decisiones, y esta vez no me defraudé, COMO SIEMPRE! ME ENCANTÓ EL FINAL <3333. Fue muy acorde a cómo iba en desarrollo la historia. Durante todo el fic, mientras leía, siempre tenía la sensación de imaginarme TODO en cámara lenta lol No sé porqué, quizá por la narración y por lo bien detallado que escribiste :') Me gustó mucho, Caro. No hay muchos WooHos y de los que hay los tuyos son los mejores <33333! Sé que saldrás ahorita con un Khunyoung, así que estaré al pendiente *______*! BUEN TRABAJO CARO, COMO SIEMPRE *hugs