8th thing: the way you get jealous.

That Thing You Do!


Before you freak out because of the sudden end of the fic, read my explanation please ^^'
I was writing this chapter and when I got the end I thought that there were no need to put two much chapters; mostly because I belive this is the greast end for this fic and I just really love it ^^ I didn't mean it to turn out this way, it just happend.
I'll write a sequel next week for the I promise, so I hope you'll wait for it... and you won't kill me for this ^^'
So, nos vemos! :) 
It was kinda amusing…

That thing so obvious Junho tried to hide without even trying hard enough.

His jealousy.

Like a little kid whom doesn’t want to share his candies, Junho frowns and pouts displease every single time Chansung grabs Wooyoung’s hands and randomly start to play with them. It doesn’t matter if it’s in their dorms, in an interview or in the middle of a shoot; Wooyoung all the time could take a quick look at his Emperor and delight himself because of how obvious and cute Junho was.

It always happens too when Junsu playfully feed him in the morning. Wooyoung likes the special treat Junsu gives him as a hyung, but he also loves the way Junho leaves the table with an adorable blush on his cheeks and his deep, bother voice saying something like ‘you two are so disgusting, stop it.’   

It’s even more amusing to see the way Junho grabs his arms and pull him away from Taecyeon and out the gym when the giant OkCat was pushing him to keep working out when the blonde boy was having a lot of trouble trying to keep on breathing. But Wooyoung let himself chuckle at those moments, hearing Junho mumbling not so nice words for their hyung.

In any of those circumstances, Wooyoung can feel his heart beating excitedly fast and joyful. He can feel his eyes shining when Junho looks at him. And he can feel a smile curving instantly on his face when Junho turn his gaze away and blush…

…Wooyoung knows he has a special place in Junho’s heart, he is not afraid anymore.

But there are times when he feels a burning pain suffocating his heart. It was on special times, when Junho’s jealousy takes dark shades of sadness and those small eyes reflect how hurt the Emperor is in those moments…

In those moments when Nichkhun hug him, when Nichkhun caress his hair and cheeks, when Nichkhun kiss his cheek, when Nichkhun make him laugh, when Nichkhun smiles at him and he smiles back at his hyung…

…When Nichkhun’s mare presence around him makes Junho’s beautiful eyes look so lifeless.

Wooyoung can’t really understand why Junho reacts like that just at his interactions with Nichkhun. Is true that he was attached to Nichkhun the most, till the point fans started to believe there were something more than just a great friendship between them, but he had opened up to all in the band, to all in the company… and that’s exactly why he had fall in love with Junho.   

Judging by the way the Emperor gets so jealous thanks to their hyungs and the maknae, Wooyoung is sure Junho already knows his feelings… ¿but why is Junho so sad and hurt just by Nichkhun?

It’s not like he gives the Thai special attention or something alike to that…

…Well, maybe is true that since that car accident long time ago where his hyung was involved he had been a little more cute and lovely around Nichkhun.

 So probably Junho misunderstood...

A long, heavy sigh escapes his mouth as he walks through the hallway, hearing Taecyeon’s voice calling them because their chapter on God of Victory was about to start. His feet move following the path down the stairs, but his mind can’t help but be in other place… The situations was getting out of control and he has to confess really soon if he doesn’t want to keep seeing Junho so hurt.

But confessing his feelings, even if Junho already knows, is still the hardest thing to do…

Is not that Wooyoung doesn’t trust Junho, but saying ‘I love you’ wasn’t precisely the easiest thing to do for him. Showing his heart without any protective shield, being completely vulnerable in front of those eyes… it was kinda dangerous.

-¡Youngie! ¡Come to sit with me!- Nichkhun’s sweet voice echoes in his head for a few instants, till his black eyes focus in the living room where everyone was already comfortably sit.

Taking slow steps closer to his bandmates reunited in the comfy place, he takes a quick look to Junho sitting in the big couch between Taec and Chan, before placing his eyes back to Nichkhun when he reach his side.

-Ah, hyung… I can’t sit in your lap…- Wooyoung says somewhat embarrass, noticing there were all the seats taken and he should sit on the hard floor.

-Come on, Youngie. It’s not like we never sit like this.- the Thai comment slightly amused, quickly hugging his waist and pulling him down to his hyung’s lap.

-O-oh… well… I think is true…- he mumble, not really knowing what to say when Junho’s eyes where already staring at him from afar.

-¡Okay, okay, okay! ¡Shhh! ¡Its starting!- Taecyeon says so excitedly, grabbing a handful of dried mangoes as Junsu by his sides steal one or two from him.

