Of sisters and rubbish bins.

Do you believe in love? [HIATUS]

A short chapter to give a peek into Daehyun's life. I think I'll do short ones like this for each member in between the main plot. Hasn't been edited so I apologize for any spelling mistakes. *bows*

                Daehyun walked out of the daycare, a little faster than normal. Anything to get away from those kids. Those little girls had scared the daylight out of him, the way they were acting so shy and looked up at him and giggled. It creeped him out. Maybe next time he should join the boy groups, like Jongup did.

                He turned right and sighed as he spotted his home. It wasn’t a gigantic house, it was a simple apartment. Okay fine, it wasn’t that simple. It was a pretty expensive condominium but it was his uncle who used to stay there. His uncle migrated overseas and left the house to them since they were the only relatives he had left there. He didn’t know why people always presumed he was a rich kid. He wasn’t. Sure he had a rich uncle, but they weren’t close at all. His parents operated a small hawker stall and raked in just enough money to keep them going.

                He kicked off his shoes and bent down to arrange them properly in the corner of the shoe rack. As he opened the door to his apartment, he announced loudly that he had returned and immediately went to his room. Throwing his bag on the floor, he made a mental list of things to do. Throw the rubbish, finish that bit of math homework, help Yang Mi with her homework.

                Just then, he heard footsteps running toward his room and sure enough, his little sister burst into the room and glomped him.

                “OPPA, why are you so late today?” Yang Mi pouted as she looked up at him.

                Daehyun smiled down at the 11-year-old and patted her head. He was thankful that Yang Mi didn’t act like those children he met in the daycare today. As long as he gave her the right attention, she was disciplined and listened well.

                “Oppa had to do something today.” He told her, a bit ashamed of his punishment.

                “Remember to help me later yeah!” She laughed and tried to reach his head to ruffle his hair but pouted when she couldn’t. Daehyun chuckled and picked her up, smiling at her satisfied look when she managed to ruffle up his hair.

                “Now let oppa take a shower.” He shooed the little girl away who was making disgusted noises.

                After a good cold shower and settling his math homework, he decided to throw away the rubbish before going to help Yang Mi with her homework. Taking the usual route to the trash bin that was outside in the lift lobby. As he wiped his hands together after throwing away the rubbish with a successful double flip, he turned and froze when he saw the girl walking towards him. She was dressed in a simple hoodie and baggy pants and she smiled and waved when she saw him there. 

                “Annyeong, Daehyun-ssi.” She greeted politely while waiting for the lift.

                He didn’t know why he still felt so flustered around her. They had been neighbors for years now. They even went to the same school and saw each other every day since she was Jongup's dance partner but he still felt awkward and shy around her.

                “Oh right,” She reached into her messenger bag. “Jongup oppa told me to give you this.” She handed his an exercise book that Jongup had borrowed a few days ago.

                “Thank you.” He muttered and took the book from her. “So, where are you going?” He asked, regretting it in case he looked like some kind of stalker in front of her.

                “Dance class, with Jongup.” She replied and and elevator doors opened.

                “See you around.” She waved goodbye as the doors closed.

                “Bye.” Daehyun waved at the closed elevator doors like an idiot.

                “Oppa you’re doing it again!” A mischevious Yang Mi shouted from the door of their apartment.

                “Doing what?” He acted as innocent as possible.

                “You like Min Jung unnie, don’t you? Omo, you’re blushing!” She giggled and pointed at his face, running for her life as Daehyun chased her back into the house.


so yes, that is the life of Jung Daehyun. 

If you happen to read my other zombie story, you would know that there is a character who has the same name AND the same ulzzang as her picture. Maybe it's my overadoration of this Saigo model, Park Yong Hee.

She's so BEAUTIFUL. 

Of course, if you want to imagine Min Jung on your own, you're free to but I'm basing her character on what Yong Hee looks like. So yeah. Here's what I imagine her as in this story. 

oooh, Daehyun likes the tomboy xD

she is, pretty.

bwoh? Daehyun! nice of you to appear in my author's note.


aww, you know you love me for pairing you up with her ;)

no comment.

NOTE: Grey- Daehyun | Black-author

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I'm going to be taking hiatus on this story to concentrate on my other stories. I'm a bit blank on this story anway o.o Mianhe~~ *bows*


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Ahem /cough/ I think you should remove the red writing in the foreword, miss. Its not valid anymore~ /shot/
kitkatkey #2
can't wait for the story to start! c:
Update soonn!!~~
sounds good already (:
Please update soon AUTHOR-nim!