
Summer Camp with Exo-M

When Luhan, Tao and Lay returned the room still had traces of sand and mud, but otherwise you got your clothes organized, and clean.

You explained to them the initiation thing and they nodded, since they've been here before, it hasn't happened to them but they heard about it.

Tomorrow would be the first game, or competition. You couldn't remember what it was because you were forgetful at times. You just hoped for the best, before going to sleep you checked your email once more. The camp sent out another email, now showing your partners.

You were partners with some guy, named Lee Sung Yeol. He has an interesting name, you scrolled through the email, there wasn't any description of the person besides he would be number 27. *Great so I have to look for a guy with the number 27 stuck onto him?*

It also said you had to stick the placard on your back to when you got there. You sighed inwardly and Tao heard you.

"What's up?" He propped his face up with his arms.

"I don't know who my partner is, I basically have to search for him tomorrow" You groaned revealing your lazy side.

"My partner is some guy I think, the name is Kim Sung Gyu" He kicked his feet against the wall.

"Maybe you can find him more easily, you're tall" You blew a raspberry then buried your face into the pillow.

"Miyoun!" Luhan bursted in the cabin and leapt on your bed. You kicked him off immediately and he landed on the floor with a thump.

"Owie. Why did you kick me?" Luhan rubbed his and kneeled on the floor.

"This is my bed, not yours. That one is yours " You pointed to your bed, then to his. He made grumbling noises and crawled up to his bed.

"I'm going to sleep now, silence is wanted little ones" You called out before turning to face the wall.

"Night Miyoun!" They called back and Lay just whispered.


"Attention everyone! Please find your partners quickly then we will start in an hour or so! Thank you for participating" Jaehyun boomed into his microphone.

"Aish where is Sungyeol?" You groaned scanning the crowds for the number 27. You saw many other numbers, but not 27.

*You know what forget this* You looked for Kris, you saw his tall blond figure and you weaved through the crowd.

"Kris, help me" You poked his back.

"With what?" He asked not paying much attention to him. He was looking for his own partner.

"Do you see a number 27 anywhere?" You shouted.

"Do you know anyone named Bang Cheolyong" He said.

"Yeah that's my friend, he likes to be called Mir, and he has blonde hair, and I think he's wearing glasses.


"Speaking of number 27, it's some tall guy, he has black hair and I saw him walking over there" Kris pointed to his right, you thanked him and ran off in search of Sungyeol.

After some searching your bumped into the back of a lean lanky figure. You mutter a sorry and about to walk away when the person calls your name

"Miyoun?" He sees your number card.

"Oh hey, I guess you're Sungyeol?" You ask.

"Yup! I hope we can work well together and win!" He flashed you his gummy smile. He stuck out his hand to shake yours. It was hard not to smile with him, he seemed so bubbly.

You shook his hand, "Let's do out best!" 


"Come on Yeol! Climb the hill! Use your never ending legs!" You cheered as Sungyeol climbed the rock wall. After he would climb up and get back down, it would be your turn.

"Shut up MiYoun! I got this!" He jeered back. The very little time you spent with him, you two decided to be comfortable and not awkward.

"Go Sungyeol!" You cheered and clapped your hands. You saw your friends in a different divisions. You saw Tao with a feminine looking guy, or girl paddling against Kris and Mir.

Luhan was with some girl, he looked uncomfortable and was against Eunmi and Chen. * to be Luhan* There were other people playing a lot of other games but you couldn't recognize anyone else.

"Go! It's your turn!" He cupped his mouth and shouted back. You were already geared up and started climbing the wall.

You reached for each rock with expertise, but had some trouble finding your footing. Sungyeol cheered for you, but you were slightly behind the girl next to you, you frowned to yourself then sped up. You competitive edge kicked in, and you climbed the wall like a monkey high on bananas. Climbing up the wall with a new pace, the girl to your left gaped at you and almost lost her footing. Her partner seemed upset and shouted at her.

You beat the girl and jumped up cheering. The instructor announced you two the winners for your division and you gave Sungyeol a hi five. He engulfed you in a friendly hug and jumped up and down.

"Nice game Sungyeol!"

"You too, I didn't think you were sporty" Sungyeol grinned showing his gummy smile.

"Tch as people say, don't judge a book by its cover" You stuck your tongue out at him.

"Did you sign up for any other games? I would like if we were partners again" Sungyeol asked you.

"Well I signed up for everything but games involving water, I can't really swim" You sheepishly admit.

"Oh it's alright, not everyone can be great at everything" Sungyeol patted your back.



