6th thing: the way you look.

That Thing You Do!


Not much things to say... Just thank you all for reading and commenting! ^^ And so sorry for making you wait! ^^'


A baffling sensation spread across his whole body, sending a cold shiver down his spine and making his heart jump excited but at the same time it felt like a suffocating grip…

… It was all because of that thing.

It was quite curios if you ask Wooyoung, the way such an odd feeling twitch inside him till the point he can’t do other thing rather than wonder again and again why he can’t understand what made him feel so confuse and lost.

After that night in Junsu’s room he didn’t have a lot of chances to be alone with his little Emperor, schedules were chaotic and Nichkhun had being particularly talkative with him. It’s not that he doesn’t like to spent time with the Thai Prince, but he doesn’t like to be so away from Junho either…

…And it was worst if the ghost of those plump, sweet lips were always tickling his mouth; just like the beautiful remember of that cruel dream his unconscious showed him so vividly how could it sound those three little words dedicated to him in Junho’s voice was all the time messing with his conscious side.

‘It was just a dream…’

He had repeated that heartbreaking phrase in his mind a millions times by now, and in some moments Wooyoung was able to believe it… but there were that other side of him that whispers from the darkness that it sound so real to be a mare construction of his lovesick mind, drowning him in a despairing doubt.

‘It was just a dream…

…It wasn’t…’

There was a bloody battle inside him, giving him awful headaches and endless nights without any good drop of sleep… It was a war, a deadly one, and his poor heart was the one in the middle; suffering the slow pass of time without Junho and the constant bombing of stubborn words.

And if to all that you add the curiously baffling feeling that thing causes on Wooyoung, you have as a result the dangerous cocktail which little by little is disarming him…   

  -¡Good morning, Wooyoungie!- the soft echo of Nichkhun’s nice voice reach his sleepy head slowly, along with the gentle touch of big hands holding him by the waist.

After leaning against the kitchen counter for God’s know how long, his black eyes look up at those brown, bright orbs; finding his hyung’s smile way too excited to be the first hours of a long, heavy Monday.

-Good morning, hyung…- Wooyoung mumbled tiredly, trying to smile along with his older friend but in the end his lips just curled up in a fail attempt of sweetness.

Those thick eyebrows frown in front of him in what Wooyoung knows as his hyung’s clear expression of concerned.

-¿Is something bother you?- and there it was, the Thai’s honest worried question and the Thai’s big eyes staring directly at him.

Damn, he doesn’t have the heart to lie to Nichkhun if he looks at him like that…

-It’s nothing really bad, hyung; I’m fine…- it’s all what he can manage to say as his black, ashamed eyes turn away to hide in some place of the kitchen.

But those hands on his waist travel up, cupping his face in that nice and kind way that pleads him with its only touch to be honest… and when his nervous gaze meets ones again with that foreign one, Wooyoung feels his entire skin shaking.

-¿Are you sure? You look so stress and tired all the time, Youngie…- Nichkhun’s words were careful, yet the afflicted tone on his voice was loud enough to make him realized how serious his hyung was.

There was a moment where Wooyoung didn’t know what to answer. His mind was suddenly blank and his eyes couldn’t turn away from those brown ones which seem to be begging in the most heartbreaking way for the true. He couldn’t lie to Nichkhun no matter whatbut under any circumstances he could say the true either.

He had reached an impasse, indeed… and awful one, he must add.

-Hyung, don’t worry about it… I’ll be fine… it’s just some little problem…- Wooyoung tried to make it sound less important, as his hands softly place themselves above his hyung’s warm ones.

There’s a small stab of guilt in his heart as Nichkhun sighs and nods softly. After all this time, after all the problems they had, as a band and personally, Wooyoung knows his hyung couldn’t push him to talk about something if he didn’t want to…

…It’s not that he want to take advantage of Nichkhun’s kind heart, it’s just that Nichkhun could never understand it.

¿Who in this World could it…?