Wooyoung chuckles at the whining face the giant Ok made to the stealer Panda, hearing Chansung’s unmistakable laugh filling hi ears… as well as Junho’s nice ones. His black eyes couldn’t help but look at the two maknaes sitting beside each other, and a frown couldn’t help but form on his face at the sight of Chansung’s arm around Junho’s shoulders.

“¿Why don’t you push him away?” he wonders as his black eyes turn back to the TV, while he leans against Nichkhun’s chest in a more comfortable position.

The show starts after a very boring cut, just like Taecyeon’s and Junsu’s cheers for themselves when it was their turn to be present. The noisy sound of the two maknaes laughing were mixing with the older boy’s voices, making something twitch uncomfortable inside Wooyoung’s heart. 

It’s not that he was jealous but…

His black eyes covertly turn to his right, watching his bandmates laughing and Chansung’s big hand squeezing Junho’s shoulder and hiding his amused face in the Emperor’s neck…

Screw that, he was burning in jealousy.

His arms cross angrily above his chest when his attention was one more time on the show, noticing that the first game had begun and no one seems to care at the moment. A pout forms in Wooyoung’s lips at that thought, wondering why are they even here if all what they are doing is hearing Taecyeon and Junsu scream and the maknaes laugh…

You know, the usual…

Knowing that staying in that environment only could make him feel awfully bad, the blonde boy was ready to stand up and go to his room to do something more productive… like listening music, read some good book or just mentally kick himself for being such a coward instead of be him the one who make Junho laugh and smile.

But before his muscles could do any movement, gentle hands place on his waist and a soft voice whispers in his ear making him tremble. -¿It’s something wrong, Youngie?-

His surprise dark orbs slowly look up at Nichkhun’s brown ones, biting his bottom lip nervously before answering with a selfless tone. –No, hyung. Nothing is wrong, everything is perfect…-

But even so, the uneasiness was so audible on his voice…

-Wooyoung, you really worry me… It has been so long since you are like this, ¿can’t I help you with anything?- Nichkhun says and Nichkhun wonders with that heartbreaking concerned gaze that makes Wooyoung feel like the worst friend in the Universe.

¿Can he keep hiding the true from Nichkhun? ¿Can he still keeps all that pain just for him…?

¿Can he still endures it alone?

He sighs low, turning his gaze away from those clear brown orbs which seems to be looking right into his soul. –I just have… some little problem with Junho…- He says soft and low, almost like a secret whisper.

-¿A problem about what?- Nichkhun wonder with his kind smile, making him feel uncomfortable.

-Well, hyung… it’s just… ummm… something about…- Wooyoung mumbles, feeling even more nervous at each second it pass without giving an answer.

-¿Something about what…?- his hyung ask curios yet still nice, knowing that he had a hard time answering.

But the blonde boy can’t really bring himself to respond with the true and neither with a lie. So smiling awkwardly he quickly turns his eyes back to the TV. –I-It’s not really important, hyung. L-let’s just watch the show.-

His heart was beating frenetically desperate at the moment, and his shocked mind was pleading to some Deity to erase his hyung’s memory so he could breathe in peace again... But there are words reaching his ears like a secret murmur, making his body cold as snow because he knows not even God could help him now.

 -¿Is it because you can’t confess to him, Youngie…?-

 His heart seemed to stop beating at that question, and he forgot how to breathe when the idea of Nichkhun knowing his feelings rang all the alarms in his mind…

Hell, he was so screw right now…

Slowly and carefully Wooyoung’s black eyes place themselves on his hyung, mumbling a nervous question between trembling lips. -¿H-how do you know…-?

-¿So it’s true?- Nichkhun wonder surprised, his brown orbs opened wide in shock. –I thought I was seeing things ¡¿but it’s true?!- he wonder a little more louder, making the blonde shiver in fear.

Wooyoung was literally in the same hell now…

-¡Shhh!- he rush to say, putting his hands on the older boy’s mouth before Nichkhun could keep talking. -¡Please hyung, don’t tell anyone!- he pleads in a desperate whisper, watching those brown eyes shining with their characteristic sweet spark

-¡Yah! ¡Khunyoung, stop making a love-line when we are not looking!- Taecyeon’s trolling comment suddenly was echoing in his mind, just like Nichkhun’s tongue the palm of his hand was making him pull away.

-¡W-we are not making a love-line!- Wooyoung quickly tries to clarify, almost jumping off the Thai’s lap when he found Taec’s and Junsu’s smirks on their mocking faces.

-That’s right. We were just trying to re-create the ‘mouth-to-mouth’ game… but just without the paper.- Nichkhun’s mischievous voice rings right into his ear… just like Nichkhun’s hands were closing around his waist from behind.  