"Winners of every division, please meet at the auditorium for another game" A voice from the sound system boomed, you presumed it was Jaehyun, the crazy camp leader.

"She can't swim? How perfect now we know her weakness" Sookjo chuckled to herself than ran off to spread the news to her close friends.

You and Sungyeol walked side by side, chatting the whole way to the auditorium.

There was a lot less people, only about 30 people were left.

"Attention, may I have your attention" Jaehyun tapped the mic.

"Yes you may" A voice said, obviously being smartass.

"Anyways, besides that snarky comment, I would like to say the people in here did the best today and I'm going to let you in on a secret."

"The secret is, you guys get an advantage for the next round, and also there's a game now" He clapped to himself. People groaned, although you were silent and listened.

"Who wants to play the pepero game?" He clapped his hands. Some people were slightly confused why he would want to play the pepero game.

"You just play with your partner for the day" He said.

Instead of anyone volunteering, everyone just looked around awkwardly.

"Come on now, the point of this is to make new friends, now someone come up before I choose someone" He smiled eyeing the crowd. At that moment, you made eye contact with him. **

You look away immediately, but he points you out in the crowd.

"Oh feisty girl come here" He points and you and you hide behind Sungyeol.

"Excuse me Sungyeol, but I think your partner doesn't want to come up here" Jaehyun read out his placard.

"Oh Miyoun?" As soon as Sungyeol says your name you punch him in the back, which emits a squeak from him.

"Aish, don't tell him my name" You whisper.

"Tell him your name? But I just did" He said out loud. You clamped your hand over his mouth and hushed him. By now everyone in the room is looking at you. You wave awkwardly and have no choice but to participate in the ridiculous pepero game.

Jaehyun pats a chair and you sit on it, pissed off. Sungyeol sits on the other chair awkwardly, feeling guilty that it was his fault.

"You do know this game is for couples right?" You raise your brow at the camp leader, Jaehyun. He absentmindedly nods and hands you a stick of pepero. You sigh and take it between your lips and scoot towards Sungyeol.

He takes the other end in his mouth and starts nibbling on it. Jaehyun starts chanting and you mentally face palm yourself. *How much weirder can this guy get?* You asked yourself.

Sungyeol wiggles him eyebrows in a weird manner and you slightly smile and go along with it, as you take small bites. The stick ends up being a lot shorter than your expectation and your noses touch. 

"Ok I think that's good enough" Jaehyun interrupts by pushing your faces away. You look at him with a strange look and Sungyeol has the rest of the pepero in his mouth. Sungyeol's face is slightly flushed, you wrinkle your eyebrows in confusion but quickly brush it off.

Jaehyun handed his hand out and Sungyeol spit in his hand, you stifled a laugh and you two went back into the crowd. As soon as you were far away your burst out in laughter.

"What's so funny?" Sungyeol asked.

"You spit in his hand" You laughed harder.

"Aren't I supposed to?" He asked getting slightly confused.

"Yeah but, still you had the leftover in your mouth but you still spit it in his hand" You ceased laughing but still smiled.

Meanwhile Jaehyun was getting a few more couples, after a while people just started leaving. You left with Sungyeol since you didn't know what else to do.

"Well I'm going this way, see you some other time" Sungyeol waved to you and walked to the left. You went back to your cabin and opened the door.

Luhan was face down on his bunk, Lay and Tao were on the floor playing cards.

"How were your games today?" You plopped yourself on your bed.

"Terrible, this girl wouldn't let me go. She kept trying to get my attention even when she was supposed to help me row" Luhan whined loudly.

"Sunggyu was nice, he let me call him hyung. He's a pretty great athlete too!" Tao cheered.

"Uh I don't remember my partner's name, but he had black hair, and uhm a chin, and two eyes." Lay vaguely explained.

"Ok I get it, he's a guy obviously" You stopped him.

"I wonder how Eunmi's game went." You said out loud.

"She was with some really big guy, he kept hitting on her and Chen looked pissed off" Tao snickered. Your eyebrows raised, *of course she would get hit on, she's so pretty.*

"I'm going to see Eunmi, see you later" You saluted hopping off your bed, and ran out the door.

"EUNMI!" You banged on the door madly, as though your life depended on it.

The door creaked open and Chen's head popped out.

"Hello there" He waved awkwardly. You slip inside the cabin and leap for Eunmi.

"Eunmi! How was your game?" You smile knowingly and wink. Eunmi looked at you for a second before realizing. 

