A long way to go.

Follow me into the Darkness

Chapter 5 - A long way to go.

    It was the most horrific thing Myungsoo had ever heard. A scream. A woman's scream exploding throughout the castle like a sonic boom. It was strong enough to split his soul in half. It pierced his ears and made his whole body shudder. It was worst than the sound of nails being dragged across a chalkboard. The moment he heard it, he felt his heart clench and the urge to find out who it was. He dropped everything he was doing and ran towards the scream. When he entered the great hall, he was greeted by his friends. Only Woohyun was missing.

    " Did you guys hear that?" Myungsoo asked, hoping the scream had nothing to do with Woohyun" do you know who it was?"

    " We're about to find out " Sunggyu said, he nodded at a hidden entrance that used to be blocked by a bookshelf under the stairways. They headed down the stone steps until they were in dim darkness. Torches lit the dungeon and they could hear whimpers echoing across the walls. They followed the sound, the tapping of their footsteps mingled with the whimpering until they reached the scene. Hana was standing with her back towards them and Eun sobbing....on a mangled body.
    " What......what happened?" Hoya was the first one to speak. Their eyes traveled across the pool of blood that had formed on the floor and then over pieces of Chinho's body that was chopped into parts. Then they noticed the open gate to Hyesu's prison and her head that was laying on the ground....decapitated from the body. Her eyes were wide of shock and hanged open. Hana turned away from the sight. She didn't understand. This has never happened before.

    " Eun," She hissed," get up."

    The poor girl kept crying hopelessly on Chingho's body. She didn't seem to hear Hana's order. She must have been in loved with him, Myungsoo thought, feeling pity for her.

    " I said get up," Hana did a whisper scream, dragging Eun up by the hair," go and issue a meeting in the throne room. Now," Hana was literally barking orders in Eun's teary face," and stop crying. It's making me sick."

    With all the force she had, Eun sniffled her cries and ran off into the dark, past Infinite, who were still standing speechlessly behind Hana. Her hands were balled up in a fist and she was trying her hardest not to scream.
    " You did this," Sungjong accused her angrily," I don't see anyone else that could've done it."

    " Sungjong," Sunggyu said in a warning tone," we shouldn't be too quick to judge her."

    The maknae kept his mouth locked but he was still death glaring at Hana. She had to push her way through them since the hall was narrow but before leaving, she added," the soldiers will be here to clean up the mess soon."

    Hana stormed off to attend the meeting. Infinite stayed in the dungeons for a while to investigate the body. Dongwoo watched from afar as the others neared the body. Sungyeol even had the guts to pick up one of Chinho's finger. Time seemed to go by fast in the dungeon because they heard heavy footsteps approaching. The soldiers had red and black armor on and they were all carrying a black bag.

    " Are you done with this?" One of the soldiers asked. Most of the members nodded their head but Sungyeol just crouched over the fingers, looking puzzled. He stepped away to let the soldiers do the work and they left the dungeons, glad to see the sunlight that entered through the windows.

    " Are we going to attend the meeting?" Dongwoo asked, wanting to know what it was going to be about.

    " I nominate Sunggyu to go," Sungjong said, a hint of anger still lingering in his voice. Sunggyu glared at the maknae for a second before nodding in agreement.

    " As a leader, that's what I should do," Sunggyu explained," you kids should go find Woohyun. He's been gone for a while..."

    They divided up their plans again, this time Hoya and Sungyeol would check the rooms and Dongwoo and Myungsoo and Sungjong would look around the castle. Sunggyu left the others and found the throne room. It wasn't so hard because people he had never saw before poured into the castle, all heading down a hall lined with paintings. There was only one door and that was the door at the end of the hall. When he entered the throne room, he found that most of the people were in their teens, some of them were seniors. Everyone was standing and Hana was sitting in a golden chair with a red cushion. It was raised up by a few steps and there was a canopy over it.

    " Today," she said in a loud voice that echoed through the room so everyone could hear her," today....one of our ministers died." A gasp spread throughout the room followed up with shock murmurs and questions," silence." They all hushed," I don't know who would want to kill Chinho but if you see anything suspicious tell me. His burial will be in the evening near the front gates. And I've decided to move everyone back into the castle from the living quarters. Any questions?"

    " What if this happens again?" A tall girl from the crowd asked," what if one of us is next?"

    " Rest assure," Hana replied in her high and mighty voice," there will be soldiers in everyone hall, every corner, every door. If you have nothing else to ask, you're dismiss."

    They left, breaking into small gossips and to move their things into the castle. The only one that stayed was Sunggyu.
    " Why are you still here?" Hana questioned when she noticed him in the back. He walked forward and stopped at the steps in front of her.

    " May I the queen to lunch?" Sunggyu inquired with a small smile while holding out his hand to her. She gave him her signature smirk and placed her hand in his, letting him kiss the top of it.

    " I'm glad you didn't forget," she said," it's only day two. We still have a long way to go."

    They left for lunch together, joining the rest of the gang, the servants, the ministers, and some of the soldiers. Hana left early to prepare Chinho's funeral. When the time came, everyone gathered outside. Even Woohyun appeared after his sudden disappearence act. Though he wasn't there to witness the scene, he could still hear the scream in his head. He watched as Chinho's coffin was put into the burial hole.

    Eun stepped up with a letter in her tiny hands. Woohyun wondered if that was the girl that was holding his hand earlier. Could it be? She began to read the note in a small voice," Chinho, oppa. Thank you for taking care of me up until now," she tried to hold back her tears as she said," I-I-I promise to be stronger from now on."  Unable to go on, she dropped the note into the hole. Because she was crying and didn't see where she was going, she turned and randomly threw herself into Woohyun's arm. He didn't know what to do so he just held her and patted her shoulders.

    Hana stepped up and forced a smile on her face," rest well, Chinho, no one can ever replace you." She bowed her head for a few seconds before stepping back. Other people that knew Chinho also gave him their blessings then they buried him together with a shovel. With a last goodbye, Hana and the ministers threw rose petals on his grave. Since the funeral was done, everyone dispersed and went to bed, making sure that their door was locked. Woohyun came into the room to see Sunggyu trying to organize it.

    " Someone was looking for the book," Woohyun said," it's the only thing in here that doesn't belong."

    " It must be really important then," Sunggyu yawns and climbs into bed.," we'll find that person though. We'll find the killer and make sure Chinho's death is justified."

    Not wanting to bother his beloved leader about his adventure, Woohyun snuggled in his bed. He was about to fall asleep when he felt a burning sensation on his wrist where the flower was. Wincing, he sits up and notices that the book was laying open on the floor.

    " It wasn't there before," Woohyun whispered, picking up the book. There was black ink scribbled on the first page.

    I've trust you found the book, chosen one. Do not be scared, we are only here to help you with your destiny. Listen to these words, there is evil lurking in the castle but do not look towards the darkness. Look at the light, there is darkness within the light. Even if you cannot see it. Do not trust anyone, especially yourself. Not your mind or your heart because that can be your biggest downfall. Just stay by the queen and the answers will appear right in front you. Sleep well, chosen one. You will need that sleep for what will come along the way.

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woot love the new update
New subscriber! Love the storyline
MyraOnlyful #3
This story is really interesting! I can't wait to read more. But I also want to read some Myungsoo moments.
minhee_hong #4
Wow, so Woohyun has some relationship with Hana in the past? All of this makes me curious O.O Update soon, Author-nim ^^
oh its getting scary
what time period does this take place in?
this sounds interesting