Of brothers and story books.

Do you believe in love? [HIATUS]

AHH~ I finally found my writing spark again :D I apologize if the last few chapters were awkward or anything, and I hope if you somehow turned out liking my writing when I have writer's block, you will like my way of writing now too :) 


This is basically about Ji-hyun's life. Meheh.




                Ji-hyun tugged on her backpack as she made her way toward the child daycare, walking from school. She ignored the din of the busy city life and continued on her path. As soon as she came into view of the building, a smile embraced her face. She felt her heart flutter as the children who spotted her walking into the play room shout out her name and hug her.

                You could say that this was a way of escape for her. An escape from the stressful life back at home, an escape from the horrible state that her family had become ever since her parents divorced and her mother remarried. She found it awfully ironic how her life seemed just like those in the movies, except it was much harder to go through than how the actors portrayed it to be. The constant drama at home wore her down and she had almost found herself facing signs of depression until she somehow stumbled across the daycare.

                Ji-hyun had always had a soft spot for children. Their innocence and purity made her feel that it was almost her duty to ensure that none of these little souls would ever have to go through what she had to. Of course it was hard to ensure such a subjective thing, but she would try to do her part.

                Her first day at the daycare went much easier than she expected. She had made firm friends with a few children and felt thoroughly, sincerely, happier. She was thankful that she had so happened to take a longer way home and in turn spotted the ‘Help Needed’ sign hung outside on the gate of the building. Ever since then, she had returned to the daycare every day.

                “Unnie,” A little girl with pigtails tugged on her pants. “Can you tell us a story?”

                Ji-hyun smiled down at the girl and nodded. Quickly taking a book from the shelf, ‘The Three Bears’, she sat herself down onto one of the little pink chairs and opened the book. As she began storytelling, a small group had assembled around her. She loved storytelling, always putting her all into the story.

                Everything was going swimmingly well until a certain blonde teenage boy sat himself down in the middle of the group. Ji-hyun felt her heart race in annoyance as she once again felt the strong urge in her to pull his pants up. It didn’t really help that he was seated and as you should know, when you sit down your pants tend to move downwards.

                Refusing to stop the story and disappoint the children, she forced herself to continue, pasting the best fake smile she could onto her face.

                Why is he here? Why is he smirking at me like that? No, control yourself.

The way the boy smirked at her showed that he was amused by her forced calm demeanor.  She was about to lose her cool when she looked at the many small expectant faces waiting for her to continue the story.

                Keep calm, Jiji. She told herself. 

                “And so the three bears lived happily ever after.” She finished and closed the book, smiling at the mini applause the mini audience gave her.

                “Noona, tomorrow can you read ‘The Coconut Thief’?” A boy shouted.

                “Of course, I knew you were going to ask for that.” She lightly.

                Getting up slowly from the little chair and stretching her legs that were slightly cramped, she glanced at the teenage boy who looked slightly irked that he hadn’t been able to disrupt her session. It was then that she noticed the other three boys who had somehow appeared in the daycare without her noticing.

                “We have arrived!” A low voice boomed and all heads turned towards the entering figures. Ji-hyun watched as two males entered, one with muscular build and the other who looked more like a model from a magazine.

                “Why, I didn’t expect a female companion here.” The modelesque male looked up and down at her, sizing her up. “I’m Kim Himchan.” He stuck out his hand for Ji-hyun to shake.

                “Park Ji-hyun.” She awkwardly shook his hand.

                “So what did you do?” He asks, confusing the girl in front of him.

                “What did I do?” She asks back, puzzled.

                “Yeah, what did you do to get this punishment.” He answers as though it was the most normal thing on Earth.

                “Um, I volunteered here?” She answers him, making him shrink back a little in embarrassment.

                “Oh, um. I’m sorry I just assumed since we were sent here as punishment.” He says as Ji-hyun nods.

                “I’ve never heard of this kind of punishment before.” She voiced her thoughts.

                “Yeah, it’s new to us too.” Himchan shrugs. “How old are you?”

                “I’m 16 this year.”

                “Aww, then you’re the same age as Zelo!” He smiles.

                “Yeah I’m in the same class as him.” She mumbles.

                “Hm? He never mentioned you before.” Himchan scratches the back of his neck.

                “I’m not surprised.” She glared at Zelo’s back.


                After  a short chat with Himchan who kindly introduced the other boys, the daycare bell rang which meant it was time to return home.

                Ji-hyun kept her head down as she walked, a habit she had picked up over the years as she was always paranoid of either stepping or tripping on something. Soon she reached the white gates of her home. She sighed at the thought of home, she really didn’t feel like this building was any bit homely to her.

                She pushed open the white door slowly, trying as hard as she could to not attract any attention. Silently thankful that no one was in the living room, she unconsciously dashed up the stairs and up to the second floor where her and her brother’s rooms were. Once again she began walking down the hallway with her head down. She let out a gasp as she collided with someone and began muttering apologies until she looked up.

                Her elder brother looked down at her, his face a mixture of worry and curiosity. She tried her best to avoid eye contact, despite the person in front of her being her own brother.

                “Um,” He cleared his throat, Ji-hyun slightly surprised at how different his voice sounded. “I’m sorry.” He said and bowed slightly.

                “No, it was my fault.” She mumbled and walked back to her room, aware that her brother was still staring at her as she entered her room.

                Ji-hyun pushed her hair out of her face as memories of her elder brother began flooding her head. The three of them hadn’t been the closest siblings, but she had always had a special bond with her elder brother even though they rarely talked. But the bond began to fade as her father began pressuring him as soon as he discovered his son’s talents. She always told herself that she didn’t blame Jung Woo at all but she knew deep down that she held hatred for him for not being there for her and Jung Ho when their family broke apart.

                It really wasn’t fair to blame him, but whenever she recalled the look on the then 10-year-old Jung Ho, crying for his mother to come back and the way Jung Woo ignored all cries and continued with whatever his father told him to do, all feelings of contempt would return. Maybe he was trying to be brave but Ji-hyun just couldn’t bring herself to forgive him.

                It could also be how he overshadowed the two of them, not that Ji-hyun minded. It would be better if Jung Ho wasn’t corrupted by the vile man she called her father. But her father didn’t ignore Jung Ho like he ignored Ji-hyun, he placed high standards on Jung Ho, mistreated him if he didn’t fulfill them. That was the difference between Jung Ho and Ji-hyun, Ji-hyun was plainly ignored while Jung Ho was expected too much of.

                She finished washing up and lay on her bed, picking up her reading glasses and storybook from the drawers beside her bed. Nothing like a good book to distract her, she told herself.

                But she knew that she couldn’t run forever. 


Is this too depressing? I tried my hardest not to make her seem like a pitiful Mary Sue. I hope I managed to pull it off o.o 

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes ><

But yeah. more B.A.P in the next chapter ;)

*cough cough* more Jung Ho and Jung Woo? :D

Park Jung Ho>

Park Jung Woo>

I know this is a B.A.P story, but I just wanna fangirl about these two ulzzangs for a while xD

I apologize.


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I'm going to be taking hiatus on this story to concentrate on my other stories. I'm a bit blank on this story anway o.o Mianhe~~ *bows*


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Ahem /cough/ I think you should remove the red writing in the foreword, miss. Its not valid anymore~ /shot/
kitkatkey #2
can't wait for the story to start! c:
Update soonn!!~~
sounds good already (:
Please update soon AUTHOR-nim!