"It was so fun, this cute guy was my partner! He had the coolest looking hair and then he helped me when I fell, he was soo romantic" She stretched out the story.

"That sounds fun" You faked a overjoyed expression.

"What about you?" She asked back.

"I had a good partner, we worked well together and scaled the rock wall in a pinch" You wiggled a victory dance.

Chen on the other hand, he was on his bed fuming and Kris and Xiumin were off in their own world, shouting random things in Chinese.

"I hope that I get good looking guys for the rest of this summer" Eunmi squealed in an over exaggerated way and wriggled around like a fish out of water.

The door shut with a loud bang and you and Eunmi both looked up surprised. Both Kris and Xiumin were still in the room, which means it was Chen who stormed out.

"Well he looks upset" Xiumin chortled then rolled out on his bed.

"Yeah, stupid Koreans" Kris chuckled to himself, which resulted a slap from Xiumin.

"I'll go after the fool" Eunmi volunteered and left you alone in the room.

"Well, uhm nice seeing your guys see ya!" You darted out after her but ran to your room instead.



"Chen! Ack stop freaking walking so fast! I'm going to tr-" Eunmi didn't get to finish her sentence because the ground just happened to attack her right in the face.

"Oof" She grunts as her knees and hands meet the ground.

Chen stopped walking for a second and he spun around. He saw Eunmi on the floor and immediately ran to her aid.

"You're so clumsy, how could you fall like that?" He scolded her.

"Sheesh get off me, I was trying to ask you something but you ran away like a stupid chicken" She grumbles as Chen helps her to her feet.

"Well it's not like I love to be in the room when you fantasize about other guys" He scoffed.

"Why, I bet you do love to fantasize about other guys around guys, it's just so much fun" She sarcastically coughed.

"I bet you like to fantasize about practically any guy" Chen said in a challenging tone.

"Nope I just love to fake it around guys who interest me" Eunmi shot back taking a wobbly step closer.



BWOHOHOOHHOHOOHOOO cliff hanger biaches. LOL jk none of you are biaches, if anything I am because I fail to update when I plan to..

Tomorrow I'll put out another chapter because I promised a double update when I hit 55 subscribers.

Comment replies~

Sammiii LOL the twins, are just random people, not the jo twins if any of you think that...

Koalas LOL screw assault, she signed up for this and it was her fault for not reading for it clearly. LOL puahha, I really love you sometimes, I see you in my other fics and and it makes me happy that I have someone who would read all my fics :D

HearMeThroughMusic I love the Jo twins too much, I wouldn't be able to handle them being abused and parts of hair chopped away..

TaeMinhoOppa Those biacchhes, need to go k a .. LOL


Pic spam!

Since these pictures are ginormous... I'll just leave it as this.

Please you guys, continue to support me, I really feel enthusiastic when I know people actually like reading this. I really appreciate the amount of comments I get and hope you guys put up with my strange updating schedule. I hope you guys also go to the MAMA awards and vote for whoever you want. If you like B.A.P. better or EXO I don't care I love them both. I just wish they both could win things. Maybe B.A.P could get great performance or something and EXO kind of need the rookie award, because if they don't get it... omg it would be sad considering almost or all SM artists got it.. Anyways, besides the polls and such vote for whoever.. Just continue to love them all!

Leave a comment? Or maybe vote up my story? Whichever whatever you do, I would gladly appreciate it.

leebyungie out~

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I said I would comeback when EXO had their comeback... I CAN DO THIS GUYS!


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Chapter 19: okey...i just logged on after i was just grounded for a half a year and u tell me you might delete this? nonononononoonon just take your time writing please pleaseeeeeee with a baekhyun on top? im sure you'll think of something ^.^ fighting!
Chapter 18: Hehehe...
So Funny~
Lulu he's best in soccer of Exo-M
Update Soon~
Chapter 18: EunMi liking KyungSoo??
What about Chen Chen?
Chapter 17: "Tall creepy one named chanyeol...short baekhyun... Grandpa suho, and owl eyes d.o" omg u never fail to crack me up tooooo funny. i am dissapointed in you! i didnt go on aff for a month and u only one chapter! hmp! jk jk lol and sorry I can't vote up ur story... I don't have 100 karma yet, but I'm almost there!
Chapter 17: on the "Abusive Tao" picture, I didn't notice that it was a guy he was hitting lol, I thought he was hitting a girl that had a towel wrapped around her hair and her hair was up lol

The story is amazing so far :) Can't wait for the next time they meet.
Chapter 17: Awwweee. EXO k are such dorks. thank you go updatinggg!!