Breakups are so typical of me


Hyukjae found Sora in their living room, staring monotonously at the window with few tears pouring down her cheeks. Afraid of what had happened, he quickly went to hug her.


“What is it, noona? Come on, don't cry” He her back.


“I kinda fought with Donghae... He again wants to be with some girl... I don't get him!” She exclaimed.


“I see... But why does it affect you? Are you perhaps... Still on love with him?!” He looked at her in horror.


“Of course no, you idiot! Who would love him anyway. It's just...” She was lost for words, but Hyukjae didn't ask further. He didn't want his lovely noona to cry because of a bastard like Donghae. Even though he was his friend now, once a bastard forever stays a bastard.




Sora told him more about Donghae and his new soon-to-be girlfriend. When it was with Sunye, he was mad at the brunette, as he thought that he's just playing with girls' hearts. But when he came to know him more, he realized Donghae doesn't really want to hurt anyone. He was just too stupid.


Hyukjae always thought that you can only be in a relationship with someone you know for a long time. Feelings need to be confirmed and both sides should be sure about how much they love the other.


That's why he only got two boyfriends in his life, which still was a big achievement for him. The first one was when he was still in primary school and just found out he's gay and the other in the middle school. He really liked the second one, but in the end he was embarrassed even because of just a kiss. Innocent child he was.


After those two relationships, he didn't really find anyone who was suitable for him. Albeit, he was still waiting, not losing hope that one day he'll meet someone special.


That was pretty much why he couldn't understand Donghae, no matter how much he tried. They were too different. The brunette, unlike him, didn't decide to wait for love and he was just looking for it by himself. In the end, his relationships never were good.


If Donghae was still just a stranger to him, his sister ex-boyfriend, he would just yell at him for being so stupid. But since they became friends, he knew he should help the brunette in some way.



Donghae on the other side, was having great time with his friend, Eunseo. This time, he really thought it was real love. She was different from every other girl he had.


What he didn't know was the reason why she indeed was different. And soon it was time for him to learn his lesson.



They were spending some Saturday evening together, when Donghae found the courage to invite Eun Seo for a proper date. They always spend some time together, but he wanted to go for something more romantic, like a restaurant or cinema.


Feeling a little nervous around the girl, he smiled a little at her.

“Hey, Eunseo” He started “I thought if we could meet for example tomorrow and you know... Go for a dinner or something. I wanted to invite you for some time now, but I didn't find the courage to. So, what do you think?” He smiled, almost shyly.


“Sure dude... Wait. You mean it... as a date?” She stopped in the middle of sentence as she understood what Donghae really meant.


“Well, yeah? Don't you like that?” It wasn't going well. Girls usually were happy when he asked them out, but this time it wasn't like it. He felt nervous.


“Uh, honestly, Donghae... I didn't think about you in that... Way. I like you and all, but seriously, a date?! Just now we were talking about how bad I look without make up and you think now I would go out with you as if it was nothing? Sorry, man, but I really don't look at you that way. It may be hard for you, but I'm not changing my decision.” Her voice was soft, but firm.


“Oh, all... right. Haha, just forget it. It was stupid for me to even ask.” He smiled awkwardly.


“Yeah, definitely.” They continued to talk and laugh, but all the time Donghae felt weird.

As if something in him changed. So that was a feeling of being rejected?

He didn't really like it.




As heartbroken as he was, he decided to go talk with Hyukjae. He didn't get any help from Sora, so he hoped that maybe the other sibling would feel at least a little compassion towards him.


He called him and as always, they decided to meet at Hyukjae's house.


Hyukjae's mom kindly greeted Donghae and asked him if he wanted something to eat. He politely refused and went to Hyukjae's room. The usual smile wasn't shown on his face as it was replaced by a sad frown.


Since Hyukjae already knew from Sora about Donghae's new love, he supposed she was somehow related with the brunette's bad mood.


“What is it, Donghae? Did something happen?” He asked softly.


“Not much... It's just... Have you ever been rejected?” By the brunette's question, he was able to assume what it all was about. Still, he decided to play it cool.


“Actually, yes. In the last year of middle school I confessed to a one guy I knew was also gay. But he said he wouldn't date me as I was all too manly. He expected his boyfriend to be like all girly and cute boys, but at that time I was in the school's basketball team and my image wasn't appealing to him. I guess he wanted to feel in control.” He noticed Donghae was surprised by his answer, but he didn't comment on that. At first he was hesitating a little, but he thought that it's better to be honest with the brunette.


