Chap. 56

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Its been two days and shinhye tried to avoid yonghwa, she insisted of going alone whenever

there are tourist that needs to be toured. Yonghwa is bothered by her action but decided to let

her be, he thinks she might wanted to be alone for a while. Well girls are so unpredictable at

times. In the office, shinhye burried herself in the documentation, bookings and so on just to

maximize her time in the office. “yonghwa ssi, is shinhye ssi alright? She’s been acting like

that since two days ago.” Mrs. Go asked. “I dont know but maybe she just wants to be like

that for awhile so let’s not bother her. She might get pissed at me if I go to ask her.” Yonghwa

said eyeing the busy shinhye. “actually, it seems like she’s avoiding you” Mrs. Go said as a

whisper, “ay, its not like that Mrs. Go. She could be so workaholic at times but she’s alright.

I’ve seen her like this before” yonghwa said fixing the documents scattered in his desk. “when

was that?” Mrs. Go asked. “when she’s trying to forget her feelings to her bestfriend”

yonghwa replied unattentively. “she works hard when something is bothering her heart, is

what i see here” Mrs. Go said, yonghwa stopped typing his report and glaze at shinhye and he

looked up to Mrs. Go who is standing beside him. “you should  ask her dont you think?” Mrs.

Go said.




“this is the report you are asking Ma’am Jung” “kamsamida Detective Changmin” changmin

bowed. “have you found the whereabouts of my bestfriend?” changmin nod. “she died not to

long ago, she lived near the country side with her only daughter.” Changmin said. Ma’am

Jung looked up. “bwo? She had a daughter? She did get married?” “apparently ma’am jung,

she just lived with her daughter away from her family. They didnt want the kid so Han min

jeong raised her on her own.” Changmin reported. Haelmoni furrowed her brows, “her

daughter also died at a young age but she got her own family. She got a son,” changmin

continued. Haelmoni browse on the files in her hand and her eyes widen. “yes ma’am jung,

Mr. Jung is the father of Han min jeong’s daughter. Your son tried to pursue to help  his sister

but she declined. Instead she moved and by then, your son didnt know where to find her. “

ma’am jung flipped on to the next page and gasp, “I know this kid, he is my staff’s friend”

Ma’am jung said “Kim Jae joong, he is currently

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Wendy-1977 #1
Ow ...nice reading yongshin story🤗😍
Chapter 17: Yoochun lack patience
Chapter 1: Funny duo siblings
bgaspar23 #4
Chapter 19: Team chaebol!💖💖💖
rubyani #5
Chapter 85: Wooww so so sweet proposal..... awesone ♥♥♥
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Chapter 47: Yonghwa ya... fighting.... team chaebol is here kkkkk ^_^ ^_^
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Chapter 19: Smooth move... but nice.... slowly but sure....^_^ ^_^ chaebol here ♥♥♥
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Chapter 16: Aahh yonghwa ya you have to make a good really good strategy ... to win her heart ^_^
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Chapter 7: -Yonghwa ya what are you doing?? I guess that girl is shinhye right?? ^_^ ^_^
alfinina #10
Chapter 23: Your story is so sweeeeeet. I feel sorry to myself for finding you this late. Thanks btw. Saranghae, authornim... ^^