1st thing: the way you smell.

That Thing You Do!


It was all over the place.

That thing.

That smell. That scent. That perfume invading his lungs so delightfully against his will was all over the dorm.

A rare mix of watermelon and lemon; sweet and soft but strong and acid.

Every single thing inside the place was wonderfully poisoned by that thing: the pure air, the comfortable cushions, the clear curtains, the chocolate ice-cream in his mouth has suddenly taken a new twinkle of two different flavors…

Even the Sun light coming through the windowpanes seem more pinkish and freshly yellow.

Ugh, and his cloths stinks like that thing as well.

Stinks like him

Disgustingly sweet and insufferably delicious; the exact scent of nice spring.

He can feel it clearly, the way that thing digs deep inside his sweaty skin. It’s opened his pores and impregnated his soul with that smooth and fresh taint which shakes his heart with the amazingly unpleasant known fragrance…

And Wooyoung hates it.

Its itch in every tiny part of his grumpy self insanely good the way he knows from where that thing comes… or better said, from who it comes.

It was all over the place, all the time, all the days. If they were the only two in the dorm, if the rest of the members were there too… even in the practice room, in the recording room, in the cafeteria, everywhere and around everyone where smells mix forming something unidentifiable Wooyoung still could feel that thing.

It doesn’t matter if he wasn’t there; if he had never been with him in all the freaking day Wooyoung still could feel it…

That thing.

So fresh but old, yet so sweet and strong… it’s haunting.

It seduce his mind to image scenarios he shouldn’t desire, it raise his heartbeat like if their skin touched accidentally on purpose one more time, it dries his mouth like if his eyes were watching him dance to the sensual beat.

 It makes him go crazy in a few seconds… just two scents… It’s not healthy.

Not anymore

Brain cells are not functioning, the heart’s strings has the command and the desire has the major roll of his actions now. Feet moves, the sound echoing gently around the slight empty dorm as they stomp their way up the stairs to the second floor…

It hits him hard ones he reach the top of the stairs, without a single trail of mercy. It’s stronger, and sweeter and more dangerous of what Wooyoung had felt times before…

That thing

Taking a deep breathe it only makes it worst. Even when he knows it, he does it because he needs it… because he likes it. He likes it and he hates it. It’s crazy, he knows…

… It’s really not healthy.

Steps reach his ears, his feet are moving again. He feels dizzy, getting closer and closer to that open door in the middle. Through the quite hallway, every step he takes it drowns him inside that breeze of watermelon and lemon. Disgustingly sweet and insufferably delicious...

… The exact scent of Junho.

 -Wooyoungie, ¿what are you doing standing there?- he asks, he dare to ask, so oblivious to all what he causes on him.

-That smell…- Wooyoung’s lips named, his eyes fixing in those little ones after his slow travel along that body only covered by a white towel around the waist.

 -¿Mmm? ¿Smell?- Junho wonders, still oblivious. –Oh, ¿my lotion for after shower? ¿Do you like it?- he ask, too oblivious –or too innocent- for Wooyoung’s liking.

One last stomp, one sudden gasps; arms wrapping perfectly around a soft yet wet waist… plump lips and pouty lips colliding finally. Slow, sweet, yet deep but wanted. So wanted. For both of them, Wooyoung is sure… Wooyoung can feel it.

-¿Why…?- Junho sighs, ones again their mouths are too far away for their yearning.

And their mouths are farther away as arms unwrapped around his waist, as feet walk out the steamy room and leaving Junho alone with Wooyoung’s final words floating in the dense air around him… leaving him craving to know and feel more.

-It’s that thing you do, Junho...-      

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sehijaudaun #1
Chapter 8: Oh gosh I really like this.. It is sweet, sensual and everything in between.
Good job!
Aquarius_Vong #2
May I Translate this fic into Vietnamese ? :D
I promise i'll take full credit and permission :D
Please :((
well wooho actually have many fan but they only don't know that wooho have fanfic..so please write more fanfic
elfachan31 #4
Chapter 4: yeay! make more ff about wooho please.........
Chapter 8: I readed again :))
And my heart still beat strongly like the 1st time :)
Why don't you make more fic about wooho T_T?
Hamsterland_95 #6
Chapter 8: Sistaaa i'm sorry i dont know you made wonderful wooho monet love it like always <3
Chapter 8: Another awesome fic of you about wooho >"<. I readed Wonderful Wonder World~* and you bring me here too :)). I don't know what to say about this fic, it's just too obsessional to me. The pain, heart-break, confusion...and the love of Junho and Wooyoung make my heart pound strongly >"<. You write really good ♥. Hope you make more some wooho, my fav otp, cuz it's so good in your fic. love u :)
lurvejunho #8
Chapter 8: Damn the ending was so intense but i glad u give us happy ending.ca
nt wait for the *blush*
HoHoDah #9
Chapter 8: Okay, lo volví a leer ahorita porque anoche era muy tarde y después de estudiar TODO el santo día, necesitaba un poco de esto *A* Te lo dije ayer por twitter, que era tu decisión cómo terminar la historia, porque confío en tus decisiones, y esta vez no me defraudé, COMO SIEMPRE! ME ENCANTÓ EL FINAL <3333. Fue muy acorde a cómo iba en desarrollo la historia. Durante todo el fic, mientras leía, siempre tenía la sensación de imaginarme TODO en cámara lenta lol No sé porqué, quizá por la narración y por lo bien detallado que escribiste :') Me gustó mucho, Caro. No hay muchos WooHos y de los que hay los tuyos son los mejores <33333! Sé que saldrás ahorita con un Khunyoung, así que estaré al pendiente *______*! BUEN TRABAJO CARO, COMO SIEMPRE *hugs