5th thing: Your voice.

That Thing You Do!


Sooooooooooooooo sorry! >.< I had one last exam on Monday so I didn't write anything till today! Luckily it's over, so now I can write in peace :)
Thank you all for reading and commenting! ^^
Nos vemos!
The nice smell of the starry night gracefully seeps through the window of his dear hyung, filling his lungs with the peaceful of green fields somewhere close of the dorms.

The bittersweet aroma of the hot coffee warming up his hands hits him gently when his tired, slow eyes look up at the clock ticking almost 4:30AM; stealing him a long yet silent yawn.

The comfy, spongy seat under his weight sinks a little bit more as his outworn anatomy accommodates in a better pose; feeling the soft touch of the warm blanket his hyung had put on his shaking skin.

But Wooyoung can’t fall asleep, there’s something fighting against Morpheus’s mighty magic. Something stronger than the God’s power, something greater than any millenary spell or dangerous charm. Something that selfishly keep him awake… 

…It was that thing   

Piano notes flies beautiful straight to his ears. Piano notes with pure, sweet emotions ringing majestically; forming a romantic yet nostalgic melody that fills his heart with tenderness and makes it jump rapidly when those notes mix with the sound of that thing

That thing so haunting

…Junho’s deep, soft voice.

Secretly, Wooyoung’s hands leave the steamy coffee cup above the nearest table; tugging the soft blanket up till the point it covers his mouth and nose… giving, like that, the complete freedom to his sparking black eyes to watch his little Emperor working so fervently with Junsu over the piano.

Their panda-Daegu-boy had invited them to come over to work on something the three together, and either he or Junho could reject their hyung… and less if that means the two of them could be partially together, at least one time after several days after that afternoon in the practice room.

No one has to be a brilliant genius to know Wooyoung didn’t work that much when the two composers of his band started talking about lyrics, arranges and those types of terms the blonde young boy wasn’t familiarized with at all. He wasn’t a musician like Junsu or Junho…

… For multiples types of reasons.

 There’s a need to have talent to do music. It’s not about to just put good sounds together to make it harmonious, it was beyond that: the passion of a musician it’s clearly audible in its piece if it’s done with the love for music…

Wooyoung could learn how to compose, how to use instruments, how to do the necessary arranges; but that passion in his heart wasn’t as strong as Junsu’s… and that’s what make him null for those kinds of things.

Writing lyrics was probably the most impossible thing for Wooyoung. Putting his emotions on words wasn’t precisely something he could do naturally. Showing his fragile soul to the eyes of the World requires a strong dose of courage… That’s something it cannot be learn in books, that’s something which you born with.

In terms of vocal quality Wooyoung has always been weak, but you can say in moments like this his voice was ‘the best out of the worst’ It may not be as good and powerful as Junsu’s, but his voice was peculiar. His voice has the magic to show the emotions his own words could never dare to name…

But still, having just one good point against all the burning passion and perfect technique of his bandmates was nothing. So instead of be a bother for the other two boys he chose to sit in some corner and watch them do the magic... because that was all what he can do, watch.

But there were something sounding beautifully nostalgic around the room. Something that for the tiny fraction of a second it made Wooyoung forgets about how much he was lacking in so many aspects. Something that he couldn’t mind the sit and hear all day long. Something that makes him think that maybe it was okay to not be as good as the others…

… Because like that he could be able to hear Junho’s voice a lot more.

A soft smiles paint itself on his hided lips thanks to the distant image of Junho’s small frown on his eyebrows as he erase something from the paper on the table. The Emperor’s flawless face was gently illuminated by the light of the lamp at his right, looking so cute when he was concentrating.

His heart was beating fast ones again, being flooded with big waves of tenderness and all those warm feelings that remembers Wooyoung he doesn’t want just Junho’s body under his… he wants everything of Junho. From his body and mind, to his heart and soul…

…Every single trace which composes his temperamental yet sweet Lee Junho, Wooyoung wants it all.

He hated that disgustingly selfish part of him, but he knows so well the reason behind his selfishness… he just can’t live without Junho.

The younger boy had taken a spot in his life that Wooyoung doesn’t know how and doesn’t want to take him out. Junho was the pure air he breathes, Junho was the blood running warm in his veins, Junho was what keep him living… Junho was his everything.

It may sound exaggerating, it may sound psycho in some point… ¿but wasn’t love one of the mysteries of this Planet?

-¡Wooyoungie! ¿Are you asleep?- the fail attempt of aegyo of his older bandmate takes him out from his deep thoughts, finding not only those panda eyes looking at him in the distant, but also a  pair of tiny ones as well.

-No, hyung. But that music is lulling me little by little…- he answers, not with the entire true but neither with a lie.

-Oh, well, ¿what if I go to make more coffee and then you come to join us, uh?- Junsu wonders in that nice mother-like tone Wooyoung is so use to hear in moments when he is sick or sad.

 He simply nods in respond for his hyung when the older boy walked to him to take the now cold coffee cup near him; feeling the gently touch of a warm hand on his small head before Junsu walk away and finally out the room.

 There were a small moment of silent after the soft noise of the door closing faded away in the air, being replace with the silent sound of steps getting closer to him… till well-shaped legs appear in his range of vision, and those tiny eyes meet with his sleepy ones when Junho finally sit down in front of him.

