Of forests and exam results.

Do you believe in love? [HIATUS]

Yup, another prologue-ish chapter. Don't worry, two lives will clash in the next chapter ;) 


“CAMPFIRE!” The six blondes scrambled for a seat on the many logs around the bright fire. Once the other students settled in, teachers also, Miss Woon clapped her hands together.

                “So listen closely, I will not repeat this.” She began, earning a few eye rolls. “Welcome to the Enviromental Club’s annual Life Goes Green camp where you will all,” She cast a glare at the blonde boys. “Learn to bond with nature. Firstly as an ice-breaker, we shall be splitting you up into teams and-“

                “Awww teacher that’s not fair!” The students complained.

                “Let me finish. Whoever dares to interrupt me again can find their way around in the forest on their own, got it?” She snapped.

                But of course she didn’t notice the mischevious looks exchanged between a certain group of boys.

                “You will complete this treasure hunt, in which you have to find six kinds of leaves-“

                “Boring…” Yong Guk yawned and stifled a chuckle at the way Miss Woon was practically steaming in anger.

                “Mr Bang, OUT!” Miss Woon shouted, almost to the point of whining. “Into the forest!”

                A single grey owl perked its head at the six weird moving blonde humans. Personally it thought the colour didn’t suit them at all.

                “That was faster than I thought, “ Youngjae peered down at a funny looking blue mushroom. “Looks like Woon’s nerves are getting lower. Get it? Getting ‘on’ her nerves…”

                He was greeted with silence.

                “At least she was nice enough to give us a lamp.” Jongup said, looking down at the oil lamp Youngjae held.

                “She didn’t give it to us, I found it.” Youngjae replied, stressing the ‘I’.

                “Sure, sure. You’re always the smart one.” Daehyun rolled his eyes.

                “You jealous, bro?” Youngjae cocked his eyebrow.

                “Why would I be jealous of a nerd?” Daehyun challenged.

                The group stopped to look at the two, tension rising in the already thick and humid air.

                “Did you just call me a nerd?” Youngjae hissed.


                The air was still for a moment, the way it is always calm before a storm.

                “YOU OBTUSE BLUNDERBUST!” Youngjae leapt on Daehyun, a fight quickly breaking out between the two.

                “Even your insults are nerdy!” Daehyun countered, avoiding hits and punches from the younger boy.

                “Um, hyung?” Zelo tugged on Himchan’s shirt, the ulzzang too engrossed in trying to stop the ongoing fight.

                “Hyung~” He called to Jongup instead.


                Zelo pointed to where Youngjae had dropped the lamp earlier.

                Apparently they had all failed to notice the flames that were climbing up a nearby tree.

                All six froze.

                “We are so screwed.”

                Ji-hyun ran down the stairs, slowing down as soon as she saw her father sitting on the couch. Worry clouded her mind as she also spotted Jung Ho standing in front of her father, his head hung down.

                “Mr Jang,” Their father said to the butler. “Bring the letter.”

                Ji-hyun felt her heart beat harder than ever before. THE letter that came every month from Jung Ho’s premier school, reporting the student’s improvement in the past month.

                “Chemistry, A. Physics, A. Mathematics, A. Chemistry…” Ji-hyun held her breath. “B.”

                Her father fixed his gaze into her younger brother. Ji-hyun anticipated the worst and prayed silently.  Just then, her father stood up and walked toward the 15-year-old boy, standing right in front of him. Ji-hyun jerked forward, a strangled  cry escaping her lips, her hand shooting out as if to pull her father away as he lifted his hand and brought it down onto her brother. The sound of his hand coming into contact with the boy’s face echoed throughout the white living room.

                “Don’t you ever dare show me such results again. Your brother could get good results. Why can’t you?” He shouted at the tearing Jung Ho. He cast one final look of disdain at Jung Ho before walking out of the house.

                The siblings stood there, frozen. Ji-hyun in her worry, Jung Ho in his anger. 


can I just say I love you guys who suscribed so much? <3

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I'm going to be taking hiatus on this story to concentrate on my other stories. I'm a bit blank on this story anway o.o Mianhe~~ *bows*


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Ahem /cough/ I think you should remove the red writing in the foreword, miss. Its not valid anymore~ /shot/
kitkatkey #2
can't wait for the story to start! c:
Update soonn!!~~
sounds good already (:
Please update soon AUTHOR-nim!