It was still hard to believe even for him…

-Okay, Youngie; I won’t push you… ¿But can you promise me something?- Nichkhun’s voice was soft but serious… yet there was something hiding in those brown eyes Wooyoung couldn’t really describe.

-Anything, hyung…- the answers slid off his lips before he could even analyze the terrible consequences it could most likely bring; but the guilt on his heart was already haunting him.

-Promise me you will tell me, Youngie… Whatever it is, you know I could help you… You know I couldn’t hate you ¿right?- Nichkhun says, low and careful, as his secret eyes didn’t move away from his.

Uh, it was odd… From Nichkhun’s words, to Nichkhun’s glance; passing from that tone of voice and ending in those thumbs brushing his cheeks so slow and kindly…

It was too estrange, too out-of-place for Wooyoung likes…

Everything screams that there’s something Nichkhun knows.

¿But what can possibly Nichkhun know…?

“Great, you are getting delusional…” Wooyoung thinks as a calm, yet sweet smile curves this time on his pink lips. –I promise, hyung…- he answers with sincerity, watching how Nichkhun smiles back at him and now all feels like it should.

¿Who knows? Maybe someday he could get the courage to yell to the entire Galaxy that he is in love with Lee Junho…

…Not that it could happened any century soon, obviously.

-Thank you, Youngie…- at the warm feeling of a whisper caressing his ear his whole body and mind was able to realize the tight hug Nichkhun was giving him at the moment.

-Ah, it’s okay hyung… there’s nothing to thank…- he mumbles somewhat nervous, not knowing where to place his hands as the older boy hugs him tighter.

It’s not that he is not used to be hug by Nichkhun, he even enjoys how warm he hyung was, but there’s still that something which makes everything so odd and weird ones again… ¿What was it?  

His small hand finally find a comfy place on top of the Thai’s big back, giving it soft pats as the thought of how long this hug is taking cross Wooyoung’s wondering mind. Footsteps echoes softly in the kitchen then, and the grip around his body gets tighter as Nichkhun has never hugged him...

…And there were that thing again.

That thing making him shiver in uneasiness and uncertainty, making him wonder what did he do to deserve such thing

…To deserve Junho’s eyes glaring at him.

-Good morning…- Junho’s deep voice hung in the air, and amazingly Nichkhun’s arms slowly moved away from his body.

-¡Hey, Junho! Good morning…- Nichkhun turn around, kindly greeting their bandmate as all the mornings.

But there’s still something estrange… and now feels even estranger with Junho in.

-¿Did I interrupt something…?- his little Emperor wonder, with a darken tone on his voice as his tiny eyes place on the hyung’s brown ones.

And from where he is standing Wooyoung can see a smirk forming on the Thai’s lips. –Of course not, Junho…- and there also were a darken tone on his voice too.

It was indeed odd… it was too odd… and he didn’t understand anything.

¿Why did Nichkhun acted so unlike of him? ¿Why is this rare aura around them? ¿Are them hiding something from him? If they are, ¿why? ¿what is it?... ¿And why does Junho keep glaring at him like that? Like if he wants to say something… something important.

Hell, ¿can this gets any better?

-Young snap out of it…- Junho’s soft voice hits him hard, bringing him out of his thoughts and connecting their gazes in that tiny distant which separates them.

-¿W-where is Khun…?- is all what his surprise brain can process to ask as Junho’s addictive aroma fills his lungs and soul.

He sees how those tiny eyes roll somewhat annoyed, act particularly curios if you ask Wooyoung…

-Your favorite hyung has a schedule with the rest of the members; they had just leaved…- the Emperor comment with a rare tone of voice to refer to Nichkhun, calmly walking to the fridge to pour some orange juice in a glass.

Feeling so surprise and confuse there are not much things he can say. –Oh, well… I will go to… shower…- he mumbles, not really knowing what the hell to do.