“I see... So, how did it feel? To be rejected?” Donghae knew it was a hard question, though he couldn't help but to be curious.


“Not that bad really. Of course at first I was heartbroken, but in the end I thought maybe it was better that he rejected me. After all, I didn't want him to think of me as a girl with a . I'm a man and just because I like other men doesn't mean I'll transform into a girl in one go.” It always was a sensitive topic for Hyukjae. But with Donghae he felt at ease to talk about it as it wasn't some kind of taboo since the latter was biual and didn't mind dating guys.


“So” Hyukjae started “Did something happen between you and your friend? She rejected you?”


“You can say that” Even though at first he was heartbroken, after this little talk with Hyukjae, he felt really better to talk about Eunseo “She said she doesn't think of me in that way” He stopped, as if thinking about something, and then started again “You know, it's not like I was never rejected. Many girls said 'no' to me. It's just that this time I thought Eunseo was the one. I thought she's perfect and that finally I found someone who I could trust. But this time it wasn't me because of who this relationship was impossible. It was her. She doesn't want. It's so... Heartbreaking to know that no matter what I did I couldn't make her love me. I guess it's what all the girls I dated felt when I realized that I don't love them anymore. That I had never really loved them.”


“Woah, I see our little Donghae is growing up” Hyukjae smiled a little teasingly, but his eyes were sincere “It's good for you to know this feeling. Maybe from now on you will think a little more before asking someone out”


“I guess so. Thanks, Hyukkie” He went to hug the blonde.


“But I didn't even do anything” Hyukjae laughed slightly, hugging Donghae back.


“I know, but thanks anyway. Thank you for being here for me. For not rejecting me”


“Like, seriously, Donghae. Why would I reject you? It's not like you asked me out, right?” He laughed wholeheartedly. Donghae really was something.


“Yeah, whatever” He answered, snuggling closer to Hyukjae's neck.


Even though at first they didn't think it would be a genuine friendship, in the end they became really close to each other. For Donghae it felt good to have someone like Hyukjae, who after some time didn't care anymore about his adventures with girls. At the beginning, he was mad for him, since he broke up with Sora, but after that matter was settled, Hyukjae got used to Donghae's continuous new relationships.




That was it. Donghae decided that this time he would really stop for a while with looking for love. Anyway he felt that he wasn't ready for that just yet. After Eun Seo rejected him, he thought about some things. Maybe he really used to rush things a little too much.


He learned that Hyukjae had only two real boyfriends and still didn't feel uncomfortable about that. The blonde said that he didn't feel alone and that he still hadn't found the one that was meant for him.


He thought that maybe he too was able to wait a little. He realized that because he always was in a relationship with someone, he didn't really find time for his friends. He decided to spend more times with the others. Maybe love will come looking for him. Or maybe it was already somewhere and just waited for a good moment to reveal itself.


He promised to himself that from now on he would think more about people around him. Love was an important thing in life, but he couldn't care less about the other matters like his friends or family. Maybe, just maybe, he'll be able to find someone suitable for him. He still had time.

He was thankful to Hyukjae for showing him that.




Woohoo, I don't know were this story is going, but yeah, it will be EunHae someday. And by EunHae I mean  HaeHyuk. Huh.

Oh and no, they don't love each other yet. It's just a strong friendship. Yeah.

Comment & Subscribe, love ya all babes <3 

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AAH I MISS THIS STORY ; ~; i wanna update but idk what


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yekung #1
Chapter 7: Update soon!!!
eastcandle90 #2
Chapter 7: i want to know hae's feeling too.....
Chapter 7: wonder about what hykkie's really feel about hae >w<
Chapter 7: I'm so curious I'm so curious I'm so curious~~~ Nyaaaa . xDD #Crazygirl...
MissPauline #5
Chapter 7: Hyuk is slowly falling :) well it's just a little crush for now !
Wonder what Hae feel :p
hyukish #6
Chapter 7: hyukjae is just curious as curious as monkey george .___.

mmm i would really like to know how their relationship would be like
EmiliaH33 #7
Chapter 7: I like the fact that their relationship is going too fast. They've only become good friends and I think that falling in love takes time :) but I can't wait to read what Donghae thinks ^^ please update soon!
Chapter 6: your comment "it will be EunHae someday" :c oh Gosh if you stop updating like last time then I guess Someday won't ever come T.T and that's sad, since I guess they have to develop feelings for each other which will take time *sighs* good story tho, anticipating next chapter :3