3rd thing: The way you smile.

That Thing You Do!


Just two thing:
1- Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! So sorry for taking so long when chapters are so short! >.< But last week was chaotic :S
2- I'm writing a cute, adorable, lovely Khunyoung one-shot like a present for all my 200 unique subscribers; so wait for ti! :D
Nos vemos!
There were something wrong with him, Wooyoung has no doubt.

He feels like a broken toy. He can’t really understand why there’s seems to be some missing nuts in his mind, but his brain wasn’t working lucidly like it should…

... But Wooyoung knows it’s because of that thing.

That thing he does all the time

…The way Junho smiles.

His plump, soft lips; his tiny, shining eyes; his handsome face, everything in Junho bright up when he smiles. The space around him fills with warmth. His contagious laugh echoes like a delightful symphony. Hearts burst in tenderness, and no one can hold back a smile at that precious moment.

It was all magic when Junho smiles, you could feel how the nasty taste of cruel reality turn instantly sweet with just one simple grin, and nothing could be bad at those ephemeral instants…

… It was beautiful.

The way Junho could make you believe, for a tiny fraction of a second, that there was nothing to worry about; that the world was indeed a wonderful place; that your life wasn’t as ty as it seems all days; that you weren’t as weak as you think…

… It was simply amazing.

All that bubbling joy, all that sparkling happiness, all that blinding hope, all that power which could make your heart explode in the most wanting warmness was  concentrated in just a moment, just a grin…

… It was dazzling.

Wooyoung could bet his life to the same Devil and win if he says there is  no human being who couldn’t melt by Junho’s smile; even himself was melting –was burning- at the moment… but not precisely because of the tenderness in Junho’s smile.

That was what it was so wrong in him…

Under the dim neon lights of the night club, thanks to the soft effect of alcohol and overshadowing the catchy electro pop song at the background Junho’s smiles wasn’t lovely in Wooyoung’s wanting black eyes. He knows it by the way those tiny shining orbs take a quick glance at him on the other side of the table…

…It says it all.

Junho’s adorable smiling eyes turn in tempting smirking ones just for him. Smirking seductive eyes which seem to be challenging him at the most unfair game Wooyoung is perfectly sure he couldn’t resist much longer to play…

…¿Who could be able to resist that thing, anyways?

Damn, Junho was so cruel

Junho seems to have a pretty clear idea of what he causes on him, and still, Junho keeps smiling in that way every time any stupid jokes comes from any of their bandmates; and Junho keeps taking those dangerous glances at him which ask in silent the most hard question Wooyoung had ever being asked…

’¿When are you going to come and get me?’

“Okay, maybe that’s my imagination…” the bitter thought cross his mind as the sweet taste of his drink invade his mouth, while Junho’s laughs reaches him ones again like a reaction to something Junsu had just said.

And the most probable it’s that it was his in-love-sick mind seeing things where there was nothing at all. The most probable it’s that Junho was just having a great time in this free night like all the members except Wooyoung himself… It may be true Junho didn’t rejected his kisses, and it may be true that Junho did kissed him back; but that doesn’t mean what his heart is yearning in desperation.

It doesn’t mean Junho loves him…

… The most likely it’s that sanity was waving its goodbye at him because he had officially gone complete insane over Lee Junho.

The sad taste of true goes down his throat along with the last sip of his now not so sweet drink; massaging his temples as he feels how his head hurts as hell instantly. He wasn’t a drinker but giving to the ty circumstances of his pity love-life Wooyoung could let himself drown the sorrows on a clear glass of fancy liquor, ¿right?

-¡Young! ¡Young! ¿…Are you alright?- He lift his head at the bursting sound of that soft voice he knows so well, having Junho’s tiny eyes looking hard at him in that characteristic ‘cold’ mask which hides a honest concern.

Hell, Junho was indeed so cruel…

-Woodong, you have to slow down; you are not used to drink.- Chansung’s comment barely pass through the ghost of Junho’s voice on his ears; and all what he could do was sigh and finally turn his eyes away from those enchanting small ones.

-I’m fine, I just… need to go to the toilet…- he lied, like if lying was part of his system, and quickly stood up and leave without saying a single word more.

His feet move across the huge dance floor, passing through dancing people like if they were ghost he could never see. The picture of Junho’s eyes and smile was printed in his own orbs, making his pounding head ache stronger… just like the cruel grip on his heart got suffocatingly tighter.

Nobody said it will hurt like this

The sound of his own heavy breathing echoing inside the empty bathroom mix with the soft splash of cold water on his face was able to bring him back; momently amazed by the way his body could move so well when his mind was so out of this world.

His off black eyes stare blankly at the cleaned sink, watching water drops falling from his face while his breathing slowly go down and turn back to be a soft breathe of his lips. A long sigh finished his trance as his eyes close for a moment.

