Breakups are so typical of me


“I heard Donghae broke up with Sora”

“I don’t understand him, she’s a beautiful girl”

“I bet it’s because of some new hot chick he met”

“He’s such a playboy”


At that moment Donghae felt like killing any of his so called friends. They annoyed him like hell. Why every single person he knows must talk about his love life as if it was the best topic in the world? Why they couldn’t ask him about something else, for example his passion for dancing or just anything that was not about his past girlfriends.
Everyone thought he’s a playboy, just because he had good look and was quite popular with girls. Hell, even if he was a playboy, that doesn’t make him a bad person, alright? He really cared for every single girl he was with. Or boy. That happened few times, but Donghae decided he’s not comfortable with some other guy commenting on his . He knew he was y and all but that was just… Anyway, his last break up was the main topic of all the gossips now. Everyone seemed to forget how long their relationship last and how Donghae was a sweet, caring boyfriend.
Now, in everyone’s eyes, he was a bad guy who broke Sora’s heart. As if it was true. She didn’t even care about him now. Well, their relationship wasn’t bad or something, but they just realized it didn’t lead to anything. They didn’t love each other and it was a decision made by them both. So, after all, Donghae wasn’t that bad. But no one really cared about the truth, they just wanted to busy themselves with gossiping about “Prince Lee Donghae”. Prince my , Donghae thought.

After a week of their official break up, Donghae visited Sora at her house. Her brother gave him a weird look and the latter decided to ignore him. Even though it was hard when the blonde was staring at him so intensively it was surprising he didn’t kill him with his look. In the end Donghae just had to say something.

"Are you done staring?" he asked rather rudely.

"Well, no. I'm wondering how a guy like you could broke up with my sister. I mean, now that she don't have anything to do, she's bothering me instead of you. " the latter answered, as if he was blaming the brunette for his sister’s behavior "Anyway, why are you here? I thought you’re not a couple anymore?"

"Yeah, that’s right, but that doesn’t mean we can’t see each other, right? We’re still friends" Donghae tried to be nice, but it was really hard.

"Oh, so you’re in that kind of relationship… I mean, you’re gonna be together again in a week, no?" the brunnete tried everything to prevent himself from jumping on the annoying blonde.

"FYI, no, we’re not gonna be in a relationship anymore, thanks for asking. Mind to tell me where’s Sora? We want to do homework together" he himself was surprised that he managed to say that all oh so nicely.

"Homework, of course…" the guy started to say, but when he saw brunette’s glare, he decided to drop that topic "She’s in her room… I guess you know where’s that" he winked at Donghae.

Before brunette could jump on him, Sora appeared on the stairs. Reluctantly, he stepped into her direction. He sent the last glare to blonde, who was now standing in front of the fridge with milk in his hand. He only smiled innocently to Donghae.
Sora, when she saw this, decided to drag Donghae to her bedroom. It was better then having two guys fighting in their house. Not to mention, one was her brother and other - best friend.

"So... I see things between you and Hyuk aren't the best?" Sora started, trying not to annoy Donghae even more.

"As you see. Seriously, do you need to have a stupid brother like this? No wonder he doesn't have a girlfriend yet" the brunette said, sitting on her bed.

"Oh, actually he's gay" she said, not sure what to expect.

"I see... Wait, what?! You never told me that! He could me when I was sleeping over here!" Donghae started to panic.

"Don't need to worry, I don't think he has some interest in you" that seemed to calm the other down, even though he wasn’t sure if he should be happy or disappointed. After all, he was y and Hyukjae was gay, at least he should admit he’s somehow handsome, right? Donghae thought it’s better to not worry about that matter, anyway he didn’t care about Hyukjae’s taste in men.

When they both finished their homework, Hyukjae came with a plate of strawberries. He announced he’d better eat them all himself, but their mom asked him to be nice to his sister and her friend. So, being a good son he is, he gave them the strawberries. Donghae just snorted at him, but when the blonde left the room he eventually ate the fruits. They were really tasty.

Sora just observed the latter, trying hard not to laugh. There was already a plan growing in her head. Hyukjae was gay. Donghae was single. Donghae plus Hyukjae equals…? Well, she still wasn’t sure about the score. She rather wanted her ex boyfriend to be with her brother then some cheap girl. All of them threw themselves on the brunette as if they were dogs and Donghae was some kind of meat. It annoyed Sora and even though she herself wasn’t a good match for the brunette, who knows, maybe Hyukjae was?

When it was time for Donghae to leave, he decided to tease his friend’s brother a little. Hyukjae was sitting at living room, watching some tv show. He was so into the show, he didn’t even realize when the brunette made his way to the sofa he was sitting on. On the table in front of him there was a plate of chocolate cookies. Donghae was standing behind Hyukjae, and when the latter was busy laughing at the man in TV, he quickly took the cookies away. Hyukjae’s reaction was fast.

"Yah! What you’re doing?! Those are mine!" he tried to take cookies from the latter.

"Hmm, it isn’t written anywhere? So I guess I’ll just eat them…" he said with a teasing voice

"Yah! There is my name on them! Give them back and I’ll show you.

"As if I would believe you."

"Whatever, just give them back!" the latter pouted, not trying to fight anymore. He wanted his cookies, they were damn tasty.

"Beg for them" Donghae said with an amused smile.

"Pfft! I don’t need them anymore. I’ll just eat something else" he made his way to the kitchen, even though he was still pouting.

That’s when Sora appeared, telling Donghae that he can leave now. She was quite surprised to see Donghae with a plate of cookies, and said that if he wanted to eat something, he should just asked. The latter only shrugged. As he was leaving, he gave the blonde the last amused smile. Hyukjae could only pout again, since now he was eating cupcakes. He decided it's cupcakes are more important than Donghae, so he tried not to be provoked by the latter. He didn't want to lose any more foods. He liked his food.


Ok, well, so whatcha think?

Idk when I update again, but anyway, please comment & subscribe. And thanks to everyone who already did it, love you so so much! *hugs*

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AAH I MISS THIS STORY ; ~; i wanna update but idk what


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yekung #1
Chapter 7: Update soon!!!
eastcandle90 #2
Chapter 7: i want to know hae's feeling too.....
Chapter 7: wonder about what hykkie's really feel about hae >w<
Chapter 7: I'm so curious I'm so curious I'm so curious~~~ Nyaaaa . xDD #Crazygirl...
MissPauline #5
Chapter 7: Hyuk is slowly falling :) well it's just a little crush for now !
Wonder what Hae feel :p
hyukish #6
Chapter 7: hyukjae is just curious as curious as monkey george .___.

mmm i would really like to know how their relationship would be like
EmiliaH33 #7
Chapter 7: I like the fact that their relationship is going too fast. They've only become good friends and I think that falling in love takes time :) but I can't wait to read what Donghae thinks ^^ please update soon!
Chapter 6: your comment "it will be EunHae someday" :c oh Gosh if you stop updating like last time then I guess Someday won't ever come T.T and that's sad, since I guess they have to develop feelings for each other which will take time *sighs* good story tho, anticipating next chapter :3