Breakups are so typical of me

One of Donghae's classmates introduced him to a girl called Sunye. She was really shy and seemed to have problems with her family. The boy got along with her pretty well and soon they became really close. Even though he thought of her more as a little sister, for her Donghae was a superhero. He was two years older than her and had much more life experience. He tutored her with the subjects which she said were the hardest.

It was a matter of time when she confessed to him. Donghae wasn't sure what to do and he didn't want to hurt the girl's feelings. He started to care for her so much he wasn't able to turn her down. That was when they became a couple.

Donghae was aware that it would be hell to let Hyukjae know about his relationship with Sunye. But it wasn't as if he had any other choice. It would be even worse if the latter knew about it accidentally from some of their shared friends. Albeit there wasn't much of them, there still was some danger.

He tried to mentally prepare himself for the talk with the blonde, but any preparation wouldn't be enough for that. In the end, he wasn't even able to say it himself so Sora was the one to let Hyukjae know about the new couple. As predicted, Hyukjae wasn't fond of Donghae being in another relationship.

“What the hell, Donghae? How long it was since you broke up with Sora? Three months? I see your hearts heals pretty quick.” Donghae knew it wasn't a good idea to say that three months aren't such a small amount of time. He also knew that telling Hyukjae that it was them both who decided to end his relationship with Sora and not only him wouldn't lead to anything good.

“But you see, she needs me. She's very sensitive.” Was the only answer he was capable of.

“Oh, of course. That's obvious she won't be heartbroken when you will finally decide it's time to break up with her. Such a nice guy you are to give her those little hopes.” The sarcasm in his tone was radiating. Donghae felt as if a knife was pushed into him. There were many moments when Hyukjae wanted to kill him, but know he was really afraid about himself. If the look could kill he would be frying in hell right now for sure.

“Hey, you don't know that much of me, okay? Don't act mean, I know you're mad at me, because I used to be your sister's boyfriend, but you see, she doesn't mind my relationship with Sunye. So I don't see a reason for you to hate me, okay? Anyway, Sunye is a really friendly girl, I bet you'll get along with her.” He tried to calm Hyukjae down so he won't be mad at him anymore, though it didn't seem to work as the latter glared at him.

“I don't need to meet that girlfriend of yours. I'm just disappointed that it took you so little of time to already get over Sora. Right now I'm going to my room and I suggest you should leave now. If you are so serious about your new girlfriend, I guess you should spend some time with her to get along.” Hyukjae didn't even wait for Donghae's reply as he left to his room.

Donghae didn't even look at Sora when she came with a pack of chips. She offered him some, but he didn't want any.

The days went on and Donghae didn't spend much time anymore at the Lee's house. Even though he still was rather close with Sora, her brother seemed to be still mad at him. He understood that much.

His relationship with Sunye was really good. He always managed to pull off a good boyfriend image. The girl was really easy to get along with and he found himself wanting to know her more. He always was like this. Being in a relationship seemed so easy. You just are more lovey-dovey and all. It never was a problem for him to fall in love. Or was it love? He always thought it was, because if not that, then what else?

He really cared for the others. He cared so much it sometimes hurt. He wanted others to be happy, he didn't want to just play with their feelings. But in the end, he wasn't able to please everyone. No matter how hard he tried, there always was someone not satisfied with his acts. Always.

Sunye was a great girl. She cared for him so much. It was nice being together with her. Even though he sometimes ended up questioning his feelings, he didn't want to disappoint her. He was trying hard to make her happy and it seemed to work. But just sometimes, he had this feeling that it wasn't enough. That there was something important missing. He quickly stopped those thoughts as they wouldn't result with anything good.

Albeit at first it wasn't great, he again started to spend more time with Hyukjae. After three months of his relationship with Sunye, Hyukjae seemed to finally take him seriously. He was somewhat proud that he was able to prove the blonde wrong.

So, when he started to feel uneasy with Sunye, he ignored all the negative thoughts. He was sad as it happened again. He lost it.

Always, when he starts a relationship with someone, he's so sure of his feelings. They are strong and he cares so much for the other person. But with time, the love fades away. In the end he's not able to love anyone. Every single time, he ended up disappointing others.

He tried really hard, but no matter what he did, the feelings didn't come back. Anyway, this time he decided to try harder. Sunye was a really amazing girl. That, plus he honestly didn't want to confirm Hyukjae's predictions about their relationship not lasting too long. Not now, when the latter finally admitted he judged Donghae wrong.

“You probably just had the find the right girl. Good for you you've met Sunye” He smiled at him as they talked a little, waiting for Sora in front of a shop. Donghae bumped into them at the streets and he agreed to spend some time together with them.

“Yeah, I guess. She's really great.” He felt uneasy. He wasn't entirely lying to Hyukjae, as Sunye was the most perfect girl he had met, but still the uneasiness wouldn't leave him.

It always surprised him how close he became with Hyukjae, but he didn't really mind. It was fine talking with the latter. When they first got to know each other, they only argued about Donghae's relationship with Sora, but after a while they realized there were many common things they liked.

Donghae was lost. He found himself sitting in his room, thinking what he should do. He didn't know. His phone vibrated as he saw a new message from Sunye.

Can we meet today? ^^ “ It said. Cute, he thought. H quickly replied, saying it was okay. He didn't want to meet Sunye. He didn't want to face her. But he had to.

Seeing her so happy made him feel like crying. He was so mad at himself. How come he didn't love that sweet girl? How come his heart didn't flutter at just the sight of her? He was the worst. Why, in the first place, he started that relationship? He thought that with time, everything will be okay.

He again misunderstood his own feelings. His heart didn't flutter at the sight of Sunye. He liked being with her, but he didn't love her. It was too late anyway – she was already so mad in love with him. What he had done? He knew he couldn't just break her heart.

When he heard the door knocking, he quickly went to greet his girlfriend. When they were already in his room, she asked if everything's okay. She was really smart. Even though he was smiling like mad at spinning her around, she knew something was off.

He just smiled blankly.

“Everything perfect, my love” He replied cheesily. He just wanted her to focus on something else. Anything.

But in the end, Sunye know something was wrong. He played along all the time, but when it was late, she cupped Donghae's face and looked seriously at him.

“Hey” she said “I know something bothering you. It's okay if you can't tell me, though. I just... want you to know, that I'm always there for you. So, don't worry to much, alright? I really wish I could help you, but I won't push you. You just look... troubled. I don't like it, okay? I love you.” She said, tracing her thumbs along his cheeks.

“Alright” He said, smiling a little at her “Thank you, you're the best.” She returned the smile and kissed hi softly.

If you only knew what I'm worried about... I'm so sorry. I really am the worst, am I not?



You probably don't even remember this story now. I'm just having a really hard writer's block. I had to delete this chapter and write it from the start even though I had almost half of it, because I didn't know how to continue. So sad.

The gifs were meant as a present for 100 subs, but then someone unsubbed... and someone else as well... Well, I can't really blame you. Sorry guuuys ; - ;

Yesung... Nothing much to say... Anyway.

gifs not mine

hope you enjoyed. plz comment & subscribe :).



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AAH I MISS THIS STORY ; ~; i wanna update but idk what


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yekung #1
Chapter 7: Update soon!!!
eastcandle90 #2
Chapter 7: i want to know hae's feeling too.....
Chapter 7: wonder about what hykkie's really feel about hae >w<
Chapter 7: I'm so curious I'm so curious I'm so curious~~~ Nyaaaa . xDD #Crazygirl...
MissPauline #5
Chapter 7: Hyuk is slowly falling :) well it's just a little crush for now !
Wonder what Hae feel :p
hyukish #6
Chapter 7: hyukjae is just curious as curious as monkey george .___.

mmm i would really like to know how their relationship would be like
EmiliaH33 #7
Chapter 7: I like the fact that their relationship is going too fast. They've only become good friends and I think that falling in love takes time :) but I can't wait to read what Donghae thinks ^^ please update soon!
Chapter 6: your comment "it will be EunHae someday" :c oh Gosh if you stop updating like last time then I guess Someday won't ever come T.T and that's sad, since I guess they have to develop feelings for each other which will take time *sighs* good story tho, anticipating next chapter :3