Chapter 2

Paper Rose


“Look, it's the leader of the three migiteers.” Tora laughed. "Where's the rest of your little friends? Or are you alone again?” he asked as he pulled up a chair to Nao's desk.

“What's with the third degree, why do you even care?” Kai intervened putting his stuff on his desk.

“I know.” Reita says excitedly joining in the fun. “Tora just wants to know why the little bear is still friends with people who take advantage of his kindness right?”

“Leave me alone would ya.” Nao snapped

“Awe is poor Nao-bear upset?” Reita teased while patting him on the head.

“Hey! Knock it off.” he whined as he swatted the hand away.

“Alright everyone take your seats, it's time to begin class.”

~ ~ ~
“Ruki c'mon what are we doing here?”

“I thought you would enjoy the fresh air.” Ruki replied “Or would you prefer to be in that stuffy old room?”

“Fine but we could have told Nao, then he could have joined us instead...mphf.”

“Shhh.” Ruki stopped Hiroto by placing his hand over the brunette's mouth. “We're not alone, look.” Removing his hand Ruki nodded his head in the direction of a boy lying asleep ahead of them.

~ ~ ~

“Man am I glad class is over.” Reita yawned. “Think we should find Shou now?”

“Mmmmm probably.” Tora replied lifting his head off his desk and stretching “ I'll see you around lil' Nao-Bear.” He said with a wink.

Flushing a light pink, Nao fumbled with his books as he was getting ready for lunch.

~ ~ ~

“Ruki, stop poking him!” Hiroto hissed.

“Why? I'm not hurting him, and he's sound asleep so what are you so worried about?”

“Well What have we here?” Reita asked walking up as if he was cued.

Hiroto bolted up standing straight as a board, while Ruki lazily looked at Reita ready to poke again.

“Looks like a couple of lost kittens to me.” Tora commented as he and Kai stood behind Reita. “You should really listen to your friend here blondie.” He added patting Hiroto's shoulder “For once he's right.”

Looking from his friend to the three behind him Ruki slowly moved his hand closer to the sleeping boy.

“Are you really that stupid?” Reita said with a hint of disbelief.

“There is a difference between stupidity and curiosity band-aid face.” Ruki replied calmly. “And in your case that's a very fine line.”

“You wanna say that again.” Reita growled knocking Hiroto down as he moved closer to Ruki grabbing a fist full of his shirt.

The tension on the roof grew as Reita glared at the blonde in his grasp who still had that lazy look in his eyes which only pissed him off more. Hiroto had broken his fall with his hands and he sat examining them not paying any attention to what was going on in front of him. Tora stood relaxed watching the events unfold while Kai couldn't decide whether to help the small brunette Reita so effortlessly knocked over, or his friend in Reita's grasp.

“Let him go Reita.” a calm voice broke the silence, the five boys were startled by the presence of the sleeping boy that they had all forgot about. “You didn't even realize you knocked this little guy down did you?” Shou added as he made his way to the brunette.

“And here I thought you were gonna sleep through the entire event.” Tora snickered.

“Who could sleep with all the racket you three make. You alright?” He asked as he kneeled in front of Hiroto.

Hiroto mumbled a fine as he hid his face behind the fringe of his hair. Noticing his movements to stand Shou grabbed the brunette’s upper arm to help him stand, causing Hitoto to blush even more.

“C'mon, lets go find Nao. I'm sure he's nice and worried now.” Ruki said approaching Hiroto, who nodded in agreement and they both walked to the door.

“Bye bye little kitten!” Shou hollered after the two.

“.....You were never really asleep were you?” Tora asked with an eyebrow raise in suspicion.

As a smile broke on his lips Shou replied. “How else was I supposed to get the little guy to come near me. I saw them and decided to play a little.




Thanks for reading comments are appriciated.

 ...and Remember No smoking and No flash photography 

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MishaRen #1
Chapter 12: I didn't know there were alice nine fanfics on AFF! I'm n love with this story. No lie
Chapter 12: I like where this is going, but poor Hiroto needss some lovin'. Get your in gear, Shou!
Chapter 12: Aww Yay....wait.....what a tease in the opening!!! XD And I don't know what happened on that rooftop, but it seems I randomly showed up!!! I was stalking them....sorry.
Chapter 11: I love this story! I hope you come back to it!
Chapter 11: Ha ha it weird I really enjoyed Byo picking on Hiro? Wah......this story has come a long way. Will wait for ch 12 patiently. BTW.....I was the customer in the cate yelling "Fight Fight! Kiss Kiss!" XD
deathberry015 #6
Chapter 11: Love your story! *(Impatiently)Waiting on update!*
Mmmm I like the new adjustments. Keep it up!!!
Ganbare!!! I still love this story, so kepp going!!! Don't stop no matter how long it takes!!! XP