Two short steps was all what his feet walked, before an warm hand closed around his arm quickly pulling him back till his hit the kitchen’s counter… and sweet, plump lips smashed against his own in a sloppy, sensual kiss.

Tongues ily brush against each other inside the Emperor’s hot mouth, as Wooyoung’s hands perfectly fit around Junho’s waist and his playful teeth nibble tantalizingly on the younger’s bottom lip, earning another cute whimper from the young composer.   

-Wow, it has been a while since you did that…- Wooyoung breathes out, watching in delight how the younger boy leans closer for another kiss.

-You were around with your favorite hyung all this time…- Junho whispers against his lips; before giving him a slow and deep kiss it melt him.

But there were still that something in Junho’s voice… killing him with concern.

-Junho…- he pulls away against his will, looking straight into those tiny bright eyes. -¿Is something wrong…?- he needs to know, this morning was too odd for him to keep on thinking without having an answer.

But the little Emperor sighs slowly and frowns confuse. -¿What could be wrong…?- he wonder, like if all was just Wooyoung’s imagination.

“I guess I’m delusional after all…” he thinks a little bit amused, brushing off all that estrange situation from moments ago as his mouth gets closer with Junho’s plump one.

-I was just wondering… You didn’t ask me ‘why’ today…- he mocks in a low, seductive tone; watching those small black orbs shining brightly…

There is still something in them… something Wooyoung can’t really say what it is…

-Because of that thing I do, ¿right…?- but Junho’s playful words surprised him, making his eyes go wide open.

-¿You know…?- Wooyoung wonders carefully, hearing the loud ‘badum badum’ of his heart in every single part of his mind.

But when curios words were hanging in his ears said a serious tone of voice mix with a little bit of sensual twinkle… Wooyoung knows there’s definitely some missing puzzle on this game in which he is with Junho…  

-¿Do you know, Wooyoung…?-

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sehijaudaun #1
Chapter 8: Oh gosh I really like this.. It is sweet, sensual and everything in between.
Good job!
Aquarius_Vong #2
May I Translate this fic into Vietnamese ? :D
I promise i'll take full credit and permission :D
Please :((
well wooho actually have many fan but they only don't know that wooho have fanfic..so please write more fanfic
elfachan31 #4
Chapter 4: yeay! make more ff about wooho please.........
Chapter 8: I readed again :))
And my heart still beat strongly like the 1st time :)
Why don't you make more fic about wooho T_T?
Hamsterland_95 #6
Chapter 8: Sistaaa i'm sorry i dont know you made wonderful wooho monet love it like always <3
Chapter 8: Another awesome fic of you about wooho >"<. I readed Wonderful Wonder World~* and you bring me here too :)). I don't know what to say about this fic, it's just too obsessional to me. The pain, heart-break, confusion...and the love of Junho and Wooyoung make my heart pound strongly >"<. You write really good ♥. Hope you make more some wooho, my fav otp, cuz it's so good in your fic. love u :)
lurvejunho #8
Chapter 8: Damn the ending was so intense but i glad u give us happy ending.ca
nt wait for the *blush*
HoHoDah #9
Chapter 8: Okay, lo volví a leer ahorita porque anoche era muy tarde y después de estudiar TODO el santo día, necesitaba un poco de esto *A* Te lo dije ayer por twitter, que era tu decisión cómo terminar la historia, porque confío en tus decisiones, y esta vez no me defraudé, COMO SIEMPRE! ME ENCANTÓ EL FINAL <3333. Fue muy acorde a cómo iba en desarrollo la historia. Durante todo el fic, mientras leía, siempre tenía la sensación de imaginarme TODO en cámara lenta lol No sé porqué, quizá por la narración y por lo bien detallado que escribiste :') Me gustó mucho, Caro. No hay muchos WooHos y de los que hay los tuyos son los mejores <33333! Sé que saldrás ahorita con un Khunyoung, así que estaré al pendiente *______*! BUEN TRABAJO CARO, COMO SIEMPRE *hugs