He felt a cold, cold shiver running down his spine when the Thai’s hand slowly went up to his neck; kindly forcing him to turn his head around… only to find that handsome, foreign face way too close for his comfort. Their noses brush mildly against each other and the blonde trembled when he felt Nichkhun’s warm breathe caressing his lips like a ghost.

That felt just so wrong…           

-H-hyung, stop playing around…- he quickly free himself form the uncomfortable situation, giving to his older friend an awkward smile but Nichkhun just smirked at him.

-Oh, my cute Youngie got embarrass…- the Thai playfully commented, placing an arm around his shoulder to squeeze them together one more time. –Let’s see if Junho likes you back…- Nichkhun whispered on his ear, not giving him time to process those words when lips were already kissing his cheek and making him blush for the sudden attack.

Wooyoung’s black eyes opened wide at his hyung’s sweet touch, just like his entire face colored in a slight pinkish tone and a small surprised whimper slip out his mouth thanks to Nichkhun’s action. Looking back at his other four friends he couldn’t help but feel even more embarrass at Taec and Junsu’s smirks and Chansung’s silly smile…

…Luckily, he couldn’t say the same for Junho.

-Wooyoung… ¿can I have a moment with you?- the Emperor wonder in a creepy nice tone, his tiny eyes stabbing the blonde’s nervous ones.

He swallowed hard at that question, at Junho’s upset orbs which pierce every little part of his soul with just a hard gaze; and all what he did was nod slowly. –S-sure…- he added with a trembling smile, watching the Emperor passing by on his way to his room.

He knew what Junho implied with that only but clear act, so taking a deep breath and with one last smile for the rest of the band he slowly follow the younger boy’s steps; watching Junho’s back just a few, long feet away from him as they walked through the silent hallway… feeling freezing chills along his body when the Emperor finally entered his bedroom.

Wooyoung was scared now, he is not gonna lie. Knowing the younger boy’s temper, even the most unthinkable thing could come ones he cross that door… but he was ready for anything, scared as hell of course, but still ready for anything Junho could say or throw at him.

¿Wasn’t him…?

-¿Can you come inside…?- Junho’s creepy gentle voice was ones again freaking him out, tempting him to turn around and get the hell out of there.

But his heart hold him in place, beating fast and hard with that unbreakable hope that reminds him all those past moments where Junho showed him his honest jealousy… where Junho showed him his has a special place in the Emperor’s heart.

Feeling his chest a little more light Wooyoung calmly sighs, taking short final steps till he finally is inside the younger boy’s room; being welcomed with Junho’s sweet and unique scent instantly. He heard a soft ‘click’ behind him, knowing that Junho surely was going to talk very loud. So slowly he turned around…

But quite contrary of what he was waiting for, there were big hands on his chest pushing him down on the comfy matters; and sweet, plump lips kissing roughly y his pouty ones. It happened fast and Wooyoung enjoyed it with all his being… but there were something odd in the way Junho kiss him.

There was something odd in the way Junho bite hard on his bottom lip, so hard that Wooyoung himself could feel the sweet taste of blood mixing between their tongues. There was something odd on the way Junho’s hands were roaming across his chest under the shirt, leaving small but deep scratches on his white skin…

… It felt like if Junho was pushing him for something he doesn’t know.

-Junho…- Wooyoung whimper ones he managed to push the Emperor a little, feeling that plump mouth going down his neck. Oww! ¡J-Junho, stop!- he begs as sharp teeth sinks playfully hard on his fragile skin.

But Junho wasn’t showing any attempt to stop: that hot tongue sensually slow the small wound those white teeth made, going down and down on the blonde boy’s neck; leaving a road of kisses till they hard on the base. His hands keep moving as well, reaching the older boy’s s and pinching them slightly hard from time to time... just like his hip press harshly against the blonde’s one, making their sensitive areas to rub together in a tempting friction.

-Ah, Junho stop… I-I don’t want it… like this…- Wooyoung mumbles as serious as he can be when all those good sensations were heating him up gradually.

But Junho was angry, he could feel it, and there’s no way he could make love with his Emperor so furious…

…And less if he still didn’t confess his feelings.

His hands quickly find their way cupping Junho’s face, gently bringing him up till their eyes could meet again… seeing those beautiful dark orbs full with tears which rolls down Junho’s cheeks and wetted his fingers in a warm, sad caress.

-Junho…- he whispers concerned, feeling his heart aching painfully when the younger boy slammed his hands away and sat on the edge of the bad, giving him his cold back.

Wooyoung could hear the Emperor’s heavy breathing breaking the night’s silent around them, but he knows the younger boy was holding back his crying. Junho was stubborn, he knows that too well… and he knows he should say something, something good really fast.  

Carefully he sits beside the young composer, biting nervously his bottom lip as his left hand kindly place on Junho’s back. –Junho, don’t cry…- he mumble as calm as he can, feeling his heart beating hard against his chest.