-¿What am I doing…?- he wonder in a secret mumble, as his hand finds a tissue and vaguely dries his chubby face.

-I could love to know why are you doing it…- a well know deep voice reach his pounding head sounding somewhat irritated, yet curiously frustrated.

He slowly lift his head as his hand throw the wet tissues to the nearest trash can, as Wooyoung’s eyes see the neat reflection of  Junho standing behind him, those sharp little orbs staring intensely at him through the mirror.

Life couldn’t get worst by now, ¿could it?

Wooyoung didn’t say a thing, his body move quickly and safely he got out from an unnecessary conversation about his twisted feelings, and a strong possibility of being rejected in Junho’s heartbreaking nice way… But before his feet could take any more relive step there were a hand around his arm pulling him back.

-I won’t let you ignore me again…- Junho’s warm breath tickles his lips in such a tempting way, Junho’s eyes look straight at his in such a y serious way; Junho’s face was so close to him…

And the inevitable happened.

His hands closed around Junho’s waist in less than the blink of an eye; and just as quick as that Junho’s back hit some forgotten wall when their anxious mouth found themselves finally ones again in a deep, wanted kiss.

Sweet but hot; sloppy but soft…

Their impatience bodies press together, so tightly that Wooyoung could feel Junho’s addictive warmness in every single inch of his skin. He could feel every inch of Junho’s toned body as well, waking up all those lustful fantasies in his eager anatomy…

Hell, life could get deliciously wrong anytime…

A low moan dies between their lips when his sneaky hands found the beautiful curve of Junho’s plump , so dangerously good that Wooyoung knew he had to pull away before his insane mind let him do something… insane.

-You won’t go anywhere till you tell me why…- Junho state in a sensually threatening tone, his tiny eyes shining determinate as his hands squeeze the blue fabric of Wooyoung’s shirt.

But the blonde boy just smirks, playfully his lips as he notes how Junho looks down at them. Wooyoung slowly moves his mouth closer to that red ear, feeling how hot Junho’s skin is when his lips whisper directly on it. –I’ve told you before… it’s that thing you do…-

His hands seductively caress the smooth skin of Junho’s waist, feeling his younger bandmate shiver at his intimate touch and taking the chance he quick but gently move completely away from Junho without saying anything more.

The electro tone of parting music echoes distant inside his mind. The bursting pounding of his fixed heart was stronger and louder than any rhythm Wooyoung had ever heard in his short 23 years…

And with the energetic pounding melody of his joyful heart like his witness Wooyoung swears he won’t ever think again in the impossibility of giving up on Junho…

..Because now he is sure, he can win the Emperor’s heart.

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sehijaudaun #1
Chapter 8: Oh gosh I really like this.. It is sweet, sensual and everything in between.
Good job!
Aquarius_Vong #2
May I Translate this fic into Vietnamese ? :D
I promise i'll take full credit and permission :D
Please :((
well wooho actually have many fan but they only don't know that wooho have fanfic..so please write more fanfic
elfachan31 #4
Chapter 4: yeay! make more ff about wooho please.........
Chapter 8: I readed again :))
And my heart still beat strongly like the 1st time :)
Why don't you make more fic about wooho T_T?
Hamsterland_95 #6
Chapter 8: Sistaaa i'm sorry i dont know you made wonderful wooho monet love it like always <3
Chapter 8: Another awesome fic of you about wooho >"<. I readed Wonderful Wonder World~* and you bring me here too :)). I don't know what to say about this fic, it's just too obsessional to me. The pain, heart-break, confusion...and the love of Junho and Wooyoung make my heart pound strongly >"<. You write really good ♥. Hope you make more some wooho, my fav otp, cuz it's so good in your fic. love u :)
lurvejunho #8
Chapter 8: Damn the ending was so intense but i glad u give us happy ending.ca
nt wait for the *blush*
HoHoDah #9
Chapter 8: Okay, lo volví a leer ahorita porque anoche era muy tarde y después de estudiar TODO el santo día, necesitaba un poco de esto *A* Te lo dije ayer por twitter, que era tu decisión cómo terminar la historia, porque confío en tus decisiones, y esta vez no me defraudé, COMO SIEMPRE! ME ENCANTÓ EL FINAL <3333. Fue muy acorde a cómo iba en desarrollo la historia. Durante todo el fic, mientras leía, siempre tenía la sensación de imaginarme TODO en cámara lenta lol No sé porqué, quizá por la narración y por lo bien detallado que escribiste :') Me gustó mucho, Caro. No hay muchos WooHos y de los que hay los tuyos son los mejores <33333! Sé que saldrás ahorita con un Khunyoung, así que estaré al pendiente *______*! BUEN TRABAJO CARO, COMO SIEMPRE *hugs