Breakups are so typical of me


Donghae cried himself to sleep. It became a habit now. How come he ruined something that was meant to be perfect? He wasn't able to admit that he didn't want to be with Sunye anymore. Three days left to their four months anniversary. The feeling building up inside him wouldn't fade away. He didn't love her anymore. It never was love. How come?


He didn't want to break up with her or something. But he knew that with time he wouldn't be able to runaway from it anymore. Relationship needs love and he didn't have any.


Hurting Sunye would never make him happy. But suffering to carry on their relationship started to be too hard for him. He hated breaking up with others. But he couldn't help it. It just happened. No matter how much effort he would put into his actions, it never was enough.




Their four month anniversary went smooth. They went on a quite romantic date. After that, Donghae came back home and lied in his bed lifelessly. Tears started gathering in the corner of his eyes.


His phone vibrated and he received a message from Hyukjae asking how their date went. “Perfect =^o^=” he answered. He felt bad for lying to the latter. But he did that just so the latter wouldn't hate him anymore.


But then again, was he really lying? It was true that their relationship was good. It was just that he didn't love Sunye. It wasn't such a big deal, right? He bitterly smiled to himself. Of course it isn't. He thought. Who would mind my broken heart anyway.



Spending more times with Hyukjae nowadays, he also got some time alone with Sora. Even though after their break up they couldn't go on like normal friends, they still were pretty close to each other. The awkwardness was already gone and they enjoyed their time together.


Donghae could fool Hyukjae and Sunye, but with Sora it was different. She always understood him the best. Just a little gesture was enough for her to know something was wrong.


Sora was able to understand. Hyukjae would just yell at him, but Sora would listened. He knew it. Still, he couldn't bring himself to talk with her. He was afraid. He screwed again.


“Alright, Donghae. Enough with it. Just tell your cute little best friend Sora what happened, alright?” Sora, annoyed with Donghae's emo act, finally decided it's time for some confession. She couldn't watch him suffer so much. “I know my Hyukkie baby is oblivious to many things, but I ain't stupid. What is going on in your head lately, Hae?” Even though she acted like a teacher scolding a child, her voice was soft.


“It's nothing really. I just... heh.” Donghae smiled sheepishly. How would he even say it? “You know, I just realized I don't certainly love Sunye. Like, you know, I don't think I can carry on this relationship anymore. It's nothing really, right? Just me being a stupid jerk, like always. Haha.”


“Something with Sunye, right?” The look on Donghae's face was enough for her “Right. What exactly are you upset with, Donghae?”


“Myself” He really was. Why couldn't love be more easy?


“You mean... You did something, perhaps, bad to her? Like, cheated or anything?” Sora's voice was a bit unsure.


“W-What?! Of course not! I mean... I wouldn't... She's too nice.” He ended helplessly.


“So, what is the problem?”


“I... Well. I don't think I have feelings for her anymore. Actually, I had never felt anything towards her. No love. Just friendship. Like with you... Like with everyone else.”


“Oh... and that's all?” The calm expression on the girl's face surprised him.


“Huh? Yes?” He didn't exactly know what he was expecting from her, but... definitely not that.


“I see. I thought it was something worse, really. You scared me, idiot!”




“You know” her face softened “It's not like you ever promised to forever stay with her. From the very beginning she knew you're with her just because she wants you to. You don't need to be so upset with yourself, Hae. That's okay.” She grabbed his hand, reassuring him that he had done nothing wrong.


They spend some more time together. Sora was gently Donghae's hair all the time. She knew he didn't want to hurt anyone. It just... happened. He always wanted to fall in love, but he never really did. He tried his very best to make his partners happy, but he just couldn't push himself to have bigger feelings for them. Nothing, just friendship. No love. Ever.




The days went on and Sora knew Donghae needed to figure out what to do with Sunye. Hurting her was the last thing he wanted. But was there any other way to end their relationship?


Also, Hyukjae somehow needed to know. After all, him and Donghae were kind of friends. Despite all the yelling and arguing, they seemed to be comfortable with each other.


Donghae was thankful to Sora. If it wasn't for her, he would probably again do something stupid. Just like always. He too wanted to tell Hyukjae, but again he was too afraid of losing to him. In the end, the blonde was exactly right. He was not able to pull off a normal relationship.



It started when Donghae was staying at the Lee's house some weekend. It was already four and a half month since he started going out with Sunye.


“Donghae, is everything alright?” Hyukjae asked, as the brunette was staring blankly at the TV, while Sora was getting the food from the kitchen.


“Um? I guess? Why do you ask, though?” He wasn't ready for that talk. Not at all.


“You seem off lately. Is there some problem? Maybe something with Sunye?” Hyukjae asked worriedly.


“I... I...” He didn't know what to say. How to start? Should he just say what's been bothering him lately or maybe do some introduction? Like, “You know, lately I thought over many things and I got to the conclusion...”


“What are you guys talking about?” It was Sora who stopped his train of thoughts.