-If you are sleepy you should go to your room… your back will hurt tomorrow if you sleep in that thing.- Junho comment with his typical ‘stern’ look, but sounding so warmly worried that Wooyoung couldn’t help but smile.

-Nah, I want to listing to your voice till I fall asleep…- he answer, so brutally honest, watching how the Emperor’s face blush in a short instant.

-That’s not fair, I’m tired too… you better work with us when Junsu hyung come back…- Junho’s voice sound soft and deep as always, but even when the boy wasn’t trembling Wooyoung could feel clearly how nervous he was.

A soft sight slip from the blonde’s pink lips as he pulls down the blanket a little, watching how those tiny eyes directly looks down to his mouth when sad words are mumbled from it. –I’m not as good as you and Junsu hyung…-

But those black eyes quickly look up at his with an odd bothered gaze that makes him shiver. –You didn’t try…-

It’s all what Junho name, but it’s all what it takes to make Wooyoung realize how much Junho want him to give it a chance, to fight, to not give up… to make this something special for both of them.

-¿Will you help me…?- he wonders with an adorable smiles, one of those he knows no one could ignored.

And there’s the reaction he wanted, the Emperor’s cheeks heating up with a red color burning his soft skin and those white teeth biting that plum bottom lip before forming words with a terribly shy tone on them. –You don’t have to ask, Young…-

The tenders grin on his chubby face got wider at that answer. –Then, ¿will you come here and sing for me?- he ask without other intention than to have Junho closer and feel his sweet warmness.

The little Emperor in front of him sight long and heavy, like if it was so embarrassing that Wooyoung only could smile even more when Junho turned his eyes away as he slowly moved to his side in the small seat; feeling how it sinks deeper under the new weight of Junho.

 Wooyoung kindly shares his blanket with the younger boy, covering him with the warm fabric even when he already could feel the heat of Junho’s body killing any trace of the night coldness in his skin.

They were quite close, so close that Wooyoung felt the urge to kiss him… but probably he should not do that for a couple of weeks, he should give Junho some space to think clearly.

So his black, tired eyes close; fighting back that need to tastes those plump lips one more time. –Sing to me…- he just whispers, feeling his bandmate hot breath clashing nicely against his own.

 Short seconds hang in the air around them after his words, only being break by Junho’s deep breathe and soft sight in the end.

That soft and deep voice pass through his ears, directly to his heart, making it jump crazily in love. Words weren’t important to him; all it matters is Junho’s sweet voice filling with tenderness every single corner of his fragile soul… making his body trembling because of the nice feeling of love burning in him thanks to Junho.

In odd moments like this is when Wooyoung lets himself dream in the day his ears could hear Junho’s voice saying ‘I love you’…

But before he could finally go to that dreamland that beautiful voice turn off… and there are soft lips pressing against his own. Sweet lips kissing him kind and shyly, making his heart explode in the most excited happiness.

-Nuneo…- it’s all what he mumbles ones that mouth leaved his own alone.

And all what he heard between Morpheus’s slumber netting were a low whisper saying secret words it made his tired body twitch with warm shock of electricity…

-Young… I love you… please tell me you feel the same…-

 …Or the most likely it was that Wooyoung was already dreaming…

…Because it was too good to be true.

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sehijaudaun #1
Chapter 8: Oh gosh I really like this.. It is sweet, sensual and everything in between.
Good job!
Aquarius_Vong #2
May I Translate this fic into Vietnamese ? :D
I promise i'll take full credit and permission :D
Please :((
well wooho actually have many fan but they only don't know that wooho have fanfic..so please write more fanfic
elfachan31 #4
Chapter 4: yeay! make more ff about wooho please.........
Chapter 8: I readed again :))
And my heart still beat strongly like the 1st time :)
Why don't you make more fic about wooho T_T?
Hamsterland_95 #6
Chapter 8: Sistaaa i'm sorry i dont know you made wonderful wooho monet love it like always <3
Chapter 8: Another awesome fic of you about wooho >"<. I readed Wonderful Wonder World~* and you bring me here too :)). I don't know what to say about this fic, it's just too obsessional to me. The pain, heart-break, confusion...and the love of Junho and Wooyoung make my heart pound strongly >"<. You write really good ♥. Hope you make more some wooho, my fav otp, cuz it's so good in your fic. love u :)
lurvejunho #8
Chapter 8: Damn the ending was so intense but i glad u give us happy ending.ca
nt wait for the *blush*
HoHoDah #9
Chapter 8: Okay, lo volví a leer ahorita porque anoche era muy tarde y después de estudiar TODO el santo día, necesitaba un poco de esto *A* Te lo dije ayer por twitter, que era tu decisión cómo terminar la historia, porque confío en tus decisiones, y esta vez no me defraudé, COMO SIEMPRE! ME ENCANTÓ EL FINAL <3333. Fue muy acorde a cómo iba en desarrollo la historia. Durante todo el fic, mientras leía, siempre tenía la sensación de imaginarme TODO en cámara lenta lol No sé porqué, quizá por la narración y por lo bien detallado que escribiste :') Me gustó mucho, Caro. No hay muchos WooHos y de los que hay los tuyos son los mejores <33333! Sé que saldrás ahorita con un Khunyoung, así que estaré al pendiente *______*! BUEN TRABAJO CARO, COMO SIEMPRE *hugs