But Junho abruptly stands up, staring down at him with those hurt and upset eyes. –Leave…- he hisses through clenched teeth, making the blonde tremble uneasy.

-Junho, I’m sorry…- Wooyoung quickly stands up as well, looking directly into those saddened orbs.

-¿Oh really? ¿You sorry?- the Emperor wonder sarcastic, yet still dangerously angry.

-Well, yeah…- he mumbles slightly confuse, wondering why the composer got so ironic out of nowhere. –I don’t quite understand why you get so angry but I’m sorry if I hurt you…- he says honestly, watching how the younger boy frowns.

-You know, Wooyoung…- Junho mumbles low, his tone getting darker. –You know. I told you that night…- he says, teardrops falling slowly from his small eyes.

-Junho… I-I really don’t know… ¿what did you told me…?- Wooyoung wonders sincerely lost about what the boy was talking about.

-¡Stop playing around! ¡You know!- Junho exclaims irritated and somewhat frustrated. –¡You weren’t completely asleep that night, you heard me! ¡Why don’t you stop with this game and tell me what the hell you feel!- he add a little more louder, feeling his heart about to burst.

The blonde boy just stays silent for a moment, blinking incredulous at what he had just heard. ¿That night? ¿He wasn’t completely asleep? ¿He heard him? ¿Stop this game and tell his feelings…?  That one time in Junsu’s room… ¿it really wasn’t a dream?

Of course it wasn’t…

A smile curves itself on Wooyoung’s lips as he hears how fast his heart is beating. He bites back a laugh as he walks closer to the young composer, feeling kinda stupid for realizing so late that Junho only wanted him to finally confess… But he had been so obvious till today, ¿why would Junho want words?

The sweet grin on his mouth got wider when he leaned closer to the younger boy’s face, seeing how the composer frowns still slightly upset but with an adorable blush painted all over his cheeks… and Wooyoung just peck Junho’s lips, looking straight into those tiny eyes before saying what his Emperor wanted to heard so stubbornly.

As soon as words left his mouth, the Emperor’s tears stop and a beautiful smile paint on his face. Those shining eyes curved in lovely crescent moons, filling his soul with pure tenderness… And as soon as he confessed, those plump lips sweetly lock with his own; sharing the same deep emotion they had for each other…

The same deep emotion Junho was so impatience to hear in words that made his pounding heart beat calmer… but not that he had heard them, he can feel how his heart jump joyfully fast; repeating those words in every single happy heartbeat.

-I love you, Junho… You and all those things you do.-

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sehijaudaun #1
Chapter 8: Oh gosh I really like this.. It is sweet, sensual and everything in between.
Good job!
Aquarius_Vong #2
May I Translate this fic into Vietnamese ? :D
I promise i'll take full credit and permission :D
Please :((
well wooho actually have many fan but they only don't know that wooho have fanfic..so please write more fanfic
elfachan31 #4
Chapter 4: yeay! make more ff about wooho please.........
Chapter 8: I readed again :))
And my heart still beat strongly like the 1st time :)
Why don't you make more fic about wooho T_T?
Hamsterland_95 #6
Chapter 8: Sistaaa i'm sorry i dont know you made wonderful wooho monet love it like always <3
Chapter 8: Another awesome fic of you about wooho >"<. I readed Wonderful Wonder World~* and you bring me here too :)). I don't know what to say about this fic, it's just too obsessional to me. The pain, heart-break, confusion...and the love of Junho and Wooyoung make my heart pound strongly >"<. You write really good ♥. Hope you make more some wooho, my fav otp, cuz it's so good in your fic. love u :)
lurvejunho #8
Chapter 8: Damn the ending was so intense but i glad u give us happy ending.ca
nt wait for the *blush*
HoHoDah #9
Chapter 8: Okay, lo volví a leer ahorita porque anoche era muy tarde y después de estudiar TODO el santo día, necesitaba un poco de esto *A* Te lo dije ayer por twitter, que era tu decisión cómo terminar la historia, porque confío en tus decisiones, y esta vez no me defraudé, COMO SIEMPRE! ME ENCANTÓ EL FINAL <3333. Fue muy acorde a cómo iba en desarrollo la historia. Durante todo el fic, mientras leía, siempre tenía la sensación de imaginarme TODO en cámara lenta lol No sé porqué, quizá por la narración y por lo bien detallado que escribiste :') Me gustó mucho, Caro. No hay muchos WooHos y de los que hay los tuyos son los mejores <33333! Sé que saldrás ahorita con un Khunyoung, así que estaré al pendiente *______*! BUEN TRABAJO CARO, COMO SIEMPRE *hugs