Two New(ish) Faces

My Guardian Angel

A couple very boring weeks pass by you again... It seems this hospital time isn't going to last as long as you originally thought. Perhaps you'll even get out of here sooner than planned. One of the nurses has just arrived in your room for your morning checkup with a huge smile on her face, but she refuses to tell you why. In fact, everyone that walks by or stops in has a huge smile plastered on their face. What the heck is happening here today? For some reason they won't even give you your wheel chair... It's like they really want you to feel imprisoned here.

"____-ah? Is this your camera?" one rather good-looking male intern asks as he comes in unannounced. 

To your surprise he actually is holding up your camera, but the back is hanging wide open. Your heart stops for a second and your lungs feel like they've shut down completely. Seeing your panic he pulls a manilla envelope out of his lab coat and hands it to you.

"I got your pictures developed and your film refilled during my free time. I thought you'd want something to do besides watch tv and mess around on a computer. Maybe you could document your stay here," he says with a soft smile.

The nurse nearby seems excited about this and as soon as the intern leaves, she asks to see all your pictures. You shake your head a little and hug the envelope to your chest. She seems a bit hurt by this, but you really aren't that close of friends. She's just another one of the fifty some Nurse Kims you've met in the past couple of months. You can't even remember what her first name is.

"I don't want anyone to see until I'm sure they turned out well.." you say, giving a rather weak excuse for not sharing.

She leaves a few minutes later without another word and you can't help but sigh in relief. You gingerly set the photos aside on the table and use both of your arms to help you sit up against the back of the bed. You pause for a moment to catch your breath then take up the pictures again. Your hands tremble slightly and your heart seems to have doubled its pace. Why are you so nervous exactly? You can't even clear your head enough to remember what the last picture you took was of. Lately the doctors have been trying to help you retain your recent memories, but you seem to have a minor case of short-term memory loss. Meaning that you most likely won't be able to pull up information you just learned recently until it becomes obsolete or unuseful to you.

You take a deep, deliberate breath and carefully open the back of the envelope without tearing any of it. Dipping your fingers into the goldish paper fold you gently pinch the corner of the first photo between your index finger and thumb, gingerly sliding it out of the envelope. Just as the edge of it comes into view you feel the presence of another person and look up quickly, gasping as youreyes meet with a very large, very familiar pair of brown eyes.

"F-Fishy! What're you doing here??" you ask in surprise as the SM star smiles at me cutely.

"I came to visit you, of course~" he answers simply then looks down at the envelope curiously. "Did you finally get the film in your camera developed? Or is this a different roll from the first one?" he asks curiously*

You open your mouth to reply, but are quickly interupted as another very good-looking young man steps into the room.

"Hae? You really shouldn't wander off like that. Everyone's worried about you, especially Teukie hyung," the blonde says softly.

"Mianhe Yesungie hyung~ I had to stop in and say hi to an old friend of mine who's waiting for prosthetic legs," Fishy replies with an innocent little smile.

Right then all of the research you'd done a couple weeks ago floods back to you and you sit up straighter. 

"O-Oh my god... .You're Yesung and Donghae from Super Junior!!" you practically squeal, looking up at them from your bed.

They both blink once then look at each other curiously.

"So she's your friend, huh? Then why didn't she recognize you at first?" Yesung asks Donghae in a slightly stern voice.

Donghae looks incredibly sad, giving Yesung his biggest puppy dog eyes ever until you interrupt again.

"Sorry... I've been experiencing a lot of short-term memory loss ever since the accident... His name honestly escaped me for a moment.... But I owe him my life," you say sincerely as you look up at Donghae, who smiles proudly.

"As touching as all of this is, we need to get back to the rest of the group, hyungs," another voice says from the door.

All three of us turn to the doorway at the same time, though both Donghae and Yesung seem to recognize the voice. But your heart skips a beat when you see one very familiar face.

"Mianhe Suho-ah~ We'll be along in a moment," Donghae says sweetly.

Your throat goes dry when you hear Donghae talking to the younger boy so casually and you can't help but simply stare at him. He seems to pick up on your gaze quickly and smiles politely.

"Well, I hope you'll come to the show miss. Any friend of Donghae hyung is definitely welcome to a rare VIP pass today~" he says in the sweetest, kindest voice you've ever heard in your life.

"Come on Donghae, let's leave your friend to get ready. Though it seems her wheelchair is missing. I'll have a word with the doctors before we get back to the meeting room, considering we're going to get started in 15 minutes," Yesung says softly before beckoning for Suho to leave with him.

As soon as the other boys are gone, Donghae turns back to you with a slightly confused look on his face. "What was that about? You just froze up when Suho came in..." he says, looking a little worried.

You can't help but blush lightly as you open your mouth to reply. "H-He just... he reminds me of someone.... I think it was someone from home. But as soon as he left I lost my train of thought...." you say sadly, looking down at your lap.

"I'm sorry.... Maybe you'll get to spend more time with him later and it'll help jog your memory?" he suggests sweetly just as a nurse comes in with your wheelchair.

"Excuse me sir, but I need to help _____-ah get ready for the performance today," she says politely, bowing to Donghae.

He quickly bows back and nods. "Of course. I need to do the same anyway~" he says with a cute smile before pecking your forehead lightly and practically skipping out the door.

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The person who rescued the main character was Donghae. She just slightly forgot his name after a couple weeks because she forgot about the jacket, but she remembered what he said about watching SM Entertainment and... ____ I didn't really even mention her forgetting that.... *scurries off to fix*
Whaaa so the person was Donghae? Ah, to be honest I'm slightly confused. >.< Uh ok it's probably me. I'm reading updates while I'm sick so it probably doesn't make sense. Though I hope you will update again!! Have fun it college~~^^
Slightly boring update here... but I'm trying you guys! >< College is pretty much taking over my life. I'll try to get another update out tonight or maybe even this morning before classes if I can!
So sorry I've been so inactive the past couple days my 3 fabulous subscribers! I've just finished moving into my college dorm so things are gonna be faster now hopefully ^^ We'll see~

ANYWAY. I'm going to try to update sometime today. I'll get to work right now! ^-^
Good morning~! I come back to find that the main character is now immobile. ⊙‿⊙ AWESOME! But prosthetics are cool too~ It's realistic that way. XD Still no Suho, I see. Haha, well...sort of. I bet that person at the end was Suho, right~ ♥ If not, then I have more tables to flip! :DDD
Donghae seems to know more than we think. e3e I'm watching him... Also. GET ON FACEBOOK SO I CAN SPAM YOUUU~ ♪
Okay, back to the story~ I want to read the next chapter nowww, but I shall be patient. =w=
Kya~~ I like it alot! ^^ Keep going! You're doing awesome~!! Daebakk ahhh <33
Thank you so much!! Be careful what you say though~ The plot hasn't even really been completely revealed yet. With this new update I added this evening you'll see a new part of it, but not all of it quite yet. There's still more of the OC to show. But I will definitely do my best to update as often as I can. I'm heading off to college on Saturday though... So if I'm ever super slow at updating, I apologize. I gotta get used to being a freshman again....
This is absolutely brilliant! The plot itself sounds amazing and your writing talent takes the story to a whole new level! I hope you will continue with this story and update soon!! I cant wait for more.
Jesus.... 31 views already? This just went up last night people x___x but seriously, be bold like Kallen and let me know what you think! Silent readers aren't nice ;~;

And THANK YOU Kallen <3 I will most likely not ever need to kill Joonmyun. But you know, all people die at some point so... ^^; But really, a street race? Silly~ You go right ahead and subscribe <3 I pride myself in being able to play with my words and make the reader be able to see what I see in my head without over-flowing their minds with details..... is it weird that I picture the gatekeeper as a black guy? Oh well~ That's not all that important. Hope you enjoy dear! ^-^

I'm going to start with this: If you kill Joonmyun, I swear I will flip a table so that it flies all the way to your house and lands on your computer. 8D (This is just me hoping he doesn't die because if he does asdfghjkl) But the real comments. XD

At first I thought this was going to be a street race type story (for some reason, I'm crazy!), but it was a car crash. XD I want to see Joonmyuuuuuun~ ♥ Subscribing now, okay? And you should tag this with "Suho" and "EXO"! Maybe even "EXO-K"~ More people need to read this~~~ ^^

Also, I like the description in the beginning~ I'm a er for details (but not too many), especially when people know how to play with their words. ;;; Okay, okay, I'll leave you alone now~ Looking forward to the next update~ ^^