The Explanation

Finding Unexpected Love

Lee Min Ho

Why did I do that? I hate seeing her sad. I made a promise the first say we met that I keep her from crying. What good does it do if I make her cry? I need to tell her... She's even wearing the necklace from four years ago. If I do tell her, she'll hate me, but then she will understand... I get up and start to walk in the direction she stomped off in.

"Which way did she go?" I mumble while looking left and right. "Ah, I know, the library." I head towards the direction of the library and as I turn the corner I see you walk right into someone. Choi Minho comes into view, and I stay behind the corner. I peek over and he's holding her face, saying something inaudible. She shrugs him off and starts to walk past him. He grabs her wrist and pulls her close. He buries his face in her hair, saying something. At that moment I can't take anymore. It's my fault that she's in his arms and not mine. I feel like such a fool. I turn away and see Taemin holding Mi Nyu's hand. Both look at me with worry.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" Taemin asks while trying to look over my shoulder. I block his view and scoot him back a few feet.

"Nothing, what make's you think there is something wrong?" I ask while walking away.

Taemin tks. "Your eyes are watering.." I look away and a tear rolls down.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it." I say while wiping the tear off. I storm off in the opposite direction.

"Hyung," he grabs my wrist. "Is it you?" I glare at him, ripping my wrist from his grasp. I whip around and start to walk away.

"Hyu-" Taemin starts.

 I cut him off, "She doesn't remember me!" My nostrils flare. "If only I had the courage to tell her! She wouldn't be hugging Minho!" two more tears roll down, "She doesn't even remember what her first love looks like!"

"Hyu-" Taemin starts again.

"What?" I answer quickly. He points behind me and I keep myself from turning around, hoping it's not you.

"I would have at least thought... she would recognize me if I became famous..." I say while looking down. I walk past Taemin and Mi Nyu with fresh tears pouring down my face.


My first love?.... Lee Min Ho?.... No.. It can't be him... How could he be so tall? But then again.. I always felt like I knew Lee Min Ho personally...

"Noona?" I snap back to the present.

"Yes.. Taemin?" I ask quietly.

" Do you remember hyung?" he asks softly. I feel the tears well up.

"I do. I remember." A tear falls. Mi Nyu looks more confused then Taemin.

"What did he mean,' first love'? Your first love was..... and he.. moved away..." Mi Nyu trails off, nodding knowingly.

"Yes, he moved away without even telling me. One day, I went to his house and he was gone. It was four years ago. The day of my.... birthday." I say.

"And he didn't call himself  'Lee' Min Ho.." Mi Nyu says softly. I touch the pendant around my neck.

4 Years Ago - No One's POV

"Hey! you!" he waved at her. She smiled and ran over to him.

"Park Min Ho!" she exclaimed while hugging him tightly.

"I told you, just call me Minho," he said with a smile. He was holding something in his hands in his jacket pockets, but you didn't notice.

"Do you remember what day it is tomorrow?" he asked while pulling her off his waist. She just shook her head with a confused expression.

"Tomorrow, is your 15th birthday," he laughs knowingly, revealing a wrapped box.

"Why a day early?" she asked with curiosity.

He looked around uneasily. " Because I just couldn't wait anymore.."

She unwrapped the box and lifted the lid. Inside was a blue pendant the color of the ocean. He took it and put it around her neck.

"If you're ever sad, just touch the charm on the necklace and you will feel better, because that will remind you that I'm here for you," he said with a smile.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. His face flushed a bright pink.

"This is the best present ever, I'm never going to take it off," she said, tears welling up.

The next day, she arrived at Minho's house, wanting to hang out with him on her special day. She found that it was completely empty. She searched for him in every place she thought he could be. Being the middle of December, it was cold and rainy; even so, she searched all night but never found him. She reached home and collapsed at her front door.  By the time her mom found her, her face was slightly blue, her skin as freezing as the night. She was taken to the hospital. That was her last memory of Minho.


I clench my teeth to keep the tears from coming down, "I swore to never forgive him, even if he came back..." I mumble to myself.

Taemin looks up. "But Noona, he was crying... and he's done so much for you.." that comment hurt.

"What? What has he done for me? He left me without any notice, and it was on the day of my birthday. And then he comes back after four years and thinks it just okay to toy with me? He doesn't have the right to cry!" I yell, my voice cracking, tears streaming down my face.

Why? Why did you come back?



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Hey all you people that are still subscribed to me and this story! Im going to be updating soon! I'm sorry its been so long D:


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shuulover #1
Justmaili #2
Chapter 18: Aww authornim having the username in the place of our POV… i fangirled everytime mines was used >_< the stiry was a great read! *thumbs up*
brightelena #3
Thats my username xD
The story is great :)
Lol 4th fanfic with my name in it seriously what is going on? XD
minimindy #5
Chapter 2: did you set this so it does the reader's username??
Chapter 18: Yay! I loved this story! XDDD Lee min ho is fantastic and I love him so much!
DarkMave #7
Chapter 18: I was reading it
DarkMave #8
Chapter 17: Please finish I love it.
Gujunhye #9
Please please update soon♡♡