Of children and pants.

Do you believe in love? [HIATUS]

FINALLY I found the time to type this out. It hasn't exactly been edited yet, so I apologize if there are any mistakes.




                “I could just expel all of you, RIGHT NOW.”

                The six boys fidgeted under the eye of the principal.

                “Or rather four of you.” He cast a glare at the two older boys who immediately looked away. “What do you have to say for yourselves?”

                “It was an accident.” Yong Guk shrugged.

                “YOU!” The principal stood up from his fancy leather chair and walked towards the deep-voiced muscular boy, stopping right in his face. “All the problems you caused me while you were here, the lab rat incident, the exploding projector… “

                Himchan chuckled lightly under his breath as he recalled the hilarious events during their high school days.

                “Expelling you won’t make you any better anyway.” The principal pondered. “Very well, your punishment for what will now be dubbed ‘Case FF7, will be…”

                The room was absolutely silent as the principal paused.

                “Two full months of community service. You start today, after school.”




                Ji-hyun was taking down History notes when the class door opened slowly, a blonde six-foot boy entering quietly. Ji-hyun’s eyes followed him as he bowed politely at the teacher.

                AND THEN, she saw it. The horrible disaster of the boy’s pants. Ji-hyun’s hands flew down to the side of her plastic chair, gripping the sides and she tried her best to overcome the urge to personally walk over to blonde and pull up his pants to a more dignified level.

                This wasn’t even the first time she had caught him executing such a horrible crime. She had spotted him a few times already, and her urge was growing stronger each time she caught sight of him.

                This was going to be a very long day.


               “You have GOT to be kidding me.” Daehyun stood with the other three boys as they gaped at the colourful building, full of screaming, demented, psychopathic  sweet, innocent children.

                Daehyun doesn’t like children. Especially when they were running around like mad mice.

                “Where are Himchan and Yongguk [A/N: I’ve decided to just type his name as Yongguk and not Yong Guk. J ] hyungs? Weren’t they in the punishment too?” Zelo whined.

                “Ah, you must be the new volunteers.” A young lady approached them, clasping her hands together.

                “Yes, Miss.” Youngjae replied, being the only one who was remotely polite among the four of them.

                “Come right this way.” She led them through a few corridors. Youngjae chuckled at how Daehyun scrunched up his nose at the yelling children.

                “This will be where you will be in charge of.” She led them into a room full of colourful toys and whatnot. Children ran about in the room and Daehyun felt his heartbeat escalate in fear. Youngjae on the other hand found himself smiling lightly down at the children. Jongup laughed at the way the children would look up and stare at these new giants. Zelo? Zelo was busy staring at the girl in the middle of this whole racket.

                “Basically what you have to do is just clear the toys after the kids have used them. Feel free to interact and talk to them, they don’t bite.” She said with a sweet smile while Daehyun mentally rolled his eyes. He was even more sure now that they didn’t bite, but kill.

                Youngjae immediately went over to a group of children who were playing with toy dinosaurs and other animals.

                “Roar~~” He took a Tyrannosaurus rex toy and began playing with the kids. Daehyun finally brought himself to brave the crowd and settled down at a group of little girls, dressed in pretty little pink tutus and having a tea party. Daehyun had weighed out all the odds and decided that this was probably one of the more peaceful groups of children, ignoring the way the girls’ little mouths gaped opened slightly while they admired this handsome oppa.

                Zelo stood where he was, tilting his head at the teenage girl in the center.

                ‘I swear I’ve seen her somewhere before.’ He narrowed his brows in annoyance when his brain refused to dig up any of his memories.

                He almost snarled when he remembered. It was her.

                The one who always glared at him whenever he steps into the classroom. The one whom he never even talked to before, yet always sent him death stares. 

                Of course our dear maknae would never have noticed that Ji-hyun had never been glaring at him, it was more of glaring at his abomination of a way of wearing pants.

                ‘Very well,’ He decided. ‘If she wants to play at this, I can play this game too.’

                He very purposefully walked past her to see her reaction but huffed when she didn’t even looked up, concentrating to telling the story of the Three Bears to the gathering children. He tried again but this time bumped into Jongup who was play-wrestling with the little boys.

                “Yah, watch where you’re going.” Jongup rubbed his injured gluteal muscle and playfully glared at the children who were pointing and laughing at him before tackling one of them.

                Zelo’s sensitive ears caught on to a female voice and he turned to look at the group of children, listening intently to the story Ji-hyun was telling.

                He smirked to himself when his mind gave him a brilliant idea. He moved to the group of children and sat himself right in the middle, trying his best to ignore the few children who were trying to climb onto him and did a mental victory dance when he spotted the annoyed look on the girl’s face.

                The games have finally begun.


Is this too short? o.o

I'll try to make it loonger next time, it's actually getting really fun to type this story out. I hope this didn't disappoint. 

and if you were wondering what Ji-hyun was so annoyed about, remember?

she has this major pet peeve of pants that are hung low.

So yeah. Hopefully I can update tomorrow.



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I'm going to be taking hiatus on this story to concentrate on my other stories. I'm a bit blank on this story anway o.o Mianhe~~ *bows*


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Ahem /cough/ I think you should remove the red writing in the foreword, miss. Its not valid anymore~ /shot/
kitkatkey #2
can't wait for the story to start! c:
Update soonn!!~~
sounds good already (:
Please update soon AUTHOR-nim!