
Summer Camp with Exo-M

When you opened the door on the floor was Eunmi. She was tied up, and was coated in sand and mud. In the room were two masked people. Your belongings were strewn across the floor.They were average size guys, not much taller than 170cm or so. You shouted and tackled the first one out of impulse. 

"Guys! Grab the other one!" You shouted trying to pin the person down. The person underneath you shouted in a strange raspy voice and tried to break free from your grasp. Giving the person a swift kick to the thigh, they grunted when your foot made impact.

"We got the other person!" Mir shouted out after head locking the person and Joon sitting on the person's thighs. Thunder was trying to pull the mask off. When he pulled it off, a shout was emitted right before revealing the person's identity.

To your surprise the guy was extremely good looking, he had sharp eyes, a small nose and thin lips.

You struggled to pull off the person you tackled and you called Thunder to help you. He jerked the fabric and pulled it off, revealing the person underneath had the same identical face as the other person.

"Twins?!" Joon shouts and goes to untie Eunmi.

"You jerk, I might not know who the hell you are, but since you touched my cousin I'm going to make sure you regret it every second of your puny despicable life!" You spat at the guy.

"Ok I'm going to ask you a simple question, if you get it wrong, I'm shaving your head." Joon threatened at the guy, who was now underneath Joon's massive . Joon was sitting on his back and the guy was face down on the floor.

"Ack you're so heavy" The guy underneath Joon groaned.

"What color is my underwear!" Joon shrieks like a little girl.

"How the hell am I suppose-"

"Ok bye bye hair" Joon said. "Hand me the scissors Thunder" Joon extended his hand and Thunder gave him the scissors he got from under your bunk.

Joon smirked evilly and started to cut the guys red hair. He cut randomly leaving bald patches, he cut off his long fringe then left the back long.

"Youn! Catch!" He tossed you the scissors.

"Why would I need scissors?" You scoffed pressing the guy's face into the floor. You made sure that he couldn't escape from your grasp.

"Ack not my face!" He groaned.

"Eunmi, please tell me what happened." You calmly said as though you weren't disfiguring someone's face at the same moment.

"Well I walk in here, thinking you were here and these guys were going through your stuff, so I'm about to bolt out when they grab me and tie me up. But I just don't understand why they covered me in sand, and mud. Like seriously YOU RUINED MY CLOTHES!" She shouts the very last part and kicks the guys in his sides.

She shook her clothes and clumps of the mud and sand land on them. She gives them another kick before huffing out of the room.

"Remind me to never get you or your cousin mad." Mir laughed.


"SO boys, names or we can just drag you to the office and turn you in, personally I think that would be easier don't you?" You glanced back and forth between the guys.

"Ugh let's just bring them to the front office, who cares who the hell they are" Joon groaned lifting the guy up.

"Wait, we can explain" The guy underneath Joon says muffled.

"Let's go twinnie number one and two." You roughly yanked the guy up by his collar and grabbed his arms and tied his wrists together with one of your scarves laying on the floor.

"Let's go princess," You pushed him through the door his wrists still tied.

When he set foot out the door he tried making a run for it and you chased after him, since his wrists were tied up, you jumped and kicked his back.  He fell on the floor with a grunt and you lifted him back up by his collar.

"Jeez how stupid can you get?" You grumbled and pushed him to the office. Joon and Thunder were behind you and Mir walked with you.

Reaching the office you opened the door then you asked to speak with a counselor or someone of that sort. The lady glanced up at the strange looking boys with patchy hair, she stifles a laugh and reaches the phone and calls someone. You wait impatiently tapping your foot giving the twins glares.

In less than five minutes you see the Jaehyun guy come out.

"Hello how may I-" He looks up and sees the twins, then bursts out laughing.

"So I guess you met my nephews? You sure gave them a piece of your mind" He laughs still not paying any attention to you trying to speak.

"Excuse me, but they were caught in MY room, they went my stuff around and my cousin Eunmi was tied up and covered in muck when I walked in." You sneer sending a glare at the twins. They shuffle further away from you towards the wall.

"Sorry about that, it's part of our initiation" Jaehyun laughs.

"Are you serious? They messed up my room and I almost killed them for a stupid initiation" You quoted the air at the word initiation.

"Yeah!" Mir shouts. You shoot him a look and he laughs awkwardly then gets quiet.

"Sorry, we do this to every other new camper here, you just happened to be unlucky, but I see you're feisty, that will get you far in the games. Tata for now" He chuckles and walks away before you get to say anything else.

"Just because that was some initiation junk, don't think I wont remember your faces" You hiss at the twins pointing at each of them.

"Considered yourself warned, and DO NOT touch my cousin or you're dead. Arraso?" You ask. The twins refused to look you in the eye and you shout.

"HEY! Listen to me when I speak to you!"

They nod quickly and you walk away still pissed off. Thunder, Joon and Mir follow you trying to calm you down to the best of their abilities.

*Just what type of camp it this?!* You stalk off back to your now gross cabin to start cleaning. *How the hell am I supposed to explain this mess to the guys?*

You inwardly groan and start to clean the mess left by the so called initiation.


Sorry for such the long wait, I went to badminton yesterday from 5:30 to around 9:00 so I was pooped. I hope this satisfies you guys. I'm really sorry for the terrible lack of updating.

Comment replies~

Sammiii Sorry that you have to wait for your lame author 3 hehe

EXOtic4eva This idea actually came to me while I was camping, and I was thinking I wonder what the heck would EXO do if they were camping. Thanks for thinking this is a good story.

Koalas Well this was the interesting sight... as you can see this isn't what you call a normal camp...

Lolala85 It's beautiful more like awkkwarrrddd.... lol

HearMeThroughMusic LOLOL, When I saw this comment I bursted out laughing, maybe this might happen.. no jk or not.. but well I hope this was super unexpected. :D

mini pic spam.. or not...

Luhan, you are 22 be mature.... LOLOL

Forever children..

Tao loves you all and yeah.. haha

I'm still feeling pretty bad for not updating often enough :/ I'll do my best to be more consistent... I love you guys, please comment so I can get your feedback, thank you to all who have subscribed and the ones who aren't afraid to comment :D The reason I updated all three today was because today, was my co-author's birthday. Go stalk her profile and give her a birthday note, or belated birthday note, it don't matter.

leebyungiee out~


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I said I would comeback when EXO had their comeback... I CAN DO THIS GUYS!


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Chapter 19: okey...i just logged on after i was just grounded for a half a year and u tell me you might delete this? nonononononoonon just take your time writing please pleaseeeeeee with a baekhyun on top? im sure you'll think of something ^.^ fighting!
Chapter 18: Hehehe...
So Funny~
Lulu he's best in soccer of Exo-M
Update Soon~
Chapter 18: EunMi liking KyungSoo??
What about Chen Chen?
Chapter 17: "Tall creepy one named chanyeol...short baekhyun... Grandpa suho, and owl eyes d.o" omg u never fail to crack me up tooooo funny. i am dissapointed in you! i didnt go on aff for a month and u only one chapter! hmp! jk jk lol and sorry I can't vote up ur story... I don't have 100 karma yet, but I'm almost there!
Chapter 17: on the "Abusive Tao" picture, I didn't notice that it was a guy he was hitting lol, I thought he was hitting a girl that had a towel wrapped around her hair and her hair was up lol

The story is amazing so far :) Can't wait for the next time they meet.
Chapter 17: Awwweee. EXO k are such dorks. thank you go updatinggg!!