“About what Donghae is upset about” Hyukjae replied.


“Oh, he doesn't love Sunye” She answered nonchalantly.


Donghae felt as if his whole world turned upside down. Did Sora really say that? Did Hyukjae really heard her?


“Oh, really? I see” Was Hyukjae's answer. Donghae just stared at him.


“What?” The blond snapped after a while.


“You're not going to... yell at me? Or say what a bastard I am for breaking the poor girl's heart? Or.. anything expect saying that Oh, really? I see so cooly? Like, what happened to you?” He was not prepared for that. Like, seriously? Why was he even afraid in the first place?


“Well, it's not like I expected your relationship to last long. Still, you did your best, didn't you? It wasn't hard to see you were suffering, Donghae. I am kinda proud of you. In a way.” Donghae registered every word Hyukjae said, but he wasn't really sure he understood him right.


“But now” Hyukjae continued “You need to nicely inform Sunye about it. I don't allow you to hurt her, just so you know. I don't know her much, but if she was able to put up with you, then seriously she needs to be an angel. Just like my lovely Sora noona” He smiled to the girl, hugging her fondly.


“Yah, Hyukkie! Enough with the affection. But he's right, Donghae.” Her attention was back at the brunette “I'm sure Sunye will understand, but please don't make her suffer.”




Only then Donghae was able to understand what a good friends Sora and Hyukjae are. He expected them to be mad at him, but not only they weren't angry, they also wanted to help him. Maybe Hyukjae wasn't wrong about this whole angel thing.


Sunye was an understanding girl. He knew that. But when he decided to talk with her, he knew she was a little too understanding.


He would probably never get an answer, but deep inside his heart, he was thankful to Sora and Hyukjae for that. When he asked them if they talked with his ex-girlfriend earlier, they denied. But the knowing look on Sunye's face when he looked miserably at her made him suspicious. Even though, he decided not to ask further.


Their break up went smooth, just like everything else in their relationship. Some unsure looks, some sincere words about Sunye getting a better man in the future and everything was over.


Again, Donghae's heart fooled him. He thought what he felt for her would evolve in love with time, but it never happened.


Having a little break from relationships sounded good to him. He needed time to think about everything. He would spend it with friends and for one time, he wouldn't care for others feelings for him.




Soon it was the holiday time. Two months passed since Donghae broke up with Sunye. He felt great. Refreshed.


That was until one of his close friends started to be more intimate with him.


He didn't want to push himself into any relationship, but with her it went pretty naturally. They were always close and now they just went on the next level. Still, they weren't a couple, but it was just a matter of time.


He expected some kind of support from Sora. He definitely didn't expected what he received.


“What the hell, Donghae? I thought you're over it?” She screamed at him, obviously annoyed.


“Why are you so mad? I like her, okay!” Why she couldn't understand?


“Yeah, just like any other girl you liked, right?! What the hell is wrong with you, seriously?!” She was beyond mad.


Donghae couldn't understand. She supported him, right? So why now she was so worked up?


“Well, I thought I could trust you, Sora! Seems I was wrong. Sorry for taking your time, angel.” As they was in her home, he quickly left and went home. He didn't know if he wanted to shout or cry. Too many feelings were filling him.


Back at the Lee's house, Sora was sitting on the couch, staring at the window. How could she tell Donghae that she expected him to be with someone else?


How could she tell him that Hyukjae was alone for too long now?



Huh Sora, you're worked up over such a small thing, loosen up a bit, will you?





Alright, so. It feels great to write again! I forgot how good it feels to receive all this love from you ; - ;

Too many feels, seriously.


And sorry that I reply to every single one of your comments, but I'm just too happy to receive them ; - ;

Just ignore me ; - ;

EunHae's making a little progress, alright? It's just... not that shown... Okay?


Comment & Subscribe babes :3

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AAH I MISS THIS STORY ; ~; i wanna update but idk what


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yekung #1
Chapter 7: Update soon!!!
eastcandle90 #2
Chapter 7: i want to know hae's feeling too.....
Chapter 7: wonder about what hykkie's really feel about hae >w<
Chapter 7: I'm so curious I'm so curious I'm so curious~~~ Nyaaaa . xDD #Crazygirl...
MissPauline #5
Chapter 7: Hyuk is slowly falling :) well it's just a little crush for now !
Wonder what Hae feel :p
hyukish #6
Chapter 7: hyukjae is just curious as curious as monkey george .___.

mmm i would really like to know how their relationship would be like
EmiliaH33 #7
Chapter 7: I like the fact that their relationship is going too fast. They've only become good friends and I think that falling in love takes time :) but I can't wait to read what Donghae thinks ^^ please update soon!
Chapter 6: your comment "it will be EunHae someday" :c oh Gosh if you stop updating like last time then I guess Someday won't ever come T.T and that's sad, since I guess they have to develop feelings for each other which will take time *sighs* good story tho, anticipating